and the associated parts for 'qm start'.

Each test will first populate the MigrationTest/run directory
with the relevant configuration files and files keeping track of the
state of everything necessary. Second, the mock-script for migration
is executed, which in turn will execute the 'qm start' mock-script
(if it's an online test that gets far enough). The scripts will simulate
a migration and update the relevant files in the MigrationTest/run directory.
Finally, the main test script will evaluate the state.

The main checks are the volume IDs on the source and target and the VM
configuration itself. Additional checks are the vm_status and expected_calls,
keeping track if certain calls have been made.

The rationale behind creating two mock-scripts is two-fold:
1. It removes the need to hard code responses for the tunnel
   and to recycle logic for determining and allocating migration volumes.
   Some of that logic already happens in the API part, so it was necessary
   to mock the whole CLI-Handler.
2. It allows testing the code relevant for migration in 'qm start' as well,
   and it should even be possible to test different versions of the
   mock-scripts against each other. With a bit of extra work and things
   like 'git worktree', it might even be possible to automate this.

A helper get_patched config is introduced to be able to make small
modifications to the config file for modified tests without wasting much space.

Signed-off-by: Fabian Ebner <>

Changes from v1:
    * lots of smaller corrections/additions to the mocked routines
    * added more failure modes
    * added more tests
    * handle snapshots in patch_config correctly
    * first CLI argument now can be used to run only a specific test

 test/Makefile                         |    5 +-
 test/MigrationTest/ |  319 +++++
 test/MigrationTest/          |  142 +++
 test/MigrationTest/          |  170 +++
 test/        | 1593 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 2228 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 test/MigrationTest/
 create mode 100644 test/MigrationTest/
 create mode 100644 test/MigrationTest/
 create mode 100755 test/

diff --git a/test/Makefile b/test/Makefile
index d88cbd2..a356057 100644
--- a/test/Makefile
+++ b/test/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 all: test
-test: test_snapshot test_ovf test_cfg_to_cmd test_pci_addr_conflicts 
+test: test_snapshot test_ovf test_cfg_to_cmd test_pci_addr_conflicts 
test_qemu_img_convert test_migration
@@ -17,3 +17,6 @@ test_qemu_img_convert:
+test_migration: MigrationTest/*.pm
+       ./
diff --git a/test/MigrationTest/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efd6130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/MigrationTest/
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+package MigrationTest::QemuMigrateMock;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use JSON;
+use Test::MockModule;
+use MigrationTest::Shared;
+use PVE::API2::Qemu;
+use PVE::Storage;
+use PVE::Tools qw(file_set_contents file_get_contents);
+use PVE::CLIHandler;
+use base qw(PVE::CLIHandler);
+my $RUN_DIR_PATH = $ENV{RUN_DIR_PATH} or die "no RUN_DIR_PATH set\n";
+my $QM_LIB_PATH = $ENV{QM_LIB_PATH} or die "no QM_LIB_PATH set\n";
+my $source_volids = 
+my $source_vdisks = 
+my $vm_status = decode_json(file_get_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/vm_status"));
+my $expected_calls = 
+my $fail_config = 
+my $storage_migrate_map = 
+my $migrate_params = 
+my $test_vmid = $migrate_params->{vmid};
+my $test_target = $migrate_params->{target};
+my $test_opts = $migrate_params->{opts};
+my $current_log = '';
+my $vm_stop_executed = 0;
+# mocked modules
+my $inotify_module = Test::MockModule->new("PVE::INotify");
