use PVE::APIClient::LWP;
use PVE::JSONSchema qw(get_standard_option);
@@ -218,6 +219,36 @@ sub print_volid {
return "${storeid}:${volname}";
+# essentially the inverse of print_volid
+sub api_param_from_volname {
+ my ($class, $volname) = @_;
+ my $name = ($class->parse_volname($volname))[1];
+ my ($btype, $bid, $timestr) = split('/', $name);
+ my @tm = (POSIX::strptime($timestr, "%FT%TZ"));
+ # expect sec, min, hour, mday, mon, year
+ die "error parsing time from '$volname'" if grep { !defined($_) }
+ my $btime;
+ {
+ local $ENV{TZ} = 'UTC'; # $timestr is UTC
+ # Fill in isdst to avoid undef warning. No daylight saving time
for UTC.
+ $tm[8] //= 0;
+ my $since_epoch = mktime(@tm) or die "error converting time from
+ $btime = int($since_epoch);
+ }
+ return {
+ 'backup-type' => $btype,
+ 'backup-id' => $bid,
+ 'backup-time' => $btime,
+ };
backup => 1,
restore => 1,
@@ -658,6 +689,7 @@ sub list_volumes {
$info->{verification} = $item->{verification} if
$info->{notes} = $item->{comment} if defined($item->{comment});
+ $info->{protected} = 1 if $item->{protected};
if (defined($item->{fingerprint})) {
$info->{encrypted} = $item->{fingerprint};
} elsif (snapshot_files_encrypted($item->{files})) {
@@ -785,12 +817,19 @@ sub deactivate_volume {
sub get_volume_attribute {
my ($class, $scfg, $storeid, $volname, $attribute) = @_;
- if ($attribute eq 'notes') {
- my (undef, $name, undef, undef, undef, undef, $format) =
+ if ($attribute eq 'notes' || $attribute eq 'protected') {
+ my $param = $class->api_param_from_volname($volname);
- my $data = run_client_cmd($scfg, $storeid, "snapshot", [ "notes",
"show", $name ]);
+ my $password = pbs_get_password($scfg, $storeid);
+ my $conn = pbs_api_connect($scfg, $password);
+ my $datastore = $scfg->{datastore};
- return $data->{notes} // '';
+ my $res = eval {
$param); };
+ if (my $err = $@) {
+ return if $err->{code} == 404; # not supported
+ die $err;
+ }
+ return $res;
@@ -799,11 +838,15 @@ sub get_volume_attribute {
sub update_volume_attribute {
my ($class, $scfg, $storeid, $volname, $attribute, $value) = @_;
- if ($attribute eq 'notes') {
- my (undef, $name, undef, undef, undef, undef, $format) =
+ if ($attribute eq 'notes' || $attribute eq 'protected') {
+ my $param = $class->api_param_from_volname($volname);
+ $param->{$attribute} = $value;
- run_client_cmd($scfg, $storeid, "snapshot", [ "notes", "update",
$name, $value ], 1);
+ my $password = pbs_get_password($scfg, $storeid);
+ my $conn = pbs_api_connect($scfg, $password);
+ my $datastore = $scfg->{datastore};
+ $conn->put("/api2/json/admin/datastore/$datastore/$attribute",