>>When trying this I got the gateway IP returned for both, as CT IP and gateway 
>>Did not checked this patch closer, but I figured that this behavior is caused 
>>the SDN code. 

mmm, that's strange. 

When you create or update the subnet, the gateway ip you define on the subnet 
should be registered in the ipam.
(you have enable an ipam right ?)

Then, when you create CT, without any ip, it'll try to find first available ip 
in ipam.
(So if the gateway was not registered in ipam (bug maybe), that could explain 
why you have it both).

for internal ipam, i'm writing ipam database in /etc/pve/priv/ipam.db. (BTW,I'm 
not sure that it's the best path location)

>>On another node, do you think it makes sense to have vnets, subnets, IPam, 
>>DNS completely 
>>split and separated from each other? I mean, it is flexible, but a user needs 
>>to do a lot 
>>of, almost boilerplate-like, work to get this started. 
>>Advanced users may profit from this, maybe we just need a "simple wizard" for 
>>the easiest 
>>beginner case.. 

Well for subnet, you can assign multiple subnets by vnet, so yes, it's really 
need to by separated.
(Somebody at hertzner for example, buying subnets or /32 failovers ips, and 
want to add them to a vnet)
IPAM/DNS, are more reusable configurations. (like api url,key,....). So I think 
you'll define 1 or 2 of them max.

I think subnet+ipam+dns are ip features.
zones,vnets,controller are physical network features

But, yes, a gui wizard could be great for fast setup. 

----- Mail original -----
De: "Thomas Lamprecht" <t.lampre...@proxmox.com>
À: "Proxmox VE development discussion" <pve-devel@lists.proxmox.com>, 
"aderumier" <aderum...@odiso.com>
Envoyé: Lundi 7 Septembre 2020 18:40:39
Objet: Re: [pve-devel] [PATCH v2 pve-container] POC : add/del/update ip from 

On 24.08.20 18:49, Alexandre Derumier wrote: 
> This is a POC to call ip to retreive ip address from ipam. 
> (it's really just a poc && buggt , it need to be improve for vnet changes, 
> pending config apply/revert,...) 

When trying this I got the gateway IP returned for both, as CT IP and gateway 
Did not checked this patch closer, but I figured that this behavior is caused 
the SDN code. 

Using a simple zone with PVE IPam and snat subnet "" with GW 
as test. 

On another node, do you think it makes sense to have vnets, subnets, IPam, DNS 
split and separated from each other? I mean, it is flexible, but a user needs 
to do a lot 
of, almost boilerplate-like, work to get this started. 
Advanced users may profit from this, maybe we just need a "simple wizard" for 
the easiest 
beginner case.. 

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