Le mardi 26 septembre 2023 à 13:20 +0200, Stefan Hanreich a écrit : > On 9/20/23 23:48, DERUMIER, Alexandre wrote: > > Finally, It's not so easy without writing ip on proxmox side (in vm > > config or somewhere else), because to retrieve a reserved ip from > > external ipam when vm start, we need to lookup maybe from mac > > address, > > maybe from hostname of the vm, or maybe some custom attributes, but > > not > > all ipams accept same attributes. > > > > (at least phpipam && netbox don't support all features, or not > > easyly. > > Netbox for example, for macaddress need to register the full vm > > object > > && interfaces + mac + mapping to ip, Phpipam is a single ip object > > with mac as attribute). > > Yes, I think so as well. It also would make us dependent on external > systems, which might not always be up and would create an additional > hurdle for setting things up. Having our own solution for this seems > preferable imo. We can still provide integrations with netbox / > phpipam > so they can take over from our small IPAM if they implement the > features > we need. > > I'll take a closer look at netbox, since I was under the impression > that > they should support this - although it's been awhile since I played > around with it. Not sure about phpIPAM, but I wasn't too stoked on > using > it anyway after browsing their source code for a bit. > > > So I think the best way is still to write the ip into the vm > > config, > > this allow to inject already reserved ip in dhcp at vm > > start/migrate > > without need to call the ipam (also avoid start problem is ipam > > server > > is down). > > > > and this allow to use it for firewall ipfilter, I see a usecase for > > sdn > > vxlan too or special /32 route injection) > > > > Yes, I think so as well, although we would need to take care of > proper > synchronization between Configs and IPAM. If this diverges for > whatever > reason we will run into trouble. Of course, this *should* never > happen > when properly implemented. > > Another option I thought about would be storing a VMID -> IP mapping > in > the (pve) IPAM itself. This would have the upside of having a > centralized storage and single source of truth without having to > maintain two different locations where we store the IP. > > Though it would also be a bit more intransparent to the user if we > don't > expose it somewhere in the UI. > > This would have the downside that starting VMs is an issue when the > IPAM > is down. While using the pve IPAM in a cluster (or a single node) I > can > see this being alright, since you need quorum to start a VM. As long > as > you have a quorate cluster the pve IPAM *should* be available as > well. > > In the case of using phpIPAM or netbox this is an issue we would need > to > think about. > Yes, this is my main concern, as it'll be my case in production, as I managing multiple clusters, on differents location, with subnets sharing.
for me, it's ok if ipam is down when allocating a new ip or vm. But for vm start/stop, I think we should have at minimum some cache somewhere. (I'm think about a disaster recovery or big network problem, where you want to fast restart all vms without need to call the ipam). Maybe a way, could be to use the local pve ipam, as a local mirror of the external ipam ? (and don't store ip in vm config, but only in pve ipam, the source of truth) vm with ipam=auto, external ipam is configured: - if (ip_exist(pve_ipam)) { return ip } elsif (ip_exist(external_ipam)) { return ip } else { ip = findnextfreeip(external_ipam) sync_pve_ipam(ip) return ip } I have see this in vmware or openstack/opennebula with external ipam, I don't remember exactly. > > I just need some protections for snapshot, but nothing too > > difficult, > > but we really need to avoid to try to manage in ipam multiple > > version/snapshot of ip entry for a vm. > > I had tried 2years ago, it was really painful to handle this in > > differents ipam. > > So maybe the best way is to forbid to change ip address when a > > snapshot > > already exist. > > Yes, it might be just the best way to check on restore if the IP is > the > same or at least currently available and otherwise just get a new IP > from IPAM automatically (maybe with a warning). > > On the other hand, this should not be an issue when storing the VMID > -> > IP mapping centralized somewhere, since we then can just rely on the > IP > being stored there. Of course this would exclude the DHCP/IP setting > from the snapshot which can be good or bad I'd say (depending on the > use > case). > > > I think we could implement