Am 8/24/20 um 6:14 PM schrieb Tom Weber:
> Am Montag, den 24.08.2020, 17:49 +0200 schrieb Dietmar Maurer:
>>> On 08/24/2020 12:54 PM Stephan Leemburg <> wrote:
>>> On 24-08-2020 06:53, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
>>>>> If I don't put a tag on the device, it seems to behave like a
>>>>> trunk. So, that would solve my problem. _If_ the hosts where openvswitch
>>>>> enabled.
>>>> I am unable to see why you need openvswitch for that? This also
>>>> works with standard linux network.
>>> Oh, that is new for me.
>>> So, I can have a vlan aware traditional bridge in the firewall
>>> that 
>>> receives tagged frames and at the same time have the clients on
>>> the 
>>> specific 'vlans' receive non-tagged frames for their respective
>>> pvid?
>>> How can this be configured in Proxmox?
>> You do not not any special config on the pve host if you do all VLAN
>> related
>> stuff inside the VM.
> You do realize that Stephan is talking about CT not VM? (althought I
> don't think such a setup makes sense)

But it should be also possible to do that with CTs and their veth
devices, they can be untagged and act like a trunk interface (and they
can to that on one or both side of the veth peers).

I found this article which seems to explain the thematic quite well,
at least after skimming over it ;-)

I applied the increase to the CT NIC limit nonetheless, as it makes
sense to have it in sync with VMs. But this use case shouldn't need
that increase...


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