for getting multiple properties from the in memory config of the
guests. I added a new CSF_IPC_ call to maintain backwards compatibility.

It basically behaves the same as
CFS_IPC_GET_GUEST_CONFIG_PROPERTY, but takes a list of properties

The old way of getting a single property is now also done by
the new function.

Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <>
 data/src/cfs-ipc-ops.h |   2 +
 data/src/server.c      |  64 +++++++++++++++
 data/src/status.c      | 174 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 data/src/status.h      |   3 +
 4 files changed, 187 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/data/src/cfs-ipc-ops.h b/data/src/cfs-ipc-ops.h
index 003e233..249308d 100644
--- a/data/src/cfs-ipc-ops.h
+++ b/data/src/cfs-ipc-ops.h
@@ -43,4 +43,6 @@
diff --git a/data/src/server.c b/data/src/server.c
index 549788a..c42ff69 100644
--- a/data/src/server.c
+++ b/data/src/server.c
@@ -89,6 +89,13 @@ typedef struct {
        char property[];
 } cfs_guest_config_propery_get_request_header_t;
+typedef struct {
+       struct qb_ipc_request_header req_header;
+       uint32_t vmid;
+       uint8_t num_props;
+       char props[]; /* list of \0 terminated properties */
+} cfs_guest_config_properties_get_request_header_t;
 typedef struct {
        struct qb_ipc_request_header req_header;
        char token[];
@@ -348,6 +355,63 @@ static int32_t s1_msg_process_fn(
                        result = cfs_create_guest_conf_property_msg(outbuf, 
memdb, rh->property, rh->vmid);
+       } else if (request_id == CFS_IPC_GET_GUEST_CONFIG_PROPERTIES) {
+               cfs_guest_config_properties_get_request_header_t *rh =
+                       (cfs_guest_config_properties_get_request_header_t *) 
+               size_t remaining = request_size - 
G_STRUCT_OFFSET(cfs_guest_config_properties_get_request_header_t, props);
+               result = 0;
+               if (rh->vmid < 100 && rh->vmid != 0) {
+                       cfs_debug("vmid out of range %u", rh->vmid);
+                       result = -EINVAL;
+               } else if (rh->vmid >= 100 && !vmlist_vm_exists(rh->vmid)) {
+                       result = -ENOENT;
+               } else if (rh->num_props == 0) {
+                       cfs_debug("num_props == 0");
+                       result = -EINVAL;
+               } else if (remaining <= 1) {
+                       cfs_debug("property length <= 1, %ld", remaining);
+                       result = -EINVAL;
+               } else {
+                       const char **properties = malloc(sizeof(char*) * 
+                       char *current = (rh->props);
+                       for (uint8_t i = 0; i < rh->num_props; i++) {
+                           size_t proplen = strnlen(current, remaining);
+                           if (proplen == 0) {
+                               cfs_debug("property length 0");
+                               result = -EINVAL;
+                               break;
+                           }
+                           if (proplen == remaining) {
+                               cfs_debug("property not \\0 terminated");
+                               result = -EINVAL;
+                               break;
+                           }
+                           if (current[0] < 'a' || current[0] > 'z') {
+                               cfs_debug("property does not start with [a-z]");
+                               result = -EINVAL;
+                               break;
+                           }
+                           properties[i] = current;
+                           current[proplen] = '\0'; // ensure property is 0 
+                           remaining -= (proplen + 1);
+                           current += proplen + 1;
+                       }
+                       if (remaining != 0) {
+                           cfs_debug("leftover data after parsing %lu 
properties", rh->num_props);
+                           result = -EINVAL;
+                       }
+                       if (result == 0) {
+                           cfs_debug("cfs_get_guest_config_properties: basic 
valid checked, do request");
+                           result = 
cfs_create_guest_conf_properties_msg(outbuf, memdb, properties, rh->num_props, 
+                       }
+                       free(properties);
+               }
        } else if (request_id == CFS_IPC_VERIFY_TOKEN) {
                cfs_verify_token_request_header_t *rh = 
(cfs_verify_token_request_header_t *) data;
diff --git a/data/src/status.c b/data/src/status.c
index 9bceaeb..03454ec 100644
--- a/data/src/status.c
+++ b/data/src/status.c
@@ -804,25 +804,52 @@ cfs_create_vmlist_msg(GString *str)
        return 0;
-// checks the conf for a line starting with '$prop:' and returns the value
-// afterwards, whitout initial whitespace(s), we only deal with the format
-// restricion imposed by our perl VM config parser, main reference is
