if a base-image is to be migrated to a lvm-thin storage, a new
vm-image is allocated on the target side, then the data is written
and afterwards the image is converted to a base-image

Signed-off-by: Hannes Duerr <h.du...@proxmox.com>

In the bugtracker wolfgang suggested two different approaches. In my
opinion this approach is the cleaner one, but please let me know what
you think

 src/PVE/Storage/LvmThinPlugin.pm | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 65 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/PVE/Storage/LvmThinPlugin.pm b/src/PVE/Storage/LvmThinPlugin.pm
index 1d2e37c..4579d47 100644
--- a/src/PVE/Storage/LvmThinPlugin.pm
+++ b/src/PVE/Storage/LvmThinPlugin.pm
@@ -383,6 +383,71 @@ sub volume_has_feature {
     return undef;
+sub volume_import {
+    my ($class, $scfg, $storeid, $fh, $volname, $format, $snapshot, 
$base_snapshot, $with_snapshots, $allow_rename) = @_;
+    die "volume import format $format not available for $class\n"
+       if $format ne 'raw+size';
+    die "cannot import volumes together with their snapshots in $class\n"
+       if $with_snapshots;
+    die "cannot import an incremental stream in $class\n" if 
+    my ($vtype, $name, $vmid, $basename, $basevmid, $isBase, $file_format) =
+       $class->parse_volname($volname);
+    die "cannot import format $format into a file of format $file_format\n"
+       if $file_format ne 'raw';
+    my $vg = $scfg->{vgname};
+    my $lvs = PVE::Storage::LVMPlugin::lvm_list_volumes($vg);
+    if ($lvs->{$vg}->{$volname}) {
+       die "volume $vg/$volname already exists\n" if !$allow_rename;
+       warn "volume $vg/$volname already exists - importing with a different 
+       $name = undef;
+    }
+    my ($size) = PVE::Storage::Plugin::read_common_header($fh);
+    $size = int($size/1024);
+    # Request new vm-name which is needed for the import
+    if ($isBase) {
+       my $newvmname = $class->find_free_diskname($storeid, $scfg, $vmid);
+       $name = $newvmname;
+       $volname = $newvmname;
+    }
+    eval {
+       my $allocname = $class->alloc_image($storeid, $scfg, $vmid, 'raw', 
$name, $size);
+       my $oldname = $volname;
+       $volname = $allocname;
+       if (defined($name) && $allocname ne $oldname) {
+           die "internal error: unexpected allocated name: '$allocname' != 
+       }
+       my $file = $class->path($scfg, $volname, $storeid)
+           or die "internal error: failed to get path to newly allocated 
volume $volname\n";
+       $class->volume_import_write($fh, $file);
+    };
+    if (my $err = $@) {
+       my $cleanup_worker = eval { $class->free_image($storeid, $scfg, 
$volname, 0) };
+       warn $@ if $@;
+       if ($cleanup_worker) {
+           my $rpcenv = PVE::RPCEnvironment::get();
+           my $authuser = $rpcenv->get_user();
+           $rpcenv->fork_worker('imgdel', undef, $authuser, $cleanup_worker);
+       }
+       die $err;
+    }
+    if ($isBase) {
+       my $newbasename = $class->create_base($storeid, $scfg, $volname);
+       $volname=$newbasename;
+    }
+    return "$storeid:$volname";
 # used in LVMPlugin->volume_import
 sub volume_import_write {
     my ($class, $input_fh, $output_file) = @_;

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