CLIFormatter, though maybe not perfectly named, already has functions
doing the same task - use those.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Reiter <>

Wanted to move these to a shared location to use in the next patch, found that
we already had functions doing pretty much the same stuff...

 PVE/VZDump/ | 64 ++++++++--------------------------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PVE/VZDump/ b/PVE/VZDump/
index b5e74d3..a34bdf5 100644
--- a/PVE/VZDump/
+++ b/PVE/VZDump/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ use PVE::Storage::PBSPlugin;
 use PVE::Storage;
 use PVE::Tools;
 use PVE::VZDump;
+use PVE::CLIFormatter qw(render_duration render_bytes);
 use PVE::QemuConfig;
 use PVE::QemuServer;
@@ -262,45 +263,6 @@ sub archive {
-# number, [precision=1]
-my $num2str = sub {
-    return sprintf( "%." . ( $_[1] || 1 ) . "f", $_[0] );
-my sub bytes_to_human {
-    my ($bytes, $precission) = @_;
-    return $num2str->($bytes, $precission) . ' B' if $bytes < 1024;
-    my $kb = $bytes/1024;
-    return $num2str->($kb, $precission) . " KiB" if $kb < 1024;
-    my $mb = $kb/1024;
-    return $num2str->($mb, $precission) . " MiB" if $mb < 1024;
-    my $gb = $mb/1024;
-    return $num2str->($gb, $precission) . " GiB" if $gb < 1024;
-    my $tb = $gb/1024;
-    return $num2str->($tb, $precission) . " TiB";
-my sub duration_to_human {
-    my ($seconds) = @_;
-    return sprintf('%2ds', $seconds) if $seconds < 60;
-    my $minutes = $seconds / 60;
-    $seconds = $seconds % 60;
-    return sprintf('%2dm %2ds', $minutes, $seconds) if $minutes < 60;
-    my $hours = $minutes / 60;
-    $minutes = $minutes % 60;
-    return sprintf('%2dh %2dm %2ds', $hours, $minutes, $seconds) if $hours < 
-    my $days = $hours / 24;
-    $hours = $hours % 24;
-    return sprintf('%2dd %2dh %2dm', $days, $hours, $minutes);
 my $bitmap_action_to_human = sub {
     my ($self, $info) = @_;
@@ -316,8 +278,8 @@ my $bitmap_action_to_human = sub {
        if ($info->{dirty} == 0) {
            return "OK (drive clean)";
        } else {
-           my $size = bytes_to_human($info->{size});
-           my $dirty = bytes_to_human($info->{dirty});
+           my $size = render_bytes($info->{size});
+           my $dirty = render_bytes($info->{dirty});
            return "OK ($dirty of $size dirty)";
     } elsif ($action eq "invalid") {
@@ -339,7 +301,7 @@ my $query_backup_status_loop = sub {
        my ($mb, $delta) = @_;
        return "0 B/s" if $mb <= 0;
        my $bw = int(($mb / $delta));
-       return bytes_to_human($bw) . "/s";
+       return render_bytes($bw) . "/s";
     my $target = 0;
@@ -361,8 +323,8 @@ my $query_backup_status_loop = sub {
            $last_reused += $info->{size} - $info->{dirty};
        if ($target < $total) {
-           my $total_h = bytes_to_human($total);
-           my $target_h = bytes_to_human($target);
+           my $total_h = render_bytes($total);
+           my $target_h = render_bytes($target);
            $self->loginfo("using fast incremental mode (dirty-bitmap), 
$target_h dirty of $total_h total");
@@ -397,16 +359,16 @@ my $query_backup_status_loop = sub {
        my $timediff = ($ctime - $last_time) || 1; # fixme
        my $mbps_read = $get_mbps->($rbytes, $timediff);
        my $mbps_write = $get_mbps->($wbytes, $timediff);
-       my $target_h = bytes_to_human($target);
-       my $transferred_h = bytes_to_human($transferred);
+       my $target_h = render_bytes($target);
+       my $transferred_h = render_bytes($transferred);
        if (!$has_query_bitmap && $first_round && $target != $total) { # FIXME: 
remove with PVE 7.0
-           my $total_h = bytes_to_human($total);
+           my $total_h = render_bytes($total);
            $self->loginfo("using fast incremental mode (dirty-bitmap), 
$target_h dirty of $total_h total");
        my $statusline = sprintf("%3d%% ($transferred_h of $target_h) in %s"
-           .", read: $mbps_read, write: $mbps_write", $percent, 
+           .", read: $mbps_read, write: $mbps_write", $percent, 
        my $res = $status->{status} || 'unknown';
        if ($res ne 'active') {
@@ -446,16 +408,16 @@ my $query_backup_status_loop = sub {
     if ($last_zero) {
        my $zero_per = $last_target ? int(($last_zero * 100)/$last_target) : 0;
-       my $zero_h = bytes_to_human($last_zero, 2);
+       my $zero_h = render_bytes($last_zero);
        $self->loginfo("backup is sparse: $zero_h (${zero_per}%) total zero 
     if ($reused) {
-       my $reused_h = bytes_to_human($reused, 2);
+       my $reused_h = render_bytes($reused);
        my $reuse_per = int($reused * 100 / $last_total);
        $self->loginfo("backup was done incrementally, reused $reused_h 
     if ($transferred) {
-       my $transferred_h = bytes_to_human($transferred, 2);
+       my $transferred_h = render_bytes($transferred);
        if ($duration) {
            my $mbps = $get_mbps->($transferred, $duration);
            $self->loginfo("transferred $transferred_h in $duration seconds 

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