pbs cannot handle minute only calendar events, and we want to get
consistent eventually, so replace all those examples with
the hour added

also replace */x examples with 0/x as they are functually the same
and the latter is also valid in systemd (the former is not)

Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <d.csa...@proxmox.com>
 pvesr.adoc | 14 +++++---------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pvesr.adoc b/pvesr.adoc
index 6a2049b..a316518 100644
--- a/pvesr.adoc
+++ b/pvesr.adoc
@@ -114,9 +114,6 @@ itself and the start-time(s) plus all multiples of the 
repetition value. If
 you want to start replication at 8 AM and repeat it every 15 minutes until
 9 AM you would use: `'8:00/15'`
-Here you see that if no hour separation (`:`), is used the value gets
-interpreted as minute. If such a separation is used, the value on the left
-denotes the hour(s), and the value on the right denotes the minute(s).
 Further, you can use `*` to match all possible values.
 To get additional ideas look at
@@ -134,8 +131,7 @@ If omitted `'*'` is assumed.
 time-format:: A time format consists of hours and minutes interval lists.
 Hours and minutes are separated by `':'`. Both hour and minute can be list
 and ranges of values, using the same format as days.
-First are hours, then minutes. Hours can be omitted if not needed. In this
-case `'*'` is assumed for the value of hours.
+First are hours, then minutes.
 The valid range for values is `0-23` for hours and `0-59` for minutes.
@@ -149,13 +145,13 @@ Examples:
 |mon,tue,wed,thu,fri   |mon..fri               |Every working day at 0:00
 |sat,sun               |sat..sun               |Only on weekends at 0:00
 |mon,wed,fri           |--                     |Only on Monday, Wednesday and 
Friday at 0:00
-|12:05                 |12:05                  |Every day at 12:05 PM
-|*/5                   |0/5                    |Every five minutes
-|mon..wed 30/10                |mon,tue,wed 30/10      |Monday, Tuesday, 
Wednesday 30, 40 and 50 minutes after every full hour
+|12:05                 |--                     |Every day at 12:05 PM
+|*:00/5                        |*:0/5                  |Every five minutes
+|mon..wed *:30/10      |mon,tue,wed *:30/10    |Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 30, 
40 and 50 minutes after every full hour
 |mon..fri 8..17,22:0/15        |--                     |Every working day 
every 15 minutes between 8 AM and 6 PM and between 10 PM and 11 PM
 |fri 12..13:5/20       |fri 12,13:5/20         |Friday at 12:05, 12:25, 12:45, 
13:05, 13:25 and 13:45
 |12,14,16,18,20,22:5   |12/2:5                 |Every day starting at 12:05 
until 22:05, every 2 hours
-|*                     |*/1                    |Every minute (minimum interval)
+|\*:*                  |0/1:0/1                |Every minute (minimum interval)
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