useful for major upgrades. The stable branch can enable the upgrade, and bump
the minor version, while the master branch will adapt to the new release and
bump the major version. Each product can depend on the the new major version
after branching off the stable branch, and once the release is out, its stable
branch can depend on the new minor version.

Signed-off-by: Fabian Ebner <>

Changes from v5:
    * Make function less general (only care about the current release upgrade)
      and handle special case for security repository.
    * Make list of suite available as constants.
    * Get the current release from /etc/os-release and abort if it is not the
      same as STABLE_SUITE.
    * Add a constant UPGRADE_SUITE which can be set for the library's last
      release in the stable-X branch to enable the release_upgrade() function.

 .gitignore                |  1 +
 src/repositories/ | 57 +++++++++++++-----------
 src/repositories/   | 92 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/     | 79 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 202 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index db6f13e..de68da9 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/src/repositories/ b/src/repositories/
index 585c28d..e0ec93e 100644
--- a/src/repositories/
+++ b/src/repositories/
@@ -5,8 +5,34 @@ use crate::types::{
+/// The (code)names of old Debian releases.
+pub const OLD_SUITES: [&str; 7] = [
+    "lenny",
+    "squeeze",
+    "wheezy",
+    "jessie",
+    "stretch",
+    "oldoldstable",
+    "oldstable",
+/// The codename of the current stable Debian release.
+pub const STABLE_SUITE: &str = "buster";
+/// The codename of the next stable Debian release.
+pub const NEXT_STABLE_SUITE: &str = "bullseye";
+/// The (code)names of new/testing Debian releases.
+pub const NEW_SUITES: [&str; 6] = [
+    "bookworm",
+    "trixie",
+    "testing",
+    "unstable",
+    "sid",
+    "experimental",
 /// Splits the suite into its base part and variant.
-fn suite_variant(suite: &str) -> (&str, &str) {
+pub fn suite_variant(suite: &str) -> (&str, &str) {
     let variants = ["-backports-sloppy", "-backports", "-updates", "/updates"];
     for variant in variants.iter() {
@@ -19,7 +45,7 @@ fn suite_variant(suite: &str) -> (&str, &str) {
 /// Get the host part from a given URI.
-fn host_from_uri(uri: &str) -> Option<&str> {
+pub fn host_from_uri(uri: &str) -> Option<&str> {
     if let Some(begin) = uri.find("://") {
         let mut host = uri.split_at(begin + 3).1;
@@ -145,34 +171,13 @@ impl APTRepository {
     /// Checks if old or unstable suites are configured and also that the
     /// `stable` keyword is not used.
     fn check_suites(&self, add_info: &mut dyn FnMut(String, String)) {
-        let old_suites = [
-            "lenny",
-            "squeeze",
-            "wheezy",
-            "jessie",
-            "stretch",
-            "oldoldstable",
-            "oldstable",
-        ];
-        let next_suite = "bullseye";
-        let new_suites = [
-            "bookworm",
-            "trixie",
-            "testing",
-            "unstable",
-            "sid",
-            "experimental",
-        ];
         if self
             .any(|package_type| *package_type == APTRepositoryPackageType::Deb)
             for suite in self.suites.iter() {
-                if old_suites
+                if OLD_SUITES
                     .any(|base_suite| suite_variant(suite).0 == *base_suite)
@@ -182,14 +187,14 @@ impl APTRepository {
-                if suite_variant(suite).0 == next_suite {
+                if suite_variant(suite).0 == NEXT_STABLE_SUITE {
                         format!("suite '{}' should not be used in 
production!", suite),
-                if new_suites
+                if NEW_SUITES
                     .any(|base_suite| suite_variant(suite).0 == *base_suite)
diff --git a/src/repositories/ b/src/repositories/
index 2c01011..eceede3 100644
--- a/src/repositories/
+++ b/src/repositories/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 use std::collections::BTreeMap;
+use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
 use std::path::PathBuf;
 use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
@@ -21,6 +22,11 @@ mod writer;
 const APT_SOURCES_LIST_FILENAME: &str = "/etc/apt/sources.list";
 const APT_SOURCES_LIST_DIRECTORY: &str = "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/";
+/// The codename of the current stable Debian release.
+pub const STABLE_SUITE: &str = check::STABLE_SUITE;
+/// The codename of the next stable Debian release or `None` if an upgrade is 
not yet possible.
+pub const UPGRADE_SUITE: Option<&str> = None;
 impl APTRepository {
     /// Crates an empty repository.
     fn new(file_type: APTRepositoryFileType) -> Self {
@@ -265,6 +271,92 @@ pub fn repositories() -> Result<(Vec<APTRepositoryFile>, 
     Ok((files, errors))
+/// Read the `VERSION_CODENAME` from `/etc/os-release`.
+fn get_release_codename() -> Result<String, Error> {
+    let raw = std::fs::read("/etc/os-release")
+        .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to read '/etc/os-release' - {}", 
+    let reader = BufReader::new(&*raw);
+    for line in reader.lines() {
+        let line = line.map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to read 
'/etc/os-release' - {}", err))?;
+        if let Some(codename) = line.strip_prefix("VERSION_CODENAME=") {
+            let codename = codename.trim_matches(&['"', '\''][..]);
+            return Ok(codename.to_string());
