into a private sub. This makes the 'print_hostpci_devices' function more
easier to read

Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <>
 PVE/QemuServer/ | 57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PVE/QemuServer/ b/PVE/QemuServer/
index 1b82aca..7406246 100644
--- a/PVE/QemuServer/
+++ b/PVE/QemuServer/
@@ -393,6 +393,29 @@ sub parse_hostpci {
     return $res;
+my $print_pci_device = sub {
+    my ($device, $id, $hostdevice, $pciaddr, $xvga, $bootindex, $function) = 
+    my $devicestr = "vfio-pci,$hostdevice";
+    my $mf_addr = defined($function) ? ".$function" : '';
+    $devicestr .= ",id=${id}${mf_addr}${pciaddr}${mf_addr}";
+    if (!defined($function) || $function == 0) {
+       $devicestr .= ',rombar=0' if defined($device->{rombar}) && 
+       $devicestr .= "$xvga";
+       $devicestr .= ",multifunction=on" if defined($function);
+       $devicestr .= ",romfile=/usr/share/kvm/$device->{romfile}" if 
+       $devicestr .= ",bootindex=$bootindex" if defined($bootindex);
+       for my $option (qw(vendor-id device-id sub-vendor-id sub-device-id)) {
+           $devicestr .= ",x-pci-$option=$device->{$option}" if 
+       }
+    }
+    return $devicestr;
 sub print_hostpci_devices {
     my ($vmid, $conf, $devices, $vga, $winversion, $q35, $bridges, $arch, 
$machine_type, $bootorder) = @_;
@@ -457,37 +480,23 @@ sub print_hostpci_devices {
            $gpu_passthrough = 1;
-       my $sysfspath;
-       if ($d->{mdev} && scalar(@$pcidevices) == 1) {
+       my $bootindex = $bootorder->{$id};
+       if ($d->{mdev} && !$multifunction) {
            my $uuid = generate_mdev_uuid($vmid, $i);
-           $sysfspath = "/sys/bus/mdev/devices/$uuid";
+           my $sysfspath = "sysfsdev=/sys/bus/mdev/devices/$uuid";
+           my $devicestr = $print_pci_device->($d, $id, $sysfspath, $pciaddr, 
$xvga, $bootindex);
+           push @$devices, '-device', $devicestr;
+           next;
        } elsif ($d->{mdev}) {
            warn "ignoring mediated device '$id' with multifunction device\n";
        my $j = 0;
        foreach my $pcidevice (@$pcidevices) {
-           my $devicestr = "vfio-pci";
-           if ($sysfspath) {
-               $devicestr .= ",sysfsdev=$sysfspath";
-           } else {
-               $devicestr .= ",host=$pcidevice->{id}";
-           }
-           my $mf_addr = $multifunction ? ".$j" : '';
-           $devicestr .= ",id=${id}${mf_addr}${pciaddr}${mf_addr}";
-           if ($j == 0) {
-               $devicestr .= ',rombar=0' if defined($d->{rombar}) && 
-               $devicestr .= "$xvga";
-               $devicestr .= ",multifunction=on" if $multifunction;
-               $devicestr .= ",romfile=/usr/share/kvm/$d->{romfile}" if 
-               $devicestr .= ",bootindex=$bootorder->{$id}" if 
-               for my $option (qw(vendor-id device-id sub-vendor-id 
sub-device-id)) {
-                   $devicestr .= ",x-pci-$option=$d->{$option}" if 
-               }
-           }
+           my $host =  "host=$pcidevice->{id}";
+           my $func = $multifunction ? $j : undef;
+           my $devicestr = $print_pci_device->($d, $id, $host, $pciaddr, 
$xvga, $bootindex, $func);
            push @$devices, '-device', $devicestr;

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