reword some parts, fix wrong information about port forwarding

Signed-off-by: Fabian Grünbichler <>
 pvecm.adoc | 18 ++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pvecm.adoc b/pvecm.adoc
index cbbcf60..0fad203 100644
--- a/pvecm.adoc
+++ b/pvecm.adoc
@@ -872,17 +872,19 @@ If you see a healthy cluster state, it means that your 
new link is being used.
 Role of SSH in {PVE} Clusters
-{PVE} utilizes SSH tunnels for various operations.
+{PVE} utilizes SSH tunnels for various features.
-* Proxying terminal sessions of node and containers between nodes
+* Proxying console/shell sessions (node and guests)
-When you connect another nodes shell through the web interface, for example, a
-non-interactive SSH tunnel is started in order to forward the necessary ports
-for the VNC connection.
+When using the shell for node B while being connected to node A, connects to a
+terminal proxy on node A, which is in turn connected to the login shell on node
+B via a non-interactive SSH tunnel.
-* VM and CT memory and local-storage migration, if the cluster wide migration
-  settings are not configured 'insecure' mode. During a VM migration an SSH
-  tunnel is established between the target and source nodes.
+* VM and CT memory and local-storage migration in 'secure' mode.
+During the migration one or more SSH tunnel(s) are established between the
+source and target nodes, in order to exchange migration information and
+transfer memory and disk contents.
 * Storage replication

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