On December 15, 2020 12:44 am, Michael Honkoop wrote:
> Hi all, 
> In watching build-behaviour, i notice that when i build another git repo 
> (pve-manager) it drops the directory 'dest' and then ( if one deletes the 
> resulting *buildinfo, *.changes and *.deb) starts rebuilding.
> On the pve-access-control it does not remove the directory 
> 'libpve-access-control-6.1' , so when one has this dir, ( and assuming same 
> behaviour as seen on pve-manager repo) it will take all sources from this dir 
> - regardless of changes.
> Is there a specific reason this differs from the pve-manager repo ? - as only 
> after analysing why my added file was skipped over and over again ( in 
> pve-access-control ) has lead me to a lot of questionmarks in my mind.

no, no specific reason except that Makefiles tend to grow over time, and 
sometimes improvements/changes don't make it to all of them. feel free 
to improve upon it if you want, for the smaller repos when in doubt just 
add a 'make clean' before your build - the build should be rather fast 
anyway even when starting from scratch ;)

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