> BTW, I'm currently playing with reading the rrd files, and I have notice than 
> lower precision is 1minute.
> as pvestatd send values around each 10s, is this 1minute precision an average 
> of 6x10s values send by pvestatd ?

Yes (we also store the MAX)

> I'm currently working on a poc of vm balancing, but I would like to have 
> something like 15min of 10s precision (90 samples of 10s).

Why do you need 10s resulution? Isn't 1min good enough?

> So currently I'm getting stats each 10s manually with 
> PVE::API2Tools::extract_vm_stats like the ressource api.
> (This use PVE::Cluster::rrd_dump , but I don't understand the ipcc_. code. 
> does it only return current streamed values?
> then after the rrdcached daemon is writing to rrd file the average values 
> each minute ?)
> I don't known if we could have rrd files with 15min of 10s precision ? (don't 
> known the write load impact on disks)

We use the following RRD conf, step is 60 seconds (see 

static const char *rrd_def_node[] = {

        "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:70", // 1 min avg - one hour
        "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:30:70", // 30 min avg - one day
        "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:180:70", // 3 hour avg - one week
        "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:720:70", // 12 hour avg - one month
        "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:10080:70", // 7 day avg - ony year

        "RRA:MAX:0.5:1:70", // 1 min max - one hour
        "RRA:MAX:0.5:30:70", // 30 min max - one day
        "RRA:MAX:0.5:180:70",  // 3 hour max - one week
        "RRA:MAX:0.5:720:70", // 12 hour max - one month
        "RRA:MAX:0.5:10080:70", // 7 day max - ony year

Also See: man rrdcreate

So no, you do not get 10s precission from RRD.

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