+    nodename => sub {
+       return 'pve0';
+    },
+    move_config_to_node => sub {
+       my ($self, $vmid, $target) = @_;
+       die "moving wrong config: '$vmid'\n" if $vmid ne $test_vmid;
+       die "moving config to wrong node: '$target'\n" if $target ne 
+       delete $expected_calls->{move_config_to_node};
+    },
+my $qemu_migrate_module = Test::MockModule->new("PVE::QemuMigrate");
+    finish_tunnel => sub {
+       delete $expected_calls->{'finish_tunnel'};
+       return;
+    },
+    fork_tunnel => sub {
+       die "fork_tunnel (mocked) - implement me\n"; # currently no call should 
lead here
+    },
+    read_tunnel => sub {
+       die "read_tunnel (mocked) - implement me\n"; # currently no call should 
lead here
+    },
+    start_remote_tunnel => sub {
+       my ($self, $raddr, $rport, $ruri, $unix_socket_info) = @_;
+       $expected_calls->{'finish_tunnel'} = 1;
+       $self->{tunnel} =  {
+           writer => "mocked",
+           reader => "mocked",
+           pid => 123456,
+           version => 1,
+       };
+    },
+    write_tunnel => sub {
+       my ($self, $tunnel, $timeout, $command) = @_;
+       if ($command =~ m/^resume (\d+)$/) {
+           my $vmid = $1;
+           die "resuming wrong VM '$vmid'\n" if $vmid ne $test_vmid;
+           return;
+       }
+       die "write_tunnel (mocked) - implement me: $command\n";
+    },
+    log => sub {
+       my ($self, $level, $message) = @_;
+       $current_log .= "$level: $message\n";
+    },
+    mon_cmd => sub {
+       my ($vmid, $command, %params) = @_;
+       if ($command eq 'nbd-server-start') {
+           return;
+       } elsif ($command eq 'block-dirty-bitmap-add') {
+           my $drive = $params{node};
+           delete $expected_calls->{"block-dirty-bitmap-add-${drive}"};
+           return;
+       } elsif ($command eq 'block-dirty-bitmap-remove') {
+           return;
+       } elsif ($command eq 'query-migrate') {
+           return { status => 'failed' } if $fail_config->{'query-migrate'};
+           return { status => 'completed' };
+       } elsif ($command eq 'migrate') {
+           return;
+       } elsif ($command eq 'migrate-set-parameters') {
+           return;
+       } elsif ($command eq 'migrate_cancel') {
+           return;
+       }
+       die "mon_cmd (mocked) - implement me: $command";
+    },
+    transfer_replication_state => sub {
+       delete $expected_calls->{transfer_replication_state};
+    },
+    switch_replication_job_target => sub {
+       delete $expected_calls->{switch_replication_job_target};
+    },
+    kvm_user_version => sub {
+       return "5.0.0";
+    },
+    qemu_blockjobs_cancel => sub {
+       return;
+    },
+    qemu_drive_mirror => sub {
+       my ($vmid, $drive, $dst_volid, $vmiddst, $is_zero_initialized, $jobs, 
$completion, $qga, $bwlimit, $src_bitmap) = @_;
+       die "drive_mirror with wrong vmid: '$vmid'\n" if $vmid ne $test_vmid;
+       die "qemu_drive_mirror '$drive' error\n" if 
+                                                && 
$fail_config->{qemu_drive_mirror} eq $drive;
+       my $nbd_info = 
+       die "target does not expect drive mirror for '$drive'\n"
+           if !defined($nbd_info->{$drive});
+       delete $nbd_info->{$drive};
+       file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/nbd_info", to_json($nbd_info));
+    },
+    qemu_drive_mirror_monitor => sub {
+       return;
+    },
+    set_migration_caps => sub {
+       return;
+    },
+    vm_stop => sub {
+       $vm_stop_executed = 1;
+       delete $expected_calls->{'vm_stop'};
+    },
+my $qemu_server_cpuconfig_module = 
+    get_cpu_from_running_vm => sub {
+       die "invalid test: if you specify a custom CPU model you need to " .
