On 12/13/22 15:56, Noel Ullreich wrote:
> updated the tags doc with slight rephrasing, corrected grammar,
> and fixed typos.
> Signed-off-by: Noel Ullreich <n.ullre...@proxmox.com>
> ---
> changes since v1:
> * removed changes in datacenter.cfg.5-opts.adoc since it is an
> autogenerated file (thanks @Dominik;) )
>  pve-gui.adoc | 70 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
>  1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/pve-gui.adoc b/pve-gui.adoc
> index ff95cfb..d6d9426 100644
> --- a/pve-gui.adoc
> +++ b/pve-gui.adoc
> @@ -386,68 +386,66 @@ Tags
>  [thumbnail="screenshot/gui-qemu-summary-tags-edit.png", float="left"]
> -For organizational purposes, it is possible to set `tags` on guests. These 
> have
> -currently only informational value and they are display by default in the gui
> -in two places, the `Resource Tree` and in the status line when a guest is
> -selected.
> +For organizational purposes, it is possible to set `tags` for guests.
> +Currently, these only provide informational value to users.
> +Tags are displayed in two places in the web interface: in the `Resource 
> Tree` and
> +in the status line when a guest ist selected.

typo: ist/is

> -They can be added, edited and removed in that status line of the guest by
> -clicking on the `pencil` icon. After the tags have the desired values, you
> -can click on the `check mark` button to apply the changes, or click the
> -`X` button to cancel you editing.
> +Tags can be added, edited, and removed in the status line of the guest by
> +clicking on the `pencil` icon. You can add multiple tags by pressing the `+`
> +button and remove them by pressing the `-` button and save or cancel the 
> changes
> +with the `checkmark` and `x` button respectively.

imo: it is a bit clumsy to use three "and"s in a row here. it might be
nice to replace the first one with a comma (…`+` button, remove them…)
or split this up into two sentences. consider something like this:

You can add multiple tags by pressing the `+` button and remove them
with the `-` button. To save or cancel the changes, you can use the
`check mark` and `x` button, respectively.

on a pedantic sidenote: "check mark" is correct in us english.
"checkmark" exists in philippine english [1].

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Check_mark

> -The tags can also be set via the CLI, where multiple tags are semi-colon
> -separated, for example:
> +Tags can also be set via the CLI, where multiple tags are separated by 
> semicolons.
> +For example:
>  ----
>  # qm set ID --tags myfirsttag;mysecondtag
>  ----
> -Styling
> -~~~~~~~
> +Style Configuration
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>  [thumbnail="screenshot/gui-datacenter-tag-style.png"]
> -To adapt to various use cases and preferences, there are some options in the
> -datacenter configuration that helps an admin control the behaviour and style
> -of tags, such as the colors, ordering, and basic permission settings.
> -
> -
> -By default the tag colors are derived from their text in a deterministic way,
> -but can be overridden in the datacenter configuration (The background color 
> as
> -well as the text color) as hexadecimal RGB values. You can also set these
> -overrides via the CLI, for example:
> +By default, the tag colors are derived from their text in a deterministic 
> way.
> +The color, shape in the resource tree, and case-sensitivity, as well as how 
> tags
> +are sorted, can be customized. This can be done via the web interface under
> +__Datacenter -> Options -> Tag Style Override__. Alternatively, this can be 
> done
> +via the CLI. For example:
>  ----
>  # pvesh set /cluster/options --tag-style color-map=example:000000:FFFFFF
>  ----
> -Sets the background color of the tag `example` to black (#000000) and the 
> text
> +sets the background color of the tag `example` to black (#000000) and the 
> text
>  color to white (#FFFFFF).
> -You can also change the style of the tags in the tree and if the tags should
> -be alphabetically sorted (the default) or should retain their order from the
> -guest configuration.
> -
>  Permissions
>  ~~~~~~~~~~~
>  [thumbnail="screenshot/gui-datacenter-options.png"]
>  By default, users with the privilege `VM.Config.Options` on a guest 
> (`/vms/ID`)
> -can set any tags they want. If you want to restrict this behaviour, it is
> -possible to set various modes via the datacenter configuration:
> +can set any tags they want (see
> +xref:pveum_permission_management[Permission Management]). Under __Datacenter 
> ->
> +Options -> User Tag Access__ permissions for tag access can be set:

imo: this flowed better with the "If" clause there. consider:

By default, users with the privilege `VM.Config.Options` on a guest
(`/vms/ID`) can set any tags they want (see
xref:pveum_permission_management[Permission Management]). If you want to
restrict this behavior, appropriate permissions can be set under
__Datacenter -> Options -> User Tag Access__:

> +
> +* `free`: users are not restricted in setting tags (Default)
> +* `list`: users can set tags based on a predefined list of tags
> +* `existing`: like list but users can also use already existing tags
> +* `none`: users are restricted from using tags
> +
> +The same can also be done via the CLI.
> -* a list of allowed tags
> -* existing tags
> -* no tags at all
> +Note that a user with the `Sys.Modify` privileges on `/` is always able to 
> set
> +or delete any tags, regardless of the settings here. Additionally, there is a
> +configurable list of `registered tags` which can only be added and removed by
> +users with the privilege `Sys.Modify` on `/`. The list of registered tags be

mising can? "The list of registered tags *can* be edited…"

> +edited under __Datacenter -> Options -> Registered Tags__ or via the CLI.
> -Note that a user with `Sys.Modify` on `/` is always able to set or delete
> -any tags, regardless of the settings here. Additionally, there is a 
> configurable
> -list of `registered tags` which will also require the privilege `Sys.Modify`
> -on `/` to be added or removed independent of the mode.
> -For more details on the exact options, see the
> +For more details on the exact options and how to invoke them in the CLI, see
>  xref:datacenter_configuration_file[Datacenter Configuration].
>  ifdef::wiki[]

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