One thing I noticed in a few places regarding variable names was that they
probably could use some camel casing for better readabilty. E.g.:
newcls -> newCls
newrbd -> newRgb or maybe newRGB?
More comments inline.
On 6/21/22 11:20, Dominik Csapak wrote:
this provides a basic grid to edit a list of tag color overrides.
We'll use this for editing the datacenter.cfg overrides and the
browser storage overrides.
Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <>
+++ b/www/manager6/form/TagColorGrid.js
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+Ext.define('PVE.form.ColorPicker', {
+ extend: 'Ext.form.FieldContainer',
+ alias: 'widget.pveColorPicker',
+ defaultBindProperty: 'value',
+ config: {
+ value: null,
+ },
+ height: 24,
+ layout: {
+ type: 'hbox',
+ align: 'stretch',
+ },
+ getValue: function() {
+ return this.realvalue.slice(1);
+ },
+ setValue: function(value) {
+ let me = this;
+ me.setColor(value);
+ if (value && value.length === 6) {
+ me.picker.value = value[0] !== '#' ? `#${value}` : value;
if we do check the length to be 6 characters long, can we run into the situation
that it is already prefixed by a #?
+ }
+ },
+ setColor: function(value) {
+ let me = this;
+ let oldValue = me.realvalue;
+ me.realvalue = value;
+ let color = value.length === 6 ? `#${value}` : undefined;
+ me.down('#picker').setStyle('background-color', color);
+ me.down('#text').setValue(value ?? "");
+ me.fireEvent('change', me, me.realvalue, oldValue);
+ },
+ backgroundChange: function(field, newValue, oldValue) {
+ let me = this;
+ let rec = field.getWidgetRecord();
+ if (!rec) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (newValue && newValue !== oldValue) {
+ let newrgb = Proxmox.Utils.hexToRGB(newValue);
+ let newcls = Proxmox.Utils.getTextContrastClass(newrgb);
+ let hexvalue = newcls === 'dark' ? '000000' : 'FFFFFF';
s/hexvalue/textHexVal/ or something in that direction so the variable name
reflects what is contains?
+ if (!rec.get('text')) {
+ rec.set('text', hexvalue);
+ } else if (oldValue) {
+ let oldrgb = Proxmox.Utils.hexToRGB(oldValue);
+ let oldcls = Proxmox.Utils.getTextContrastClass(oldrgb);
+ let oldvalue = oldcls === 'dark' ? '000000' : 'FFFFFF';
+ if (rec.get('text') === oldvalue) {
+ rec.set('text', hexvalue);
+ }
+ }
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