What text do you mean exactly? The interface name?
Arbitrary null-terminated byte string...
(Yes I can name an interface "---" or 💩 (poop-emoji)...,
neither of which our iface schema in JSONSchema.pm would allow...)

> On 11/25/2020 12:39 PM Dietmar Maurer <diet...@proxmox.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the info. But what encoding does that text use? I cannot find that 
> in RFC4007 (they only
> talk about strings and text).
> > > Answering myself, it is defined in RFC4007.
> > > 
> > > But "man resolv.conf" say address must be RFC2373 ?
> > 
> > It'll still work. It's a very common notation for link local addresses,
> > since with multiple interfaces you have multiple routes with the exact
> > same prefix (including length). One `fe80::/64 dev <iface>` entry for
> > every ipv6 enabled interface, so things such as `ping fe80::1` don't
> > know what to do, so you need to either add `-I IFACE` or use
> > `fe80::1%IFACE`.
> > 
> > `getaddrinfo()` also generally supports it, so any application using
> > it properly will work fine with this.
> > (eg. `ssh foo@fe80::1%eth0` works)

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