 src/Makefile      |   1 +
 src/PVE/CGroup.pm | 582 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 583 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/PVE/CGroup.pm

diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 1987d0e..b2a4ac6 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ LIB_SOURCES = \
        CLIHandler.pm \
        CalendarEvent.pm \
        CpuSet.pm \
+       CGroup.pm \
        Daemon.pm \
        Exception.pm \
        INotify.pm \
diff --git a/src/PVE/CGroup.pm b/src/PVE/CGroup.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e12af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PVE/CGroup.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+# cgroup handler
+# This package should deal with figuring out the right cgroup path for a
+# container (via the command socket), reading and writing cgroup values, and
+# handling cgroup v1 & v2 differences.
+# Note that the long term plan is to have resource manage functions instead of
+# dealing with cgroup files on the outside.
+package PVE::CGroup;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::File;
+use IO::Select;
+use POSIX qw();
+use PVE::ProcFSTools;
+use PVE::Tools qw(
+    file_get_contents
+    file_read_firstline
+use PVE::LXC::Command;
+# We don't want to do a command socket round trip for every cgroup read/write,
+# so any cgroup function needs to have the container's path cached, so this
+# package has to be instantiated.
+# LXC keeps separate paths by controller (although they're normally all the
+# same, in our # case anyway), so we cache them by controller as well.
+sub new {
+    my ($class, $vmid) = @_;
+    my $self = { vmid => $vmid };
+    return bless $self, $class;
+# Get the v1 controller list.
+# Returns a set (hash mapping names to `1`) of cgroupv1 controllers, and an
+# optional boolean whether a unified (cgroupv2) hierarchy exists.
+# Deprecated: Use `get_cgroup_controllers()` instead.
+sub get_v1_controllers {
+    my $v1 = {};
+    my $v2 = 0;
+    my $data = PVE::Tools::file_get_contents('/proc/self/cgroup');
+    while ($data =~ /^\d+:([^:\n]*):.*$/gm) {
+       my $type = $1;
+       if (length($type)) {
+           $v1->{$_} = 1 foreach split(/,/, $type);
+       } else {
+           $v2 = 1;
+       }
+    }
+    return wantarray ? ($v1, $v2) : $v1;
+# Get the set v2 controller list from the `cgroup.controllers` file.
+my sub get_v2_controllers {
+    my $v2 = eval { file_get_contents('/sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.controllers') }
+       || eval { 
file_get_contents('/sys/fs/cgroup/unified/cgroup.controllers') };
+    return undef if !defined $v2;
+    # It's a simple space separated list:
+    return { map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, $v2) };
+# Get a list of controllers enabled in each cgroup subsystem.
+# This is a more complete version of `PVE::LXC::get_cgroup_subsystems`.
+# Returns 2 sets (hashes mapping controller names to `1`), one for each cgroup
+# version.
+sub get_cgroup_controllers() {
+    if (!defined($CGROUP_CONTROLLERS)) {
+       my ($v1, undef) = get_v1_controllers();
+       my $v2 = get_v2_controllers();
+       $CGROUP_CONTROLLERS = [$v1, $v2];
+    }
+    return $CGROUP_CONTROLLERS->@*;
+my $CGROUP_MODE = undef;
+# Figure out which cgroup mode we're operating under:
+# Returns 1 if cgroupv1 controllers exist (hybrid or legacy mode), and 2 in a
+# cgroupv2-only environment.
+# NOTE: To fully support a hybrid layout it is better to use functions like
+# `cpuset_controller_path`.
+# This is a function, not a method!
+sub cgroup_mode() {
+    if (!defined($CGROUP_MODE)) {
+       my ($v1, $v2) = get_cgroup_controllers();
+       if (keys %$v1) {
+           # hybrid or legacy mode
+           $CGROUP_MODE = 1;
+       } elsif ($v2) {
+           $CGROUP_MODE = 2;
+       }
+    }
+    die "unknown cgroup mode\n" if !defined($CGROUP_MODE);
+    return $CGROUP_MODE;
+my $CGROUPV2_PATH = undef;
+sub cgroupv2_base_path() {
+    if (!defined($CGROUPV2_PATH)) {
+       if (cgroup_mode() == 2) {
+           $CGROUPV2_PATH = '/sys/fs/cgroup';
+       } else {
+           $CGROUPV2_PATH = '/sys/fs/cgroup/unified';
+       }
+    }
+    return $CGROUPV2_PATH;
+# Find a cgroup controller and return its path and version.
