so that there will be a valid replication snapshot again.

Otherwise, replication will be broken after a rollback if the last
(non-replication) snapshot is removed before replication can run again.

Signed-off-by: Fabian Ebner <>

No changes from v1 (except rebase).

Not a huge fan of this, but the alternatives I could come up with don't seem
much better IMHO:

1. Invalidate/remove replicated volumes after a rollback altogether and require
a full sync on the next replication job afterwards.

2. Another one is to disallow removing the last non-replication snapshot if:
    * there is a replication job configured
    * no replication snapshot for that job currently exists
      (which likely means it was removed by a previous rollback operation, but
      can also happen for a new job that didn't run yet).

3. Hope not very many people immediately delete their snapshots after rollback.

Pick a favorite or suggest your own ;)

 src/PVE/    | 19 +++++++++++++++++--
 src/PVE/ | 14 ++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/PVE/ b/src/PVE/
index 6542ae4..6cc0537 100644
--- a/src/PVE/
+++ b/src/PVE/
@@ -951,6 +951,9 @@ sub snapshot_rollback {
     my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
+    my $repl_conf = PVE::ReplicationConfig->new();
+    my $logfunc = sub { my $line = shift; chomp $line; print "$line\n"; };
     my $data = {};
     my $get_snapshot_config = sub {
@@ -972,7 +975,6 @@ sub snapshot_rollback {
        $snap = $get_snapshot_config->($conf);
        if ($prepare) {
-           my $repl_conf = PVE::ReplicationConfig->new();
            if ($repl_conf->check_for_existing_jobs($vmid, 1)) {
                # remove replication snapshots on volumes affected by rollback 
                my $volumes = $class->get_replicatable_volumes($storecfg, 
$vmid, $snap, 1);
@@ -989,7 +991,6 @@ sub snapshot_rollback {
                # remove all local replication snapshots (jobid => undef)
-               my $logfunc = sub { my $line = shift; chomp $line; print 
"$line\n"; };
                PVE::Replication::prepare($storecfg, $volids, undef, 1, undef, 
@@ -1047,6 +1048,20 @@ sub snapshot_rollback {
     $prepare = 0;
     $class->lock_config($vmid, $updatefn);
+    my $replication_jobs = $repl_conf->list_guests_replication_jobs($vmid);
+    for my $job (@{$replication_jobs}) {
+       my $target = $job->{target};
+       $logfunc->("replicating rolled back guest to node '$target'");
+       my $start_time = time();
+       eval {
+           PVE::Replication::run_replication($class, $job, $start_time, 
$start_time, $logfunc);
+       };
+       if (my $err = $@) {
+           warn "unable to replicate rolled back guest to node '$target' - 
+       }
+    }
 # bash completion helper
diff --git a/src/PVE/ b/src/PVE/
index fd856a0..84a718f 100644
--- a/src/PVE/
+++ b/src/PVE/
@@ -228,6 +228,20 @@ sub find_local_replication_job {
     return undef;
+sub list_guests_replication_jobs {
+    my ($cfg, $vmid) = @_;
+    my $jobs = [];
+    for my $job (values %{$cfg->{ids}}) {
+       next if $job->{type} ne 'local' || $job->{guest} != $vmid;
+       push @{$jobs}, $job;
+    }
+    return $jobs;
 # makes old_target the new source for all local jobs of this guest
 # makes new_target the target for the single local job with target old_target
 sub switch_replication_job_target_nolock {

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