On September 10, 2020 10:19 am, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
> On 10.09.20 10:00, Fabian Grünbichler wrote:
>> also, permissions has a return schema already, while it does 'match' 
>> from a structural point of view (a two-level deep hash), it is something 
>> altogether different semantically.
> as the semantics are actively controlled by the requested via a switch that
> does not matters much, IMO. They then actively request another semantic.

sure. it's just not very clean ;)

>> TL;DR: iff we really need this, then I'd put it in a separate API call.
> We could also just do the "cap heuristic calculation" in the frontend, using
> the full permissions, and fill the Cap object with it.
> This avoids a new api call or new multiplexer switch for an existing one but
> does not needs to restructure the whole UI cap control, yet.

I think I'd prefer this, should be straight-forward to port from Perl to 

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