+        }
+    }
+    bail!("unable to parse codename from '/etc/os-release'");
+/// For enabled repositories, replaces each occurence of the `STABLE_SUITE` 
with the
+/// `UPGRADE_SUITE` suite, including variants (e.g. `-updates`).
+/// Returns an error if the `UPGRADE_SUITE` is currently `None`, i.e. upgrade 
not yet possible.
+/// Returns an error if the `VERSION_CODENAME` from `/etc/os-release` is not 
+/// Also handles the special case `buster/updates` -> `bullseye-security` when 
the URI is
+///, but fails if there's additional URIs.
+pub fn release_upgrade(files: &mut [APTRepositoryFile]) -> Result<(), Error> {
+    let upgrade_suite = match UPGRADE_SUITE {
+        Some(suite) => suite,
+        None => bail!("release upgrade is not yet possible"),
+    };
+    let current = get_release_codename()?;
+    if current == upgrade_suite {
+        bail!("already installed '{}'", current);
+    }
+    if current != STABLE_SUITE {
+        bail!(
+            "unexpected release '{}' - cannot prepare repositories for 
+            current
+        );
+    }
+    for file in files.iter_mut() {
+        for repo in file.repositories.iter_mut() {
+            if !repo.enabled {
+                continue;
+            }
+            for i in 0..repo.suites.len() {
+                let suite = &repo.suites[i];
+                // FIXME special case for security repository can be removed 
for Debian Bookworm
+                let is_security_uri = |uri| {
+                    check::host_from_uri(uri).map_or(false, |host| host == 
+                };
+                let has_security_uri = repo.uris.iter().any(|uri| 
+                let has_only_security_uri = repo.uris.iter().all(|uri| 
+                if suite == "buster/updates" && has_security_uri {
+                    if !has_only_security_uri {
+                        bail!("cannot replace 'buster/updates' suite - 
multiple URIs");
+                    }
+                    repo.suites[i] = "bullseye-security".to_string();
+                    continue;
+                }
+                let (base, variant) = check::suite_variant(suite);
+                if base == STABLE_SUITE {
+                    repo.suites[i] = format!("{}{}", upgrade_suite, variant);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(())
 /// Write the repositories for each file.
 /// Returns an error for each file that could not be written successfully.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 3919077..ee7f1a8 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
 use proxmox_apt::repositories::{
     check_repositories, common_digest, enterprise_repository_enabled,
-    no_subscription_repository_enabled, write_repositories,
+    no_subscription_repository_enabled, release_upgrade, write_repositories,
 use proxmox_apt::types::{APTRepositoryFile, APTRepositoryInfo};
@@ -292,3 +292,80 @@ fn test_common_digest() -> Result<(), Error> {
+fn test_release_upgrade() -> Result<(), Error> {
+    let test_dir = std::env::current_dir()?.join("tests");
+    let read_dir = test_dir.join("sources.list.d");
+    let write_dir = test_dir.join("sources.list.d.upgraded.actual");
+    let expected_dir = test_dir.join("sources.list.d.upgraded.expected");
+    if write_dir.is_dir() {
+        std::fs::remove_dir_all(&write_dir)
+            .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to remove dir {:?} - {}", 
write_dir, err))?;
+    }
+    std::fs::create_dir_all(&write_dir)
+        .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to create dir {:?} - {}", 
write_dir, err))?;
+    let mut files = vec![];
+    let mut errors = vec![];
+    for entry in std::fs::read_dir(read_dir)? {
+        let path = entry?.path();
+        match APTRepositoryFile::new(&path)? {
+            Some(mut file) => match file.parse() {
+                Ok(()) => files.push(file),
+                Err(err) => errors.push(err),
+            },
+            None => bail!("unexpected None for '{:?}'", path),
+        }
+    }
+    assert!(errors.is_empty());
+    for file in files.iter_mut() {
+        let path = PathBuf::from(&file.path);
+        let new_path = write_dir.join(path.file_name().unwrap());
+        file.path = new_path.into_os_string().into_string().unwrap();
+        file.digest = None;
+    }
+    let res = release_upgrade(&mut files);
+    // FIXME adapt test after branching off the stable-X branch!
+    assert!(res.is_err());
+    if res.is_err() {
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    write_repositories(&files).map_err(|err| format_err!("{:?}", err))?;
+    let mut expected_count = 0;
+    for entry in std::fs::read_dir(expected_dir)? {
+        expected_count += 1;
+        let expected_path = entry?.path();
+        let actual_path = write_dir.join(expected_path.file_name().unwrap());
+        let expected_contents = std::fs::read(&expected_path)
+            .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to read {:?} - {}", 
expected_path, err))?;
+        let actual_contents = std::fs::read(&actual_path)
+            .map_err(|err| format_err!("unable to read {:?} - {}", 
actual_path, err))?;
+        assert_eq!(
+            expected_contents, actual_contents,
+            "Use\n\ndiff {:?} {:?}\n\nif you're not fluent in byte decimals",
+            expected_path, actual_path
+        );
+    }
+    let actual_count = std::fs::read_dir(write_dir)?.count();
+    assert_eq!(expected_count, actual_count);
+    Ok(())

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