these were mostly releveant for upgrading from Corosync 2.x to 3.x - so
keep the warnings/errors, but reduce the noise a bit by skipping lots of
PASS output.

Signed-off-by: Fabian Grünbichler <>

    on a 3-node cluster this reduced the amount of output from 47 statements to 
    total lines from 111 to 101.

 PVE/CLI/ | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PVE/CLI/ b/PVE/CLI/
index 1c89242d..899ef6c6 100644
--- a/PVE/CLI/
+++ b/PVE/CLI/
@@ -302,17 +302,25 @@ sub check_cluster_corosync {
        if $conf_nodelist_count != $cfs_nodelist_count;
     print "\nChecking nodelist entries..\n";
+    my $nodelist_pass = 1;
     for my $cs_node (sort keys %$conf_nodelist) {
        my $entry = $conf_nodelist->{$cs_node};
-       log_fail("$cs_node: no name entry in corosync.conf.")
-           if !defined($entry->{name});
-       log_fail("$cs_node: no nodeid configured in corosync.conf.")
-           if !defined($entry->{nodeid});
+       if (!defined($entry->{name})) {
+           $nodelist_pass = 0;
+           log_fail("$cs_node: no name entry in corosync.conf.");
+       }
+       if (!defined($entry->{nodeid})) {
+           $nodelist_pass = 0;
+           log_fail("$cs_node: no nodeid configured in corosync.conf.");
+       }
        my $gotLinks = 0;
        for my $link (0..7) {
            $gotLinks++ if defined($entry->{"ring${link}_addr"});
-       log_fail("$cs_node: no ringX_addr (0 <= X <= 7) link defined in 
corosync.conf.") if $gotLinks <= 0;
+       if ($gotLinks <= 0) {
+           $nodelist_pass = 0;
+           log_fail("$cs_node: no ringX_addr (0 <= X <= 7) link defined in 
+       }
        my $verify_ring_ip = sub {
            my $key = shift;
@@ -320,11 +328,11 @@ sub check_cluster_corosync {
                my ($resolved_ip, undef) = 
PVE::Corosync::resolve_hostname_like_corosync($ring, $conf);
                if (defined($resolved_ip)) {
                    if ($resolved_ip ne $ring) {
+                       $nodelist_pass = 0;
                        log_warn("$cs_node: $key '$ring' resolves to 
'$resolved_ip'.\n Consider replacing it with the currently resolved IP 
-                   } else {
-                       log_pass("$cs_node: $key is configured to use IP 
address '$ring'");
                } else {
+                   $nodelist_pass = 0;
                    log_fail("$cs_node: unable to resolve $key '$ring' to an IP 
address according to Corosync's resolve strategy - cluster will potentially 
fail with Corosync 3.x/kronosnet!");
@@ -333,42 +341,38 @@ sub check_cluster_corosync {
+    log_pass("nodelist settings OK") if $nodelist_pass;
     print "\nChecking totem settings..\n";
     my $totem = $conf->{main}->{totem};
+    my $totem_pass = 1;
     my $transport = $totem->{transport};
     if (defined($transport)) {
        if ($transport ne 'knet') {
+           $totem_pass = 0;
            log_fail("Corosync transport explicitly set to '$transport' instead 
of implicit default!");
-       } else {
-           log_pass("Corosync transport set to '$transport'.");
-    } else {
-       log_pass("Corosync transport set to implicit default.");
     # TODO: are those values still up-to-date?
     if ((!defined($totem->{secauth}) || $totem->{secauth} ne 'on') && 
(!defined($totem->{crypto_cipher}) || $totem->{crypto_cipher} eq 'none')) {
+       $totem_pass = 0;
        log_fail("Corosync authentication/encryption is not explicitly enabled 
(secauth / crypto_cipher / crypto_hash)!");
-    } else {
-       if (defined($totem->{crypto_cipher}) && $totem->{crypto_cipher} eq 
'3des') {
-           log_fail("Corosync encryption cipher set to '3des', no longer 
supported in Corosync 3.x!"); # FIXME: can be removed?
-       } else {
-           log_pass("Corosync encryption and authentication enabled.");
-       }
+    } elsif (defined($totem->{crypto_cipher}) && $totem->{crypto_cipher} eq 
'3des') {
+       $totem_pass = 0;
+       log_fail("Corosync encryption cipher set to '3des', no longer supported 
in Corosync 3.x!"); # FIXME: can be removed?
+    log_pass("totem settings OK") if $totem_pass;
     print "\n";
     log_info("run 'pvecm status' to get detailed cluster status..");
     if (defined(my $corosync = $get_pkg->('corosync'))) {
        if ($corosync->{OldVersion} =~ m/^2\./) {
-           log_fail("corosync 2.x installed, cluster-wide upgrade to 3.x 
-       } elsif ($corosync->{OldVersion} =~ m/^3\./) {
-           log_pass("corosync 3.x installed.");
-       } else {
-           log_fail("unexpected corosync version installed: 
+           log_fail("\ncorosync 2.x installed, cluster-wide upgrade to 3.x 
+       } elsif ($corosync->{OldVersion} !~ m/^3\./) {
+           log_fail("\nunexpected corosync version installed: 

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