On 09/08/2021 20:17, Nick Chevsky wrote:
Hi Stefan,

Thank you for your work on this; I've been testing it locally for a few
weeks and have since contributed improved Debian packaging and other fixes
upstream [3]. Please see my comment below the quoted code:

Thanks for your upstream work! I've seen some of those changes already, they'll certainly help a lot.

As a status update to this in general, since we decided that storing data on /etc/pve is a no-go and don't have a generic dir backend for all use-cases we want to support, I have also started working with upstream (based on some prior work being done in a current draft PR [0]) to support block devices as a native backend [1].

With that in place, we should be able to use our existing storage infrastructure for storing TPM state.

[0] https://github.com/stefanberger/swtpm/pull/490
[1] https://github.com/stefanberger/swtpm/pull/513

--- a/PVE/QemuServer.pm
+++ b/PVE/QemuServer.pm
+sub start_swtpm {
+           my $setup_cmd = [
+               "swtpm_setup",
+               "--tpmstate",
+               "$tmppath",
+               "--createek",
+               "--create-ek-cert",
+               "--create-platform-cert",
+               "--lock-nvram",
+               "--config",
+               "/etc/swtpm_setup.conf", # do not use XDG configs
+               "--runas",
+               "0", # force creation as root, error if not possible

Could you add --terminate to this argument array? That's the documented,
correct way of achieving the behavior we want (i.e. swtpm automatically
terminating along with QEMU). Currently this is already happening even
without --terminate, but that's a side effect of two bugs: one for which
I've already contributed a fix upstream [1], and another which will be
fixed once consumers (e.g. PVE, libvirt) start using --terminate (which
they should've been using all along) [2]. Adding --terminate is innocuous
and guarantees the current behavior will stay the same after the second bug
is fixed upstream.

Good to hear the explanation behind it, but '--terminate' is already added - you're just looking at the 'swtpm_setup' command, check the lines below that, specifically '$emulator_cmd'.

[2] https://github.com/stefanberger/swtpm/pull/509#issuecomment-890412478
[3] https://github.com/stefanberger/swtpm/pulls?q=author%3Anchevsky

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