On 11/6/23 17:31, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
Am 15/06/2023 um 10:08 schrieb Dominik Csapak:
this field has a fixed height, which is too tall for the create wizard,
and one cannot see the last entry when scrolling all the way down.

to fix this, make it 20px shorter

was still broken in the german translation, as that takes up more space in
a label higher up in the panel.

Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <d.csa...@proxmox.com>
alternatively we could also increase the height in the create wizard

I went for that route for now, increasing that from 510 to 540 (4:3 ratio
to width).


the optimal solution would be to improve the layouting in our
wizard/inputpanel altogether so that it automatically gets the right
height, but that is a non-trivial rework there. imho this should work
fine as a stopgap fix for now

just out of interest, could setting a flex+maxHeight for the extra-flags
also have been an option?

AFAICS there is no way to do that. The columns in an inputpanel
are an 'anchor' layout, and I could not set it so that it would
take the remaining height of the panel. But theoretically yes,
if we could make it 'flex' height + a maxHeight for the non wizard case
this would also work. (possibly with my mentioned rework of the input panel 

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