On 07.07.21 23:09, Stoiko Ivanov wrote:
> The following patchset addresses a few small issues reported during the PVE
> 7.0 beta and after the 7.0 stable release.
> * patches 1+2 deal with grub-install being called during a distribution
>   upgrade on some systems (I did not manage to get a VM installed with PVE
>   6.4 to run into the issue)
> * patch 3 addresses an issue where once someone removes pve-kernel-helper
>   (without purging it) it becomes quite difficult to get it installed again
>   (to remove pve-kernel-helper you need also to remove proxmox-ve, but as
>   our forum shows [0] - this happens without the user noticing sometimes)
> * patch 4+5 are a few improvements to the `p-b-t status` I consider
>   worthwhile
> Stoiko Ivanov (5):
>   proxmox-boot: ignore call to grub-install from grub maintscripts
>   proxmox-boot: divert call to grub-install to p-b-t init
>   proxmox-boot: maintscript: change logic whether to add diversion
>   proxmox-boot: print current boot mode with status output
>   proxmox-boot: status: print present kernel versions
>  bin/grub-install-wrapper         | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  bin/proxmox-boot-tool            | 13 ++++++++++---
>  debian/pve-kernel-helper.preinst |  2 +-
>  3 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

applied series with Fabians comments as followup, thanks!

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