On 9/27/23 10:33, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
> Am 27/09/2023 um 10:03 schrieb Philipp Hufnagl:
>>> There are code paths where $filename is not yet defined here, resulting
>>> in a rather ugly warning – so this needs upfront checking too – always
>>> check where the value code path is coming in (yeah, Rust would do that for
>>> you, but most API endpoints are small enough to be able to do so quickly 
>>> also manually)
>> I will make a new patch resolving this issue. While I am on it, I see
>> what I can resolve on the other issues.
> FYI, I have a pretty much done patch for this already here, so if
> you did not have anything (close to) already finished, I could push
> that out – just mentioning to avoid potential duplicate work.

I have nothing close. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for

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