this series aims to add a cluster-wide device mapping for pci and usb devices.
so that an admin can configure a device to be availble for migration and
configuring for uses that are non-root

this version is mostly the same as v2, aside from some bugfixes, rebase
and preventing from having mdev: 1 set for multifunction devices.
i would appreciate if somebody could take a look at this series
again ;) (below is the old cover letter + changelog)

built-in are some additional safety checks in contrast to current
passthrough, e.g. if pci addresses shift, with the mapping
we can detect that and prevent a vm to boot with the wrong device
(in most cases, there are some edge cases when one has multiple
of the same device, e.g. the same gpu, that we cannot detect)

new in this version is the ability to specify multiple devices for
each host mapping, such that we can select the first free one on
starting the vm (this fixes #3574). That makes using vGPUs and SR-IOV
much more useful as a user does not have to hardcode the pci ids anymore

i left that feature seperated in a patch for pve-common(3/3) and in
qemu-server ({12,13}/13) in the backend for easier review, but did not bother
to do it for the gui (if we really don't want it, i can just send a different
version for the ui)

also pve-common 1/3 and qemu-server 1-4/13 are general cleanups that
would even make sense without the remaining patches
(qemu-server 1/13 depends on pve-common 1/3)

changes from v2:
* some bug fixes (e.g use of unitialized variable)
* don't set mdev for multifunction devices
  -> this should fix alexandres issue, since it's not possible anymore
  to select a mediated device when having a multifunction device

changes from v1:
* dropped 'check_hw_perm' (just use 'check_full' now)
* added some cleanups
* renamed the buttons in the ui (hopefully better now)
* added multi device mapping for each host
  this includes a new 'multi pci' selector for that window, which
  automatically adds entries for the whole slots which, when selected,
  disabled the selection of the individual functions
* fixed some issues (e.g. missing entries in the 'caps' object, wrong
  usb config parsing, etc.)

changes from the rfc:
* new cluster wide gui instead of node-local one (removed that, since
  it's not necessary when we have a cluster-wide one)
* uses json instead of a section config
* api is quite different overall, i split the type into its own level
  for configuring, similar to what we do in pbs
  (e.g. /nodes/NODENAME/hardware/mapping/usb/)
* fixed quite some bugs the rfc had
* added patch for handling the gui with limited permissions better
* added a 'comment' field for mappings

    pve-common (1) breaks current qemu-server
    pve-common (2,3) depends on pve-cluster
    qemu-server (1-4) depends on pve-common (1)
    qemu-server (5-11) depends on qemu-server(<5), 
pve-access-control,pve-common (2)
    qemu-server (12,13) depends on qemu-server(<12), pve-common (3)
    manager depends on qemu-server,pve-access-control,pve-common


Dominik Csapak (1):
  add nodes/hardware-map.conf

 data/PVE/ | 1 +
 data/src/status.c   | 1 +
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)


Dominik Csapak (1):
  PVE/AccessControl: add Hardware.* privileges and /hardware/ paths

 src/PVE/  | 13 +++++++++++++
 src/PVE/ |  3 ++-
 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)


Dominik Csapak (3):
  SysFSTools: make mdev cleanup independent of pciid
  add PVE/HardwareMap
  HardwareMap: add support for multiple pci device paths per mapping

 src/Makefile           |   1 +
 src/PVE/ | 378 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/PVE/  |   6 +-
 3 files changed, 381 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/PVE/


Dominik Csapak (13):
  cleanup pci devices in more situations
  PCI: make mediated device path independent of pci id
  PCI: refactor print_pci_device
  PCI: reuse parsed info from print_hostpci_devices
  PVE/QemuServer: allow mapped usb devices in config
  PVE/QemuServer: allow mapped pci deviced in config
  PVE/API2/Qemu: add permission checks for mapped usb devices
  PVE/API2/Qemu: add permission checks for mapped pci devices
  PVE/QemuServer: extend 'check_local_resources' for mapped resources
  PVE/API2/Qemu: migrate preconditions: use new check_local_resources
  PVE/QemuMigrate: check for mapped resources on migration
  fix #3574: enable multi pci device mapping from config
  add tests for mapped pci devices

 PVE/API2/                              | 109 +++++++++++--
 PVE/                            |  13 +-
 PVE/                             | 137 +++++++++++-----
 PVE/QemuServer/                         | 149 +++++++++++++-----
 PVE/QemuServer/                         |  21 ++-
 test/MigrationTest/                  |   7 +
 test/cfg2cmd/q35-linux-hostpci-mapping.conf   |  17 ++
 .../q35-linux-hostpci-mapping.conf.cmd        |  36 +++++
 test/              |  76 +++++++++
 9 files changed, 473 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/cfg2cmd/q35-linux-hostpci-mapping.conf
 create mode 100644 test/cfg2cmd/q35-linux-hostpci-mapping.conf.cmd


Dominik Csapak (13):
  PVE/API2/Hardware: add
  PVE/API2/Cluster: add Hardware mapping list api call
  ui: form/USBSelector: make it more flexible with nodename
  ui: form: add PCIMapSelector
  ui: form: add USBMapSelector
  ui: qemu/PCIEdit: rework panel to add a mapped configuration
  ui: qemu/USBEdit: add 'mapped' device case
  ui: form: add MultiPCISelector
  ui: add window/PCIEdit: edit window for pci mappings
  ui: add window/USBEdit: edit window for usb mappings
  ui: add dc/HardwareView: a CRUD interface for hardware mapping
  ui: window/Migrate: allow mapped devices
  ui: improve permission handling for hardware

 PVE/API2/                   |   8 +
 PVE/API2/Cluster/          | 117 +++++
 PVE/API2/Cluster/Makefile             |   1 +
 PVE/API2/                  |   6 +
 PVE/API2/Hardware/Makefile            |   1 +
 PVE/API2/Hardware/          | 708 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 www/css/ext6-pve.css                  |   4 +
 www/manager6/Makefile                 |   6 +
 www/manager6/data/PermPathStore.js    |   1 +
 www/manager6/dc/Config.js             |  18 +-
 www/manager6/dc/HardwareView.js       | 324 ++++++++++++
 www/manager6/form/MultiPCISelector.js | 289 +++++++++++
 www/manager6/form/PCIMapSelector.js   | 102 ++++
 www/manager6/form/PCISelector.js      |  18 +-
 www/manager6/form/USBMapSelector.js   |  73 +++
 www/manager6/form/USBSelector.js      |  33 +-
 www/manager6/qemu/HardwareView.js     |  17 +-
 www/manager6/qemu/PCIEdit.js          | 314 ++++++++----
 www/manager6/qemu/USBEdit.js          |  36 +-
 www/manager6/window/Migrate.js        |  37 +-
 www/manager6/window/PCIEdit.js        | 283 ++++++++++
 www/manager6/window/USBEdit.js        | 248 +++++++++
 22 files changed, 2513 insertions(+), 131 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 PVE/API2/Cluster/
 create mode 100644 PVE/API2/Hardware/
 create mode 100644 www/manager6/dc/HardwareView.js
 create mode 100644 www/manager6/form/MultiPCISelector.js
 create mode 100644 www/manager6/form/PCIMapSelector.js
 create mode 100644 www/manager6/form/USBMapSelector.js
 create mode 100644 www/manager6/window/PCIEdit.js
 create mode 100644 www/manager6/window/USBEdit.js


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