with followup in pve-manager for the same issue:

diff --git a/www/manager6/storage/PBSEdit.js b/www/manager6/storage/PBSEdit.js
index 81edb2a0..e7585de0 100644
--- a/www/manager6/storage/PBSEdit.js
+++ b/www/manager6/storage/PBSEdit.js
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Ext.define('PVE.Storage.PBSKeyShow', {
                    xtype: 'component',
-                   html: gettext('Keep your master key safe, but easily 
accessible for disaster recovery.')
+                   html: gettext('Keep your encryption key safe, but easily 
accessible for disaster recovery.')
                        + '<br>' + gettext('We recommend the following 
safe-keeping strategy:'),

On November 26, 2020 9:20 am, Fabian Ebner wrote:
> instead of master key.
> Signed-off-by: Fabian Ebner <f.eb...@proxmox.com>
> ---
> Sorry, I missed this yesterday.
>  pve-storage-pbs.adoc | 12 ++++++------
>  1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/pve-storage-pbs.adoc b/pve-storage-pbs.adoc
> index a382082..c22f5b3 100644
> --- a/pve-storage-pbs.adoc
> +++ b/pve-storage-pbs.adoc
> @@ -101,19 +101,19 @@ a key on that system. If the system then becomes 
> inaccessible for any reason
>  and needs to be restored, this will not be possible as the encryption key 
> will be
>  lost along with the broken system.
> -It is recommended that you keep your keys safe, but easily accessible, in
> +It is recommended that you keep your key safe, but easily accessible, in
>  order for quick disaster recovery. For this reason, the best place to store 
> it
>  is in your password manager, where it is immediately recoverable. As a 
> backup to
>  this, you should also save the key to a USB drive and store that in a secure
>  place. This way, it is detached from any system, but is still easy to recover
>  from, in case of emergency. Finally, in preparation for the worst case 
> scenario,
> -you should also consider keeping a paper copy of your master key locked away 
> in
> -a safe place. The `paperkey` subcommand can be used to create a QR encoded
> -version of your master key. The following command sends the output of the
> -`paperkey` command to a text file, for easy printing.
> +you should also consider keeping a paper copy of your key locked away in a 
> safe
> +place. The `paperkey` subcommand can be used to create a QR encoded version 
> of
> +your key. The following command sends the output of the `paperkey` command to
> +a text file, for easy printing.
>  ----
> -# proxmox-backup-client key paperkey --output-format text > qrkey.txt
> +# proxmox-backup-client key paperkey /etc/pve/priv/storage/<STORAGE-ID>.enc 
> --output-format text > qrkey.txt
>  ----
>  Because the encryption is managed on the client side, you can use the same
> -- 
> 2.20.1
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