Hi Thomas,

for pressure, I don't really need rrd or history, as I can already
broadcast last 10s,60s, 300s.
so could simply broadcast them in kvstore.

This was the original patch in 2020

but Dietmar asked about to put them in rrd ;)

So, as you want, just tell me :)

I don't care about rrd for my need. 

Anyway, For vm balancing, I was planning to compute average metric
instead parsing at lot of rrd.

for ksm, I really need current value

for qemu hostcpu/hostmem, last (1-5) minutes average could be enough,
so I could compute from pvestatd too.


Le mercredi 25 mai 2022 à 17:03 +0200, Thomas Lamprecht a écrit :
> On 25/05/2022 08:52, Alexandre Derumier wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm still working on vm balancing/scheduling, and need some new
> > metrics.
> > 
> but you don't actually need the metrics themselves but only the
> computed
> moving avg result and such of them? Because if that's the case we
> could just
> keep the last X values we require for the moving window cached
> locally in
> pvestatd and use those to broadcast the calculated ones use for DRS
> once or
> twice every minute or so via the per-node kv status in the pvestatd?
> Could mean less data an no new RRD format/paths (iow. no touching of
> pve-cluster at all). What do you think?

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