Am 17.06.21 um 10:39 schrieb Wolfgang Bumiller:
some non-blocking cleanups in case you do another version:

On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 01:43:53PM +0200, Fabian Ebner wrote:
which checks for bad suites and official URIs.

Signed-off-by: Fabian Ebner <>

Changes from v5:
     * split out host_from_uri helper and also handle userinfo and port
     * test an offical URI with port
     * match all * and * as official to avoid (future)
       false negatives.
     * add bookworm and trixie codenames to the list of new_suites

  src/repositories/                 | 174 +++++++++++++++++++++-
  src/repositories/                   |  19 ++-
  src/                              |  19 +++
  tests/                     |  97 +++++++++++-
  tests/sources.list.d.expected/bad.sources |  30 ++++
  tests/sources.list.d/bad.sources          |  29 ++++
  6 files changed, 364 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
  create mode 100644 tests/sources.list.d.expected/bad.sources
  create mode 100644 tests/sources.list.d/bad.sources

diff --git a/src/repositories/ b/src/repositories/
index a682b69..585c28d 100644
--- a/src/repositories/
+++ b/src/repositories/
@@ -1,6 +1,45 @@
  use anyhow::{bail, Error};
-use crate::types::{APTRepository, APTRepositoryFileType, APTRepositoryPackageType};
+use crate::types::{
+    APTRepository, APTRepositoryFile, APTRepositoryFileType, APTRepositoryInfo,
+    APTRepositoryPackageType,
+/// Splits the suite into its base part and variant.
+fn suite_variant(suite: &str) -> (&str, &str) {
+    let variants = ["-backports-sloppy", "-backports", "-updates", "/updates"];
+    for variant in variants.iter() {
+        if let Some(base) = suite.strip_suffix(variant) {
+            return (base, variant);
+        }
+    }
+    (suite, "")
+/// Get the host part from a given URI.
+fn host_from_uri(uri: &str) -> Option<&str> {
+    if let Some(begin) = uri.find("://") {

You could shorten this via `?` (since the function itself also returns
an `Option`):

     let begin = uri.find("://")?;

+        let mut host = uri.split_at(begin + 3).1;
+        if let Some(end) = host.find('/') {
+            host = host.split_at(end).0;

Personally I'd prefer `host = &host[..end]`, but it probably compiles to
the same code in the end.

+        }
+        if let Some(begin) = host.find('@') {
+            host = host.split_at(begin + 1).1;

(Similarly: `host = &host[(begin + 1)..]`)

+        }
+        if let Some(end) = host.find(':') {
+            host = host.split_at(end).0;
+        }
+        return Some(host);
+    }
+    None
impl APTRepository {
      /// Makes sure that all basic properties of a repository are present and
@@ -102,4 +141,137 @@ impl APTRepository {
+    /// Checks if old or unstable suites are configured and also that the
+    /// `stable` keyword is not used.
+    fn check_suites(&self, add_info: &mut dyn FnMut(String, String)) {
+        let old_suites = [
+            "lenny",
+            "squeeze",
+            "wheezy",
+            "jessie",
+            "stretch",
+            "oldoldstable",
+            "oldstable",
+        ];
+        let next_suite = "bullseye";
+        let new_suites = [
+            "bookworm",
+            "trixie",
+            "testing",
+            "unstable",
+            "sid",
+            "experimental",
+        ];
+        if self
+            .types
+            .iter()
+            .any(|package_type| *package_type == APTRepositoryPackageType::Deb)
+        {
+            for suite in self.suites.iter() {

maybe cache `suite_variant(suite).0` at this point

     let variant = suite_variant(suite).0;

+                if old_suites
+                    .iter()
+                    .any(|base_suite| suite_variant(suite).0 == *base_suite)

^ then this could be

     if old_suites.contains(&variant) {

I think

+                {
+                    add_info(
+                        "warning".to_string(),
+                        format!("old suite '{}' configured!", suite),
+                    );
+                }
+                if suite_variant(suite).0 == next_suite {
+                    add_info(
+                        "ignore-pre-upgrade-warning".to_string(),
+                        format!("suite '{}' should not be used in 
production!", suite),
+                    );
+                }
+                if new_suites
+                    .iter()
+                    .any(|base_suite| suite_variant(suite).0 == *base_suite)

^ same

+                {
+                    add_info(
+                        "warning".to_string(),
+                        format!("suite '{}' should not be used in 
production!", suite),
+                    );
+                }
+                if suite_variant(suite).0 == "stable" {
+                    add_info(
+                        "warning".to_string(),
+                        "use the name of the stable distribution instead of 
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// Checks if an official host is configured in the repository.
+    fn check_uris(&self) -> Option<(String, String)> {
+        let official_host = |domains: &Vec<&str>| match domains.split_last() {

Drop this entire beast (see below), but as a review of it:
You can use the slice[1] & rest[2] pattern syntax here:

     match domains[..] { // the `[..]` part is required here
         [.., "proxmox", "com"] => true,
         [.., "debian", "org"] => true,
         _ => false,

Or more concise (but I do find the above a bit quicker to glance over,
hence the 'clippy' hint ;-) ):

     matches!(domains[..], [.., "proxmox", "com"] | [.., "debian", "org"]);


+            Some((last, rest)) => match rest.split_last() {
+                Some((second_to_last, _rest)) => {
+                    (*last == "org" && *second_to_last == "debian")
+                        || (*last == "com" && *second_to_last == "proxmox")
+                }
+                None => false,
+            },
+            None => false,
+        };
+        for uri in self.uris.iter() {
+            if let Some(host) = host_from_uri(uri) {
+                let domains = host.split('.').collect();

^ But instead of building a vector here, why not just do:

     if host == "" || host.ends_with("")
         || host == "" || host.ends_with("")

Misses FQDNs? Thanks for the tips, I was not aware that one can do tail-matching with the matches! macro.

+                if official_host(&domains) {
+                    return Some(("badge".to_string(), "official host 
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        None
+    }
+impl APTRepositoryFile {
+    /// Checks if old or unstable suites are configured and also that the
+    /// `stable` keyword is not used.
+    pub fn check_suites(&self) -> Vec<APTRepositoryInfo> {
+        let mut infos = vec![];
+        for (n, repo) in self.repositories.iter().enumerate() {
+            let mut add_info = |kind, message| {
+                infos.push(APTRepositoryInfo {
+                    path: self.path.clone(),
+                    number: n + 1,
+                    kind,
+                    message,
+                })
+            };
+            repo.check_suites(&mut add_info);

^ minor nit:
the `check_suites` you're calling here is only called at this one spot
and private, so personally I'd prefer an `impl FnMut` or generic over a
trait object, (also you could inline the closure here)

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