+// checks if a config line starts with the given prop. if yes, writes a '\0'
+// at the end of the value, and returns the pointer where the value starts
+char *
+_get_property_value_from_line(char *line, int line_len, const char *prop, int 
+       if (line_len <= prop_len + 1) return NULL;
+       if (line[prop_len] == ':' && memcmp(line, prop, prop_len) == 0) { // 
+               char *v_start = &line[prop_len + 1];
+               // drop initial value whitespaces here already
+               while (*v_start && isspace(*v_start)) v_start++;
+               if (!*v_start) return NULL;
+               char *v_end = &line[line_len - 1];
+               while (v_end > v_start && isspace(*v_end)) v_end--;
+               v_end[1] = '\0';
+               return v_start;
+       }
+       return NULL;
+// checks the conf for lines starting with the given props and
+// writes the pointers into the correct positions into the 'found' array
+// afterwards, without initial whitespace(s), we only deal with the format
+// restriction imposed by our perl VM config parser, main reference is
 // PVE::QemuServer::parse_vm_config this allows to be very fast and still
 // relatively simple
-// main restrictions used for our advantage is the properties match reges:
+// main restrictions used for our advantage is the properties match regex:
 // ($line =~ m/^([a-z][a-z_]*\d*):\s*(.+?)\s*$/) from parse_vm_config
 // currently we only look at the current configuration in place, i.e., *no*
-// snapshort and *no* pending changes
-static char *
-_get_property_value(char *conf, int conf_size, const char *prop, int prop_len)
+// snapshot and *no* pending changes
+_get_property_values(char **found, char *conf, int conf_size, const char 
**props, uint8_t num_props, char min, char max)
        const char *const conf_end = conf + conf_size;
        char *line = conf;
-       size_t remaining_size;
+       size_t remaining_size = conf_size;
+       int count = 0;
        char *next_newline = memchr(conf, '\n', conf_size);
        if (next_newline == NULL) {
-               return NULL; // valid property lines end with \n, but none in 
the config
+               return; // valid property lines end with \n, but none in the 
        *next_newline = '\0';
@@ -830,41 +857,33 @@ _get_property_value(char *conf, int conf_size, const char 
*prop, int prop_len)
                if (!line[0]) goto next;
                // snapshot or pending section start, but nothing found yet -> 
not found
-               if (line[0] == '[') return NULL;
-               // properties start with /^[a-z]/, so continue early if not
-               if (line[0] < 'a' || line[0] > 'z') goto next;
+               if (line[0] == '[') return;
+               // continue early if line does not begin with the min/max char 
of the properties
+               if (line[0] < min || line[0] > max) goto next;
                int line_len = strlen(line);
-               if (line_len <= prop_len + 1) goto next;
-               if (line[prop_len] == ':' && memcmp(line, prop, prop_len) == 0) 
{ // found
-                       char *v_start = &line[prop_len + 1];
-                       // drop initial value whitespaces here already
-                       while (*v_start && isspace(*v_start)) v_start++;
-                       if (!*v_start) return NULL;
-                       char *v_end = &line[line_len - 1];
-                       while (v_end > v_start && isspace(*v_end)) v_end--;
-                       v_end[1] = '\0';
-                       return v_start;
+               for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num_props; i++) {
+                       char * value = _get_property_value_from_line(line, 
line_len, props[i], strlen(props[i]));
+                       if (value != NULL) {
+                               count += (found[i] != NULL) & 0x1; // count 
newly found lines
+                               found[i] = value;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (count == num_props) {
+                       // found all
+                       return;
                line = next_newline + 1;
                remaining_size = conf_end - line;
-               if (remaining_size <= prop_len) {
-                       return NULL;
-               }
                next_newline = memchr(line, '\n', remaining_size);
                if (next_newline == NULL) {
-                       return NULL; // valid property lines end with \n, but 
none in the config
+                       return;
                *next_newline = '\0';
-       return NULL; // not found
+       return;
 static void
@@ -883,24 +902,73 @@ _g_str_append_kv_jsonescaped(GString *str, const char *k, 
const char *v)
-cfs_create_guest_conf_property_msg(GString *str, memdb_t *memdb, const char 
*prop, uint32_t vmid)
+       GString *str,
+       gpointer conf,
+       int size,
+       const char **props,