+# LXC initializes the unified hierarchy first, so if a controller is
+# available via both we favor cgroupv2 here as well.
+# Returns nothing if the controller is not available.
+sub find_cgroup_controller($) {
+    my ($controller) = @_;
+    my ($v1, $v2) = get_cgroup_controllers();
+    if (!defined($controller) || $v2->{$controller}) {
+       my $path = cgroupv2_base_path();
+       return wantarray ? ($path, 2) : $path;
+    }
+    if (defined($controller) && $v1->{$controller}) {
+       my $path = "/sys/fs/cgroup/$controller";
+       return wantarray ? ($path, 1) : $path;
+    }
+    return;
+my $CG_PATH_CPUSET = undef;
+my $CG_VER_CPUSET = undef;
+# Find the cpuset cgroup controller.
+# This is a function, not a method!
+sub cpuset_controller_path() {
+    if (!defined($CG_PATH_CPUSET)) {
+       ($CG_PATH_CPUSET, $CG_VER_CPUSET) = find_cgroup_controller('cpuset')
+           or die "failed to find cpuset controller\n";
+    }
+    return wantarray ? ($CG_PATH_CPUSET, $CG_VER_CPUSET) : $CG_PATH_CPUSET;
+# Get a subdirectory (without the cgroup mount point) for a controller.
+# If `$controller` is `undef`, get the unified (cgroupv2) path.
+# Note that in cgroup v2, lxc uses the activated controller names
+# (`cgroup.controllers` file) as list of controllers for the unified hierarchy,
+# so this returns a result when a `controller` is provided even when using
+# a pure cgroupv2 setup.
+my sub get_subdir {
+    my ($self, $controller, $limiting) = @_;
+    my $entry_name = $controller || 'unified';
+    my $entry = ($self->{controllers}->{$entry_name} //= {});
+    my $kind = $limiting ? 'limit' : 'ns';
+    my $path = $entry->{$kind};
+    return $path if defined $path;
+    $path = PVE::LXC::Command::get_cgroup_path(
+       $self->{vmid},
+       $controller,
+       $limiting,
+    ) or return undef;
+    # untaint:
+    if ($path =~ /\.\./) {
+       die "lxc returned suspicious path: '$path'\n";
+    }
+    ($path) = ($path =~ /^(.*)$/s);
+    $entry->{$kind} = $path;
+    return $path;
+# Get path and version for a controller.
+# `$controller` may be `undef`, see get_subdir above for details.
+# Returns either just the path, or the path and cgroup version as a tuple.
+sub get_path {
+    my ($self, $controller, $limiting) = @_;
+    # Find the controller before querying the lxc monitor via a socket:
+    my ($cgpath, $ver) = find_cgroup_controller($controller)
+       or return undef;
+    my $path = get_subdir($self, $controller, $limiting)
+       or return undef;
+    $path = "$cgpath/$path";
+    return wantarray ? ($path, $ver) : $path;
+# Convenience method to get the path info if the first existing controller.
+# Returns the same as `get_path`.
+sub get_any_path {
+    my ($self, $limiting, @controllers) = @_;
+    my ($path, $ver);
+    for my $c (@controllers) {
+       ($path, $ver) = $self->get_path($c, $limiting);
+       last if defined $path;
+    }
+    return wantarray ? ($path, $ver) : $path;
+# Parse a 'Nested keyed' file:
+# See kernel documentation `admin-guide/cgroup-v2.rst` 4.1.