+           "specify runningcpu as well\n" if 
+       return $vm_status->{runningcpu};
+    }
+my $qemu_server_helpers_module = 
+    vm_running_locally => sub {
+       return $vm_status->{running} && !$vm_stop_executed;
+    },
+my $qemu_server_machine_module = 
+    qemu_machine_pxe => sub {
+       die "invalid test: no runningmachine specified\n"
+           if !defined($vm_status->{runningmachine});
+       return $vm_status->{runningmachine};
+    },
+my $ssh_info_module = Test::MockModule->new("PVE::SSHInfo");
+    get_ssh_info => sub {
+       my ($node, $network_cidr) = @_;
+       return {
+           ip => '',
+           name => $node,
+           network => $network_cidr,
+       };
+    },
+    storage_migrate => sub {
+       my ($cfg, $volid, $target_sshinfo, $target_storeid, $opts, $logfunc) = 
+       die "storage_migrate '$volid' error\n" if 
+                                              && 
$fail_config->{storage_migrate} eq $volid;
+       my ($storeid, $volname) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($volid);
+       die "invalid test: need to add entry for '$volid' to 
+           if $storeid ne $target_storeid && 
+       my $target_volname = $storage_migrate_map->{$volid} // 
$opts->{target_volname} // $volname;
+       my $target_volid = "${target_storeid}:${target_volname}";
+       MigrationTest::Shared::add_target_volid($target_volid);
+       return $target_volid;
+    },
+    vdisk_list => sub { # expects vmid to be set
+       my ($cfg, $storeid, $vmid, $vollist) = @_;
+       my @storeids = defined($storeid) ? ($storeid) : keys %{$source_vdisks};
+       my $res = {};
+       foreach my $storeid (@storeids) {
+           my $list_for_storeid = $source_vdisks->{$storeid};
+           my @list_for_vm = grep { $_->{vmid} eq $vmid } @{$list_for_storeid};
+           $res->{$storeid} = \@list_for_vm;
+       }
+       return $res;
+    },
+    vdisk_free => sub {
+       my ($scfg, $volid) = @_;
+       die "vdisk_free '$volid' error\n" if defined($fail_config->{vdisk_free})
+                                         && $fail_config->{vdisk_free} eq 
+       delete $source_volids->{$volid};
+    },
+    get_host_address_family => sub {
+       die "get_host_address_family (mocked) - implement me\n"; # currently no 
call should lead here
+    },
+    next_migrate_port => sub {
+       die "next_migrate_port (mocked) - implement me\n"; # currently no call 
should lead here
+    },
+    run_command => sub {
+       my ($cmd_tail, %param) = @_;
+       my $cmd_msg = to_json($cmd_tail);
+       my $cmd = shift @{$cmd_tail};
+       if ($cmd eq '/usr/bin/ssh') {
+           while (scalar(@{$cmd_tail})) {
+               $cmd = shift @{$cmd_tail};
+               if ($cmd eq '/bin/true') {
+                   return 0;
+               } elsif ($cmd eq 'qm') {
+                   $cmd = shift @{$cmd_tail};
+                   if ($cmd eq 'start') {
+                       delete $expected_calls->{ssh_qm_start};
+                       delete $vm_status->{runningmachine};
+                       delete $vm_status->{runningcpu};
+                       my @options = ( @{$cmd_tail} );
+                       while (scalar(@options)) {
+                           my $opt = shift @options;
+                           if ($opt eq '--machine') {
+                               $vm_status->{runningmachine} = shift @options;
+                           } elsif ($opt eq '--force-cpu') {
+                               $vm_status->{runningcpu} = shift @options;
+                           }
+                       }
+                       return 
+                           '/usr/bin/perl',
+                           "-I${QM_LIB_PATH}",
+                           "-I${QM_LIB_PATH}/test",
+                           "${QM_LIB_PATH}/test/MigrationTest/",
+                           'start',
+                           @{$cmd_tail},
+                           ], %param);
+                   } elsif ($cmd eq 'nbdstop') {
+                       delete $expected_calls->{ssh_nbdstop};
+                       return 0;
+                   } elsif ($cmd eq 'resume') {
+                       return 0;
