Signed-off-by: Friedrich Weber <>
 pve-network.adoc | 20 +++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pve-network.adoc b/pve-network.adoc
index b2202cc..bd6a15d 100644
--- a/pve-network.adoc
+++ b/pve-network.adoc
@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ We currently use the following naming conventions for device 
 * Ethernet devices: `en*`, systemd network interface names. This naming scheme 
  used for new {pve} installations since version 5.0.
+* Ethernet devices: `c*`, intended for user-defined **c**ustom interface names
+(see xref:network_override_device_names[below]).
 * Ethernet devices: `eth[N]`, where 0 ≤ N (`eth0`, `eth1`, ...) This naming
 scheme is used for {pve} hosts which were installed before the 5.0
 release. When upgrading to 5.0, the names are kept as-is.
@@ -173,28 +176,23 @@ to match the device's MAC address using the `MACAddress` 
option, as it is
 unlikely to change. Then, you can assign a name using the `Name` option in the
 `[Link]` section.
-For example, to assign the name `enwan0` to the device with MAC address
-`aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff`, create a file `/etc/systemd/network/` with
-the following contents:
+For example, to assign the name `cwan0` to the device with MAC address
+`aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff`, create a file `/etc/systemd/network/` with
 Do not forget to adjust `/etc/network/interfaces` to use the new name.
 You need to reboot the node for the change to take effect.
-NOTE: It is recommended to assign a name starting with `en` or `eth` so that
-{pve} recognizes the interface as a physical network device which can then be
-configured via the GUI. Also, you should ensure that the name will not clash
-with other interface names in the future. One possibility is to assign a name
-that does not match any name pattern that systemd uses for network interfaces
-(xref:systemd_network_interface_names[see above]), such as `enwan0` in the
-example above.
+NOTE: It is recommended to assign a name starting with `c` (for **c**ustom) so
+that {pve} recognizes the interface as a physical network device which can then
+be configured via the GUI.
 For more information on link files, see the[

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