+my sub parse_nested_keyed_file($) {
+    my ($data) = @_;
+    my $res = {};
+    foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $data)) {
+       my ($key, @values) = split(/\s+/, $line);
+       my $d = ($res->{$key} = {});
+       foreach my $value (@values) {
+           if (my ($key, $value) = ($value =~ /^([^=]+)=(.*)$/)) {
+               $d->{$key} = $value;
+           } else {
+               warn "bad key=value pair in nested keyed file\n";
+           }
+       }
+    }
+    return $res;
+# Parse a 'Flat keyed' file:
+# See kernel documentation `admin-guide/cgroup-v2.rst` 4.1.
+my sub parse_flat_keyed_file($) {
+    my ($data) = @_;
+    my $res = {};
+    foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $data)) {
+       if (my ($key, $value) = ($line =~ /^(\S+)\s+(.*)$/)) {
+           $res->{$key} = $value;
+       } else {
+           warn "bad 'key value' pair in flat keyed file\n";
+       }
+    }
+    return $res;
+# Parse out 'diskread' and 'diskwrite' values from I/O stats for this 
+sub get_io_stats {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    my $res = {
+       diskread => 0,
+       diskwrite => 0,
+    };
+    # With cgroupv1 we have a 'blkio' controller, with cgroupv2 it's just 'io':
+    my ($path, $ver) = $self->get_any_path(1, 'io', 'blkio');
+    if (!defined($path)) {
+       # container not running
+       return undef;
+    } elsif ($ver == 2) {
+       # cgroupv2 environment, io controller enabled
+       my $io_stat = file_get_contents("$path/io.stat");
+       my $data = parse_nested_keyed_file($io_stat);
+       foreach my $dev (keys %$data) {
+           my $dev = $data->{$dev};
+           if (my $b = $dev->{rbytes}) {
+               $res->{diskread} += $b;
+           }
+           if (my $b = $dev->{wbytes}) {
+               $res->{diskread} += $b;
+           }
+       }
+       return $res;
+    } elsif ($ver == 1) {
+       # cgroupv1 environment:
+       my $io = 
+       foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $io)) {
+           if (my ($type, $bytes) = ($line =~ 
/^\d+:\d+\s+(Read|Write)\s+(\d+)$/)) {
+               $res->{diskread} += $bytes if $type eq 'Read';
+               $res->{diskwrite} += $bytes if $type eq 'Write';
+           }
+       }
+       return $res;
+    } else {
+       die "bad cgroup version: $ver\n";
+    }
+    # container not running
+    return undef;
+# Read utime and stime for this container from the cpuacct cgroup.
+# Values are in milliseconds!
+sub get_cpu_stat {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    my $res = {
+       utime => 0,
+       stime => 0,
+    };
+    my ($path, $ver) = $self->get_any_path(1, 'cpuacct', 'cpu');
+    if (!defined($path)) {
+       # container not running
+       return undef;
+    } elsif ($ver == 2) {
+       my $data = eval { file_get_contents("$path/cpu.stat") };
+       # or no io controller available:
+       return undef if !defined($data);
+       $data = parse_flat_keyed_file($data);
+       $res->{utime} = int($data->{user_usec} / 1000);
+       $res->{stime} = int($data->{system_usec} / 1000);
+    } elsif ($ver == 1) {
+       # cgroupv1 environment:
+       my $clock_ticks = POSIX::sysconf(&POSIX::_SC_CLK_TCK);
+       my $clk_to_usec = 1000 / $clock_ticks;
+       my $data = 
+       $res->{utime} = int($data->{user} * $clk_to_usec);
+       $res->{stime} = int($data->{system} * $clk_to_usec);
+    } else {
+       die "bad cgroup version: $ver\n";
+    }
+    return $res;
+# Parse some memory data from `memory.stat`
+sub get_memory_stat {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    my $res = {
+       mem => 0,
+       swap => 0,
+    };
+    my ($path, $ver) = $self->get_path('memory', 1);
+    if (!defined($path)) {
+       # container most likely isn't running
+       return undef;
+    } elsif ($ver == 2) {
+       my $mem = file_get_contents("$path/memory.current");
+       my $swap = file_get_contents("$path/memory.swap.current");
+       chomp ($mem, $swap);
+       # FIXME: For the cgv1 equivalent of `total_cache` we may need to sum up
+       # the values in `memory.stat`...
