Hi Proxmox Dev's!
I am developing plugin for the data storage system and want to
avoid/minimize copying data on the proxmox side.
And it looks like Im missing something in understanding or copy/clone
features. So can you please help me?
I was looking on cloning of virtual machines and volumes in proxmox and
it seems like it is done through plain copy on the side of proxmox
server. At least that is what happens when I press clone button in UI
Im talking about: /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage system.
I do not think that this is the most optimal behavior. And I want to
know how to make proxmox delegate data copying to the storage system.
In other words I want to make proxmox call for "clone_image" method
instead of "volume_import and volume_export" when volumes being
cloned/copied to the very same data storage.
Is it possible to do so with configuration and plugin code alone? Or it
require modification in proxmox code itself?
Thanks for your attention,
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