by using the delegate function of ExtJS' tooltips on the global
Workspace element and using the proper css selectors

this way, we can limit the tooltips to the non-full ones
(in contrast to using data-qtip on the element, which would
always be show, even for tags with the 'full' style)

Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <>
changes from v1:
* changed the style to show the tag in full form as tooltip, instead of
  just the text

i did not found any harsh performance impact, the browser performance
info was very similar as without it (aside from natural jitter, etc. and the
callbacks on the actual tag display ofc)

 www/css/ext6-pve.css      | 10 ++++++++++
 www/manager6/Workspace.js | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 39 insertions(+)

diff --git a/www/css/ext6-pve.css b/www/css/ext6-pve.css
index 105adc45..782c9044 100644
--- a/www/css/ext6-pve.css
+++ b/www/css/ext6-pve.css
@@ -726,3 +726,13 @@ table.osds td:first-of-type {
 .proxmox-tag-fieldset.proxmox-tags-full .x-component.x-column {
     margin: 2px;
+/* we have to override some styles for the tag tooltips,
+ * otherwise extjs styling interferes */
+.pmx-tag-tooltip {
+    background-color: transparent;
+.pmx-tag-tooltip .proxmox-tags-full > span {
+    margin: 0px;
diff --git a/www/manager6/Workspace.js b/www/manager6/Workspace.js
index 18d574b7..6e465f8d 100644
--- a/www/manager6/Workspace.js
+++ b/www/manager6/Workspace.js
@@ -526,6 +526,35 @@ Ext.define('PVE.StdWorkspace', {
                modalWindows.forEach(win => win.alignTo(me, 'c-c'));
+       let tagSelectors = [];
+       ['circle', 'dense'].forEach((style) => {
+           ['dark', 'light'].forEach((variant) => {
+               tagSelectors.push(`.proxmox-tags-${style} 
+           });
+       });
+       Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', {
+           target: me.el,
+           delegate: tagSelectors.join(', '),
+           trackMouse: true,
+           renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
+           border: 0,
+           minWidth: 0,
+           padding: 0,
+           bodyBorder: 0,
+           bodyPadding: 0,
+           dismissDelay: 0,
+           userCls: 'pmx-tag-tooltip',
+           shadow: false,
+           listeners: {
+               beforeshow: function(tip) {
+                   let tag = Ext.htmlEncode(tip.triggerElement.innerHTML);
+                   let tagEl = Proxmox.Utils.getTagElement(tag, 
+                   tip.update(`<span 
+               },
+           },
+       });

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