+       $res->{mem} = $mem;
+       $res->{swap} = $swap;
+    } elsif ($ver == 1) {
+       # cgroupv1 environment:
+       my $stat = 
+       my $mem = file_get_contents("$path/memory.usage_in_bytes");
+       my $memsw = file_get_contents("$path/memory.memsw.usage_in_bytes");
+       chomp ($mem, $memsw);
+       $res->{mem} = $mem - $stat->{total_cache};
+       $res->{swap} = $memsw - $mem;
+    } else {
+       die "bad cgroup version: $ver\n";
+    }
+    return $res;
+# Change the memory limit for this container.
+# Dies on error (including a not-running or currently-shutting-down guest).
+sub change_memory_limit {
+    my ($self, $mem_bytes, $swap_bytes) = @_;
+    my ($path, $ver) = $self->get_path('memory', 1);
+    if (!defined($path)) {
+       die "trying to change memory cgroup values: container not running\n";
+    } elsif ($ver == 2) {
+       PVE::ProcFSTools::write_proc_entry("$path/memory.swap.max", $swap_bytes)
+           if defined($swap_bytes);
+       PVE::ProcFSTools::write_proc_entry("$path/memory.max", $mem_bytes)
+           if defined($mem_bytes);
+    } elsif ($ver == 1) {
+       # With cgroupv1 we cannot control memory and swap limits separately.
+       # This also means that since the two values aren't independent, we need 
to handle
+       # growing and shrinking separately.
+       my $path_mem = "$path/memory.limit_in_bytes";
+       my $path_memsw = "$path/memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes";
+       my $old_mem_bytes = file_get_contents($path_mem);
+       my $old_memsw_bytes = file_get_contents($path_memsw);
+       chomp($old_mem_bytes, $old_memsw_bytes);
+       $mem_bytes //= $old_mem_bytes;
+       $swap_bytes //= $old_memsw_bytes - $old_mem_bytes;
+       my $memsw_bytes = $mem_bytes + $swap_bytes;
+       if ($memsw_bytes > $old_memsw_bytes) {
+           # Growing the limit means growing the combined limit first, then 
pulling the
+           # memory limitup.
+           PVE::ProcFSTools::write_proc_entry($path_memsw, $memsw_bytes);
+           PVE::ProcFSTools::write_proc_entry($path_mem, $mem_bytes);
+       } else {
+           # Shrinking means we first need to shrink the mem-only memsw cannot 
+           # shrunk below it.
+           PVE::ProcFSTools::write_proc_entry($path_mem, $mem_bytes);
+           PVE::ProcFSTools::write_proc_entry($path_memsw, $memsw_bytes);
+       }
+    } else {
+       die "bad cgroup version: $ver\n";
+    }
+    # return a truth value
+    return 1;
+# Change the cpu quota for a container.
+# Dies on error (including a not-running or currently-shutting-down guest).
+sub change_cpu_quota {
+    my ($self, $quota, $period) = @_;
+    die "quota without period not allowed\n" if !defined($period) && 
+    my ($path, $ver) = $self->get_path('cpu', 1);
+    if (!defined($path)) {
+       die "trying to change cpu quota cgroup values: container not running\n";
+    } elsif ($ver == 2) {
+       # cgroupv2 environment, an undefined (unlimited) quota is defined as 
+       # in this interface:
+       $quota //= 'max'; # unlimited
+       if (defined($quota)) {
+           PVE::ProcFSTools::write_proc_entry("$path/cpu.max", "$quota 
+       } else {
+           # we're allowed to only write the quota:
+           PVE::ProcFSTools::write_proc_entry("$path/cpu.max", 'max');
+       }
+    } elsif ($ver == 1) {
+       $quota //= -1; # unlimited
+       $period //= -1;
+       PVE::ProcFSTools::write_proc_entry("$path/cpu.cfs_period_us", $period);
+       PVE::ProcFSTools::write_proc_entry("$path/cpu.cfs_quota_us", $quota);
+    } else {
+       die "bad cgroup version: $ver\n";
+    }
+    # return a truth value
+    return 1;
+# Change the cpu "shares" for a container.