ipam call like: > > > > > > create vm or add a new nic --> > > ----------------------------- > > qm create ... -net0 > > bridge=vnet,....,ip=(auto||dynamic),ip6=(..) > > > > > > auto : search a free ip in ipam. write the ip address in net0: > > ...,ip= > > ip field > > > > check if ip is free in ipam && register ip in ipam. > > write > > the ip in ip field. > > > > > > dynamic: write "ephemeral" in net0: ....,ip=ephemeral (This is a > > dynamic ip registered at vm start, and release at vm stop) > > Sounds good to me. > > > > > vm start > > --------- > > - if ip=ephemeral, find && register a free ip in ipam, write it in > > vm > > net0: ...,ip=[E] . (maybe with a special flag [E] to > > indicate it's ephemeral) > > - read ip from vm config && inject in dhcp > > Maybe we can even get away with setting the IP in the DHCP config as > soon as we set it in the VM configuration, as long as it is not > ephemeral, thus avoiding the need for having to do it while starting > VMs? > > > vm_stop > > ------- > > if ip is ephemeral (netX: ip=[E]), delete ip from > > ipam, > > set ip=ephemeral in vm config > > > > > > vm_destroy or nic remove/unplug > > ------------------------- > > if netX: ...,ip= , remove ip from ipam > > > > > > > > nic update when vm is running: > > ------------------------------ > > if ip is defined : netX: ip=, we don't allow bridge > > change > > or ip change, as vm is not notified about theses changes, and still > > use > > old ip. > > > > We can allow nic hot-unplug && hotplug. (guest os will remove the > > ip on > > nic removal, and will call dhcp again on nic hotplug) > > Yes, I think so as well. Maybe we could give the option to change the > IP > together with a forced reboot and a warning like 'When changing the > IP > this VM will get rebooted' as a quality of life feature? > > > > > nic hotplug with ip=auto: > > ------------------------- > > > > --> add nic in pending state ----> find ip in ipam && write it in > > pending ---> do the hotplug in qemu. > > > > We need to handle the config revert to remove ip from ipam if the > > nic > > hotplug is blocked in pending state(I never see this case until os > > don't have pci_hotplug module loaded, but it's better to be > > carefull ) > > > > Yes - defensive programming is always good! > > > The ipam modules (internal pve, phpipam,netbox) are already for > > this, I > > think it shouldn't be too difficult. > > > > dnsmasq seem to have a reservation file option, where we can > > dynamically add ip-mac without need to reload it. > > > > I'll try it, re-using your current dnsmasq patches. > > Since you want to take a shot at implementing it, is there anything I > could help you with? I'd have some resources now for taking a shot at > this as well. > I'm a bit busy currently on other stuff and I would like to finish them first. So if you have a little bit time to work on this, it could be great :) I have send some patches in 2021 for ipam integration in qemu/lxc, if you want to take some inspiration. (without the ip in the vm config, it should be a lot easier) > It would also be interesting to improve and add some features to our > built-in IPAM, maybe even add the VMID -> IP mapping functionality > I've > touched upon earlier. It would also be interesting to be able to > expose > some of this information to the frontend, so users have an overview > of > currently leased IPs in the frontend - what do you think? > Yes,admin should be able to see allocated ip. (like a real ipam). I was thinking about other stuff for later, but maybe it could be great for an admin to be able to reserve ips and put them in a pool. Then user could choose ip from this pool. (Usecase is public ip addresses, where a customer could buy some of them, then allocated them like he want) > Would it also make sense to set IPSet entries for VMs, so they are > only > allowed to use the IPs we dedicate to them? This would be a decent > safeguard for preventing issues down the line. > > Additionally it would be interesting to automatically create Aliases > for > VNets/VMs in the Firewall configuration - what do you think? If we > add > VMs as Aliases, we would have to recompile the iptables on every IP > change. For this feature it would make sense to be able to set names > / > comments on VNets, so we can reference them this way. What do you > think? a Big yes ! (as I'm already doing this manually in production ;) > _______________________________________________ pve-devel mailing list pve-devel@lists.proxmox.com https://lists.proxmox.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/pve-devel