Am 06.11.23 um 10:34 schrieb Dominik Csapak:
> On 11/6/23 10:22, Fiona Ebner wrote:
>> Am 03.11.23 um 12:53 schrieb Dominik Csapak:
>>> +my $defaultData = {
>>> +    propertyList => {
>>> +    type => { description => 'Profile type.' },
>>> +    id => {
>>> +        type => 'string',
>>> +        description => "The ID of the profile.",
>>> +        format => 'pve-configid',
>>> +    },
>> The ID is usually not a property AFAIK. Doesn't this lead to duplication
>> when writing the section config, i.e.
>> type: <ID>
>>     id <ID>
>> ? Do we gain anything by having it be a property?
> mhm? the id has to be part of the properties, otherwise
> the generated api with 'createSchema' etc. would not include it.
> (it isn't always named id, e.g. in the storage plugins
> it's 'storage')

I was just reminded of [0], where it could lead to that situation. Would
need to check if that patch still applies, because since then
Jobs/ has been added.

But somebody needs to filter the 'storage' property, right? Isn't that
property actually superfluous?


root@pve8a1 ~ # pvesm set pbsenc --storage foobar
root@pve8a1 ~ # pvesm add dir foo --storage bar --path /var/lib/vz
root@pve8a1 ~ # grep bar /etc/pve/storage.cfg
1 root@pve8a1 ~ #


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