+# In cgroupv1 we used a value in `[0..500000]` with a default of 1024.
+# In cgroupv2 we do not have "shares", we have "weights" in the range
+# of `[1..10000]` with a default of 100.
+# Since the default values don't match when scaling linearly, we use the
+# values we get as-is and simply error for values >10000 in cgroupv2.
+# It is left to the user to figure this out for now.
+# Dies on error (including a not-running or currently-shutting-down guest).
+sub change_cpu_shares {
+    my ($self, $shares, $cgroupv1_default) = @_;
+    my ($path, $ver) = $self->get_path('cpu', 1);
+    if (!defined($path)) {
+       die "trying to change cpu shares/weight cgroup values: container not 
+    } elsif ($ver == 2) {
+       # the cgroupv2 documentation defines the default to 100
+       $shares //= 100;
+       die "cpu weight (shares) must be in range [1, 10000]\n" if $shares < 1 
|| $shares > 10000;
+       PVE::ProcFSTools::write_proc_entry("$path/cpu.weight", $shares);
+    } elsif ($ver == 1) {
+       $shares //= 100;
+       PVE::ProcFSTools::write_proc_entry("$path/cpu.shares", $shares // 
+    } else {
+       die "bad cgroup version: $ver\n";
+    }
+    # return a truth value
+    return 1;
+my sub v1_freeze_thaw {
+    my ($self, $controller_path, $freeze) = @_;
+    my $path = get_subdir($self, 'freezer', 1)
+       or die "trying to freeze container: container not running\n";
+    $path = "$controller_path/$path/freezer.state";
+    my $data = $freeze ? 'FROZEN' : 'THAWED';
+    PVE::ProcFSTools::write_proc_entry($path, $data);
+    # Here we just poll the freezer.state once per second.
+    while (1) {
+       my $state = file_get_contents($path);
+       chomp $state;
+       last if $state eq $data;
+    }
+my sub v2_freeze_thaw {
+    my ($self, $controller_path, $freeze) = @_;
+    my $path = get_subdir($self, undef, 1)
+       or die "trying to freeze container: container not running\n";
+    $path = "$controller_path/$path";
+    my $desired_state = $freeze ? 1 : 0;
+    # cgroupv2 supports poll events on cgroup.events which contains the frozen
+    # state.
+    my $fh = IO::File->new("$path/cgroup.events", 'r')
+       or die "failed to open $path/cgroup.events file: $!\n";
+    my $select = IO::Select->new();
+    $select->add($fh);
+    PVE::ProcFSTools::write_proc_entry("$path/cgroup.freeze", $desired_state);
+    while (1) {
+       my $data = do {
+           local $/ = undef;
+           <$fh>
+       };
+       $data = parse_flat_keyed_file($data);
+       last if $data->{frozen} == $desired_state;
+       my @handles = $select->has_exception();
+       next if !@handles;
+       seek($fh, 0, 0)
+           or die "failed to rewind cgroup.events file: $!\n";
+    }
+# Freeze or unfreeze a container.
+# This will freeze the container at its outer (limiting) cgroup path. We use
+# this instead of `lxc-freeze` as `lxc-freeze` from lxc4 will not be able to
+# fetch the cgroup path from contaienrs still running on lxc3.
+sub freeze_thaw {
+    my ($self, $freeze) = @_;
+    my $controller_path = find_cgroup_controller('freezer');
+    if (defined($controller_path)) {
+       return v1_freeze_thaw($self, $controller_path, $freeze);
+    } else {
+       # cgroupv2 always has a freezer, there can be both cgv1 and cgv2
+       # freezers, but we'll prefer v1 when it's available as that's what lxc
+       # does as well...
+       return v2_freeze_thaw($self, cgroupv2_base_path(), $freeze);
+    }

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