+       uint8_t num_props,
+       uint32_t vmid,
+       char **values,
+       char min,
+       char max,
+       int first)
+       _get_property_values(values, conf, size, props, num_props, min, max);
+       uint8_t found = 0;
+       for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num_props; i++) {
+               if (values[i] != NULL) {
+                       if (found) {
+                               g_string_append_c(str, ',');
+                       } else {
+                               if (!first) g_string_append_printf(str, ",\n");
+                               else first = 0;
+                               g_string_append_printf(str, "\"%u\":{", vmid);
+                               found = 1;
+                       }
+                       _g_str_append_kv_jsonescaped(str, props[i], values[i]);
+               }
+       }
+       if (found) {
+               g_string_append_c(str, '}');
+       }
+       return first;
+cfs_create_guest_conf_properties_msg(GString *str, memdb_t *memdb, const char 
**props, uint8_t num_props, uint32_t vmid)
        g_return_val_if_fail(cfs_status.vmlist != NULL, -EINVAL);
        g_return_val_if_fail(str != NULL, -EINVAL);
-       int prop_len = strlen(prop);
-       int res = 0;
-       GString *path = NULL;
        // Prelock &memdb->mutex in order to enable the usage of 
        // to prevent Deadlocks as in #2553
        g_mutex_lock (&memdb->mutex);
        g_mutex_lock (&mutex);
-       g_string_printf(str,"{\n");
+       g_string_printf(str, "{\n");
        GHashTable *ht = cfs_status.vmlist;
+       int res = 0;
+       GString *path = NULL;
        gpointer tmp = NULL;
+       char **values = calloc(num_props, sizeof(char*));
+       char min = 'z', max = 'a';
+       for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num_props; i++) {
+               if (props[i][0] > max) {
+                       max = props[i][0];
+               }
+               if (props[i][0] < min) {
+                       min = props[i][0];
+               }
+       }
        if (!g_hash_table_size(ht)) {
                goto ret;
@@ -919,15 +987,8 @@ cfs_create_guest_conf_property_msg(GString *str, memdb_t 
*memdb, const char *pro
                // use memdb_read_nolock because lock is handled here
                int size = memdb_read_nolock(memdb, path->str, &tmp);
                if (tmp == NULL) goto err;
-               if (size <= prop_len) goto ret;
-               char *val = _get_property_value(tmp, size, prop, prop_len);
-               if (val == NULL) goto ret;
-               g_string_append_printf(str, "\"%u\":{", vmid);
-               _g_str_append_kv_jsonescaped(str, prop, val);
-               g_string_append_c(str, '}');
+               _print_found_properties(str, tmp, size, props, num_props, vmid, 
values, min, max, 1);
        } else {
                GHashTableIter iter;
                g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, ht);
@@ -943,21 +1004,16 @@ cfs_create_guest_conf_property_msg(GString *str, memdb_t 
*memdb, const char *pro
                        tmp = NULL;
                        // use memdb_read_nolock because lock is handled here
                        int size = memdb_read_nolock(memdb, path->str, &tmp);
-                       if (tmp == NULL || size <= prop_len) continue;
+                       if (tmp == NULL) continue;
-                       char *val = _get_property_value(tmp, size, prop, 
-                       if (val == NULL) continue;
-                       if (!first) g_string_append_printf(str, ",\n");
-                       else first = 0;
-                       g_string_append_printf(str, "\"%u\":{", vminfo->vmid);
-                       _g_str_append_kv_jsonescaped(str, prop, val);
-                       g_string_append_c(str, '}');
+                       memset(values, 0, sizeof(char*)*num_props); // reset 
+                       first = _print_found_properties(str, tmp, size, props, 
+                                       vminfo->vmid, values, min, max, first);
+       free(values);
        if (path != NULL) {
                g_string_free(path, TRUE);
@@ -973,6 +1029,12 @@ enoent:
        goto ret;
+cfs_create_guest_conf_property_msg(GString *str, memdb_t *memdb, const char 
*prop, uint32_t vmid)
+       return cfs_create_guest_conf_properties_msg(str, memdb, &prop, 1, vmid);
 record_memdb_change(const char *path)
diff --git a/data/src/status.h b/data/src/status.h
index bbf0948..041cb34 100644
--- a/data/src/status.h
+++ b/data/src/status.h
@@ -163,4 +163,7 @@ cfs_create_memberlist_msg(
 cfs_create_guest_conf_property_msg(GString *str, memdb_t *memdb, const char 
*prop, uint32_t vmid);
+cfs_create_guest_conf_properties_msg(GString *str, memdb_t *memdb, const char 
**props, uint8_t num_props, uint32_t vmid);
 #endif /* _PVE_STATUS_H_ */

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