+                   } elsif ($cmd eq 'unlock') {
+                       my $vmid = shift @{$cmd_tail};;
+                       die "unlocking wrong vmid: $vmid\n" if $vmid ne 
+                       PVE::QemuConfig->remove_lock($vmid);
+                       return 0;
+                   } elsif ($cmd eq 'stop') {
+                       return 0;
+                   }
+                   die "run_command (mocked) ssh qm command - implement me: 
+               } elsif ($cmd eq 'pvesm') {
+                   $cmd = shift @{$cmd_tail};
+                   if ($cmd eq 'free') {
+                       my $volid = shift @{$cmd_tail};
+                       return 1 if $fail_config->{ssh_pvesm_free}
+                                && $fail_config->{ssh_pvesm_free} eq $volid;
+                       MigrationTest::Shared::remove_target_volid($volid);
+                       return 0;
+                   }
+                   die "run_command (mocked) ssh pvesm command - implement me: 
+               }
+           }
+           die "run_command (mocked) ssh command - implement me: ${cmd_msg}";
+       }
+       die "run_command (mocked) - implement me: ${cmd_msg}";
+    },
+eval { PVE::QemuMigrate->migrate($test_target, undef, $test_vmid, $test_opts) 
+my $error = $@;
+file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/source_volids", to_json($source_volids));
+file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/vm_status", to_json($vm_status));
+file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/expected_calls", to_json($expected_calls));
+file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/log", $current_log);
+die $error if $error;
diff --git a/test/MigrationTest/ b/test/MigrationTest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f1fffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/MigrationTest/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+package MigrationTest::QmMock;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use JSON;
+use Test::MockModule;
+use MigrationTest::Shared;
+use PVE::API2::Qemu;
+use PVE::Storage;
+use PVE::Tools qw(file_set_contents file_get_contents);
+use PVE::CLIHandler;
+use base qw(PVE::CLIHandler);
+my $RUN_DIR_PATH = $ENV{RUN_DIR_PATH} or die "no RUN_DIR_PATH set\n";
+my $target_volids = 
+my $fail_config = 
+my $migrate_params = 
+my $nodename = $migrate_params->{target};
+my $kvm_exectued = 0;
+sub setup_environment {
+    my $rpcenv = PVE::RPCEnvironment::init('MigrationTest::QmMock', 'cli');
+# mock RPCEnvironment directly
+sub get_user {
+    return 'root@pam';
+sub fork_worker {
+    my ($self, $dtype, $id, $user, $function, $background) = @_;
+    $function->(123456);
+    return '123456';
+# mocked modules
+my $inotify_module = Test::MockModule->new("PVE::INotify");
+    nodename => sub {
+       return $nodename;
+    },
+    nodename => sub {
+       return $nodename;
+    },
+    config_to_command => sub {
+       return [ 'mocked_kvm_command' ];
+    },
+my $qemu_server_helpers_module = 
+    vm_running_locally => sub {
+       return $kvm_exectued;
+    },
+# to make sure we get valid and predictable names
+my $disk_counter = 10;
+    vdisk_alloc => sub {
+       my ($cfg, $storeid, $vmid, $fmt, $name, $size) = @_;
+       die "vdisk_alloc (mocked) - name is not expected to be set - implement 
+           if defined($name);
+       my $name_without_extension = "vm-${vmid}-disk-${disk_counter}";
+       $disk_counter++;
+       my $volid;
+       my $scfg = PVE::Storage::storage_config($cfg, $storeid);
+       if ($scfg->{path}) {
+           $volid = "${storeid}:${vmid}/${name_without_extension}.${fmt}";
+       } else {
+           $volid = "${storeid}:${name_without_extension}";
+       }
+       die "vdisk_alloc '$volid' error\n" if $fail_config->{vdisk_alloc}
+                                          && $fail_config->{vdisk_alloc} eq 
+       MigrationTest::Shared::add_target_volid($volid);
+       return $volid;
+    },
+    mon_cmd => sub {
+       my ($vmid, $command, %params) = @_;
+       if ($command eq 'nbd-server-start') {
+           return;
+       } elsif ($command eq 'nbd-server-add') {
+           return;
