Encapsulation of the functionality for determining the scsi device type in a 
new function
for reusability and moving the function and its dependencies
to Qemuserver/Drive.qm for a better overview

Signed-off-by: Hannes Duerr <h.du...@proxmox.com>
 PVE/QemuServer.pm       | 87 ++-----------------------------------
 PVE/QemuServer/Drive.pm | 95 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PVE/QemuServer.pm b/PVE/QemuServer.pm
index dbcd568..9a83021 100644
--- a/PVE/QemuServer.pm
+++ b/PVE/QemuServer.pm
@@ -1339,66 +1339,6 @@ sub pve_verify_hotplug_features {
     die "unable to parse hotplug option\n";
-sub scsi_inquiry {
-    my($fh, $noerr) = @_;
-    my $SG_IO = 0x2285;
-    my $SG_GET_VERSION_NUM = 0x2282;
-    my $versionbuf = "\x00" x 8;
-    my $ret = ioctl($fh, $SG_GET_VERSION_NUM, $versionbuf);
-    if (!$ret) {
-       die "scsi ioctl SG_GET_VERSION_NUM failoed - $!\n" if !$noerr;
-       return;
-    }
-    my $version = unpack("I", $versionbuf);
-    if ($version < 30000) {
-       die "scsi generic interface too old\n"  if !$noerr;
-       return;
-    }
-    my $buf = "\x00" x 36;
-    my $sensebuf = "\x00" x 8;
-    my $cmd = pack("C x3 C x1", 0x12, 36);
-    # see /usr/include/scsi/sg.h
-    my $sg_io_hdr_t = "i i C C s I P P P I I i P C C C C S S i I I";
-    my $packet = pack(
-       $sg_io_hdr_t, ord('S'), -3, length($cmd), length($sensebuf), 0, 
length($buf), $buf, $cmd, $sensebuf, 6000
-    );
-    $ret = ioctl($fh, $SG_IO, $packet);
-    if (!$ret) {
-       die "scsi ioctl SG_IO failed - $!\n" if !$noerr;
-       return;
-    }
-    my @res = unpack($sg_io_hdr_t, $packet);
-    if ($res[17] || $res[18]) {
-       die "scsi ioctl SG_IO status error - $!\n" if !$noerr;
-       return;
-    }
-    my $res = {};
-    $res->@{qw(type removable vendor product revision)} = unpack("C C x6 A8 
A16 A4", $buf);
-    $res->{removable} = $res->{removable} & 128 ? 1 : 0;
-    $res->{type} &= 0x1F;
-    return $res;
-sub path_is_scsi {
-    my ($path) = @_;
-    my $fh = IO::File->new("+<$path") || return;
-    my $res = scsi_inquiry($fh, 1);
-    close($fh);
-    return $res;
 sub print_tabletdevice_full {
     my ($conf, $arch) = @_;
@@ -1443,31 +1383,10 @@ sub print_drivedevice_full {
        my ($maxdev, $controller, $controller_prefix) = scsihw_infos($conf, 
        my $unit = $drive->{index} % $maxdev;
-       my $devicetype = 'hd';
-       my $path = '';
-       if (drive_is_cdrom($drive)) {
-           $devicetype = 'cd';
-       } else {
-           if ($drive->{file} =~ m|^/|) {
-               $path = $drive->{file};
-               if (my $info = path_is_scsi($path)) {
-                   if ($info->{type} == 0 && $drive->{scsiblock}) {
-                       $devicetype = 'block';
-                   } elsif ($info->{type} == 1) { # tape
-                       $devicetype = 'generic';
-                   }
-               }
-           } else {
-                $path = PVE::Storage::path($storecfg, $drive->{file});
-           }
-           # for compatibility only, we prefer scsi-hd (#2408, #2355, #2380)
-           my $version = extract_version($machine_type, kvm_user_version());
-           if ($path =~ m/^iscsi\:\/\// &&
-              !min_version($version, 4, 1)) {
