On 30.08.21 13:54, Lorenz Stechauner wrote:
> On 26.08.21 18:30, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
>> On 03/08/2021 14:16, Lorenz Stechauner wrote:
>>> @@ -486,6 +486,7 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
>>>           print "command: " . join(' ', @$cmd) . "\n";
>>>             eval { run_command($cmd, errmsg => 'import failed'); };
>>> +        unlink $tmpfilename or warn "unable to clean up temporary file 
>>> '$tmpfilename' - $!";
>> and doesn't this have the same issues as you recently fixed in regards to 
>> the node
>> not being the local one and thus ssh/scp being used?
> in this case, the local temp file is deleted and this is intended. 
> previously, this was done by the http server.
> but it would be better to clean up the remote file as well and therefore a 
> ssh command has to be used - could be another commit

Oh, you're right, this is only the intermediate uploaded file which is always 
A comment could be great for that detail, but I can add that one as follow up.

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