Hello Julien,

On 08.07.21 09:36, wb wrote:
> Hello Thomas,
> Currently with Proxmox, I have a Kubernetes node running on LXC. However, I 
> have encountered an issue on the Container Network Interface (CNI) side and 
> in order for it to work, the parameter 
> /proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_max must be raised.
> You know that the container settings are managed by the hypervisor. However, 
> something prevents to go above 262144. By searching a bit in your code, I 
> found the limitation in Firewall.pm. I raised this value and the CNI works 
> again.
> The last change was in this commit that you made.
> https://lists.proxmox.com/pipermail/pve-devel/2019-October/039748.html
> Is it possible to take into consideration the increase of this parameter in 
> your code?

FYI, you can already override that setting in the node firewall options in the 
if set manually that vaile will always be preferred, at least as long the value 
is bigger than
the default of 262144.


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