On 22.06.21 12:16, Fabian Grünbichler wrote:
> now that we no longer ship our own LVM packages, set the relevant
> filtering options here if they are missing.
> for an upgrade from PVE 6.x, the following two scenarios are likely:
> A: user edited config provided by our old lvm2 package. it likely
> contains our (or a modified) global_filter, but the old scan_lvs
> default. in this case we ignore global_filter as long as it contains our
> 'don't scan zvols' entry, and set scan_lvs to false.
> B: config provided by our old lvm2 package was taken over by default
> config from stock lvm2 package. scan_lvs defaults to false already, but
> global_filter is unset (scan everything), so we need to set our own
> global_filter excluding zvols.
> other combinations should be handled fine as well.
> for new installs (installer, install on top of Debian Bullseye) we are
> always in scenario B.
> Signed-off-by: Fabian Grünbichler <f.gruenbich...@proxmox.com>
> ---
> Notes:
>     once other difference between our old config and the stock one is that we 
> had
>     'issue_discards' enabled. we could either put this in the release notes, 
> or
>     also enable it here automatically - but it is less straight-forward since 
> the
>     default is not "almost certainly wrong" like for the filtering options..
>     we could drop the "check for marker" and just do this once on initial 
> install
>     and upgrades from 6.x, but since the fallout from not having these in 
> place can
>     be data corruption (activating multiple VGs with same name, using one 
> from a
>     guest on the host!) I'd rather play it safe..
>  debian/postinst | 55 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 55 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/debian/postinst b/debian/postinst
> index dcf77d24..241aac08 100755
> --- a/debian/postinst
> +++ b/debian/postinst
> @@ -8,6 +8,58 @@ set -e
>  # done its automatic conffile handling, and all the packages we depend
>  # of are already fully installed and configured.
> +LVM_CONF_MARKER="# added by pve-manager to avoid scanning"
> +
> +set_lvm_conf() {

I'd maybe set the "don't whine about open FDs other than 0, 1, 2" flag here 
(weird thing
to check for anyway):


> +    OLD_VALUE="$(lvmconfig --typeconfig full devices/global_filter)"
> +    NEW_VALUE='global_filter=["r|/dev/zd.*|"]'
> +
> +    # only do these changes once
> +    # keep user changes afterwards provided marker is still there..
> +    if grep -qv "$LVM_CONF_MARKER" /etc/lvm/lvm.conf; then

the FD leak notice was always shown twice to me, so I checked more closely and
even though my lvm.conf has the marker intact and a manual call of the grep
exits as expected the code still takes this branch, quite weird IMO & surely
something stupid on my side, but did not yet found the cause..

> +     # check global_filter
> +     # keep previous setting from our custom packaging if it is still there
> +     if echo "$OLD_VALUE" | grep -qvF 'r|/dev/zd.*|'; then
> +         SET_FILTER=1
> +         BACKUP=1
> +     fi
> +     # should be the default since bullseye
> +     if lvmconfig --typeconfig full devices/scan_lvs | grep -qv 
> 'scan_lvs=0'; then
> +         SET_SCAN_LVS=1
> +         BACKUP=1
> +     fi
> +     if test -n "$BACKUP"; then
> +         echo "Backing up lvm.conf before setting pve-manager specific 
> settings.."
> +         cp -vb /etc/lvm/lvm.conf /etc/lvm/lvm.conf.bak
> +     fi
> +     if test -n "$SET_FILTER"; then
> +         echo "Setting 'global_filter' in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf to prevent zvols 
> from being scanned:"
> +         echo "$OLD_VALUE => $NEW_VALUE"
> +         # comment out existing setting
> +         sed -i -e 's/^\([[:space:]]*global_filter[[:space:]]*=\)/#\1/' 
> /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
> +         # add new section with our setting
> +         cat >> /etc/lvm/lvm.conf <<EOF
> +devices {
> +      $LVM_CONF_MARKER ZFS zvols
> +      global_filter=$NEW_VALUE
> +}
> +EOF
> +     fi
> +     if test -n "$SET_SCAN_LVS"; then
> +         echo "Adding scan_lvs=0 setting to /etc/lvm/lvm.conf to prevent LVs 
> from being scanned."
> +         # comment out existing setting
> +         sed -i -e 's/^\([[:space:]]*scan_lvs[[:space:]]*=\)/#\1/' 
> /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
> +         # add new section with our setting
> +         cat >> /etc/lvm/lvm.conf <<EOF
> +devices {
> +      $LVM_CONF_MARKER LVM volumes
> +      scan_lvs=0
> +}
> +EOF
> +     fi
> +    fi
> +}
> +
>  case "$1" in
>    triggered)
>      # We don't print a status message here, as dpkg already said
> @@ -86,6 +138,9 @@ case "$1" in
>           newaliases || true
>       fi
>      fi
> +
> +    set_lvm_conf
> +
>      ;;
>    abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure)

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