On 9/6/23 11:18, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:

subject is quite confusing, this isn't for what's commonly understood
w.r.t. the "VM/CT migration", i.e., live migration to another host.

You at least need to use the word "pool" somewhere..

Am 05/09/2023 um 15:51 schrieb Philipp Hufnagl:
After the implementation of fix #474, it has been suggested that
instead of requiring the user to click a checkbox allowing migration,
it should be allowed automatically and and a warning should be displayed

Further it has been discussed to rename the feature from "transfer" to
"migrate". However and API change would break already implemented usage
Not sure if I'd call that a discussion, I stated:

We normally use "move" or "migrate", not "transfer", or "reassign" (like for
moving a guest disk to another guest) and it has some merits to not expand the
commonly used (parameter) naming scheme to much, but oh well it's already 
and a naming nit that doesn't matters _that_ much.
And overlooked the "renaming to "migrate" or "migrate from other pool" part
in your reply (while at it, still missing the adding the API default).

This was not intended to be a final instruction to definitively use "migrate"
here, but rather open the discussion for a possible better name, or even keep
that if there's consensus that "transfer" or "reassign" is fine.

and so it has been decided to call it (for now) transfer everywhere to
avoid confusion
That again conflicts with your subject message and your statement that
you will rename it. Besides that, by whom has it been decided where?
This again sounds like there was some actual discussion, but I don't
see any.

If you want to keep transfer for now, ok, but do so consistently (e.g., also
in the commit message's subject here then – but still with "pool" mentioned,
otherwise one cannot possible know what this is actually about..)

I spoke with Dominik Csapak of list about this. "transfer" can not simply be removed from the API since it would break programs who would use it. Therefor we agreed, that renaming would just lead lead to a confusing mix of terms.

I thought it would be better to call it "migration" in the patch but I will call it "transfer" there as well and also mention "pool"

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