On Wed, Mar 03, 2021 at 10:56:01AM +0100, Stefan Reiter wrote:
> "live-restore" allows starting a VM immediately from a backup snapshot, no
> waiting for a long restore process.  

Live restore worked multiple times for me from ext4, xfs & zfs datastores to 
zfs and lvm with backups of
- a Debian VM and
- a Windows VM

--Tested-by: Dominic Jäger <d.jae...@proxmox.com>

Possible nice-to-haves for the future:
- Notice if a storage gets full. In the good case only the restore process
  freezes. When choosing local, functions like removing VMs start to fail.
- editing the VM configuration before the restore. Otherwise one wrong setting
  like kvm:1, or a mounted cdrom from some unavailable storage can prevent the
  whole "live" part.

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