+       } elsif ($command eq 'qom-set') {
+           return;
+       }
+       die "mon_cmd (mocked) - implement me: $command";
+    },
+    run_command => sub {
+       my ($cmd_full, %param) = @_;
+       my $cmd_msg = to_json($cmd_full);
+       my $cmd = shift @{$cmd_full};
+       if ($cmd eq '/bin/systemctl') {
+           return;
+       } elsif ($cmd eq 'mocked_kvm_command') {
+           $kvm_exectued = 1;
+           return 0;
+       }
+       die "run_command (mocked) - implement me: ${cmd_msg}";
+    },
+    set_migration_caps => sub {
+       return;
+    },
+    vm_migrate_alloc_nbd_disks => sub{
+       my $nbd = 
+       file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/nbd_info", to_json($nbd));
+       return $nbd;
+    },
+our $cmddef = {
+    start => [ "PVE::API2::Qemu", 'vm_start', ['vmid'], { node => $nodename } 
diff --git a/test/MigrationTest/ b/test/MigrationTest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c09562c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/MigrationTest/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+package MigrationTest::Shared;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use JSON;
+use Test::MockModule;
+use Socket qw(AF_INET);
+use PVE::QemuConfig;
+use PVE::Tools qw(file_set_contents file_get_contents lock_file_full);
+my $RUN_DIR_PATH = $ENV{RUN_DIR_PATH} or die "no RUN_DIR_PATH set\n";
+my $storage_config = 
+my $replication_config = 
+my $fail_config = 
+my $migrate_params = 
+my $test_vmid = $migrate_params->{vmid};
+# helpers
+sub add_target_volid {
+    my ($volid) = @_;
+    lock_file_full("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/target_volids.lock", undef, 0, sub {
+       my $target_volids = 
+       die "target volid already present " if 
+       $target_volids->{$volid} = 1;
+       file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/target_volids", 
+    });
+    die $@ if $@;
+sub remove_target_volid {
+    my ($volid) = @_;
+    lock_file_full("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/target_volids.lock", undef, 0, sub {
+       my $target_volids = 
+       die "target volid does not exist " if 
+       delete $target_volids->{$volid};
+       file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/target_volids", 
+    });
+    die $@ if $@;
+my $mocked_cfs_read_file = sub {
+    my ($file) = @_;
+    if ($file eq 'datacenter.cfg') {
+       return {};
+    } elsif ($file eq 'replication.cfg') {
+       return $replication_config;
+    }
+    die "cfs_read_file (mocked) - implement me: $file\n";
+# mocked modules
+our $cluster_module = Test::MockModule->new("PVE::Cluster");
+    cfs_read_file => $mocked_cfs_read_file,
+    check_cfs_quorum => sub {
+       return 1;
+    },
+our $ha_config_module = Test::MockModule->new("PVE::HA::Config");
+    vm_is_ha_managed => sub {
+       return 0;
+    },
+our $qemu_config_module = Test::MockModule->new("PVE::QemuConfig");
+    assert_config_exists_on_node => sub {
+       return;
+    },
+    load_config => sub {
+       my ($class, $vmid, $node) = @_;
+       die "trying to load wrong config: '$vmid'\n" if $vmid ne $test_vmid;
+       return decode_json(file_get_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/vm_config"));
+    },
+    lock_config => sub { # no use locking here because lock is local to node
+       my ($self, $vmid, $code, @param) = @_;
+       return $code->(@param);
+    },
+    write_config => sub {
+       my ($class, $vmid, $conf) = @_;
+       die "trying to write wrong config: '$vmid'\n" if $vmid ne $test_vmid;
+       file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/vm_config", to_json($conf));
+    },
+our $qemu_server_cloudinit_module = 
+    generate_cloudinitconfig => sub {
+       return;
+    },
+our $qemu_server_module = Test::MockModule->new("PVE::QemuServer");
+    clear_reboot_request => sub {
+       return 1;
+    },
+    get_efivars_size => sub {
+        return 128 * 1024;
+    },
+our $replication_module = Test::MockModule->new("PVE::Replication");
+    run_replication => sub {
+       die "run_replication error" if $fail_config->{run_replication};
+       my $vm_config = PVE::QemuConfig->load