-               $devicetype = 'generic';
-           }
-       }
+       my $machine_version = extract_version($machine_type, 
+       my $devicetype  = PVE::QemuServer::Drive::get_scsi_devicetype(
+           $drive, $storecfg, $machine_version);
        if (!$conf->{scsihw} || $conf->{scsihw} =~ m/^lsi/ || $conf->{scsihw} 
eq 'pvscsi') {
            $device = 
diff --git a/PVE/QemuServer/Drive.pm b/PVE/QemuServer/Drive.pm
index e24ba12..7056daa 100644
--- a/PVE/QemuServer/Drive.pm
+++ b/PVE/QemuServer/Drive.pm
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ is_valid_drivename
@@ -760,4 +761,98 @@ sub resolve_first_disk {
+sub scsi_inquiry {
+    my($fh, $noerr) = @_;
+    my $SG_IO = 0x2285;
+    my $SG_GET_VERSION_NUM = 0x2282;
+    my $versionbuf = "\x00" x 8;
+    my $ret = ioctl($fh, $SG_GET_VERSION_NUM, $versionbuf);
+    if (!$ret) {
+       die "scsi ioctl SG_GET_VERSION_NUM failoed - $!\n" if !$noerr;
+       return;
+    }
+    my $version = unpack("I", $versionbuf);
+    if ($version < 30000) {
+       die "scsi generic interface too old\n"  if !$noerr;
+       return;
+    }
+    my $buf = "\x00" x 36;
+    my $sensebuf = "\x00" x 8;
+    my $cmd = pack("C x3 C x1", 0x12, 36);
+    # see /usr/include/scsi/sg.h
+    my $sg_io_hdr_t = "i i C C s I P P P I I i P C C C C S S i I I";
+    my $packet = pack(
+       $sg_io_hdr_t, ord('S'), -3, length($cmd), length($sensebuf), 0, 
length($buf), $buf, $cmd, $sensebuf, 6000
+    );
+    $ret = ioctl($fh, $SG_IO, $packet);
+    if (!$ret) {
+       die "scsi ioctl SG_IO failed - $!\n" if !$noerr;
+       return;
+    }
+    my @res = unpack($sg_io_hdr_t, $packet);
+    if ($res[17] || $res[18]) {
+       die "scsi ioctl SG_IO status error - $!\n" if !$noerr;
+       return;
+    }
+    my $res = {};
+    $res->@{qw(type removable vendor product revision)} = unpack("C C x6 A8 
A16 A4", $buf);
+    $res->{removable} = $res->{removable} & 128 ? 1 : 0;
+    $res->{type} &= 0x1F;
+    return $res;
+sub path_is_scsi {
+    my ($path) = @_;
+    my $fh = IO::File->new("+<$path") || return;
+    my $res = scsi_inquiry($fh, 1);
+    close($fh);
+    return $res;
+sub get_scsi_devicetype {
+    my ($drive, $storecfg, $machine_version) = @_;
+    my $devicetype = 'hd';
+    my $path = '';
+    if (drive_is_cdrom($drive)) {
+       $devicetype = 'cd';
+    } else {
+       if ($drive->{file} =~ m|^/|) {
+           $path = $drive->{file};
+           if (my $info = path_is_scsi($path)) {
+               if ($info->{type} == 0 && $drive->{scsiblock}) {
+                   $devicetype = 'block';
+               } elsif ($info->{type} == 1) { # tape
+                   $devicetype = 'generic';
+               }
+           }
+       } elsif ($drive->{file} =~ m/local-lvm:/){
+           # special syntax cannot be parsed to path
+           $path = "local-lvm";
+       } else {
+           $path = PVE::Storage::path($storecfg, $drive->{file});
+       }
+       # for compatibility only, we prefer scsi-hd (#2408, #2355, #2380)
+       if ($path =~ m/^iscsi\:\/\// &&
+          !min_version($machine_version, 4, 1)) {
+           $devicetype = 'generic';
+       }
+    }
+    return $devicetype;

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