On 24.11.20 14:00, Fabian Ebner wrote:
> adapted from PBS. Main differences are:
>     * API has GET/DELETE distinction instead of 'dry-run'
>     * API expects a single property string for the prune options
> Signed-off-by: Fabian Ebner <f.eb...@proxmox.com>
> ---
> Needs a dependency bump for proxmox-widget-toolkit.
> Changes from v4:
>     * Switch to widget toolkit's prune keep fields.
>     * Don't load values from the storage initially. While it could be done,
>       doing a manual prune doesn't need to have to do anything at all with the
>       configuration on the storage. Problem is also that a clear trigger
>       would reset to that value instead of clearing, which obviously makes
>       sense when editing the storage configuration, but not really for
>       doing a one-shot prune operation.
>     * Use "renamed" as a reason instead of "strange name" for renamed backups
>  www/manager6/Makefile              |   1 +
>  www/manager6/storage/BackupView.js |  51 ++++++
>  www/manager6/window/Prune.js       | 257 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  3 files changed, 309 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 www/manager6/window/Prune.js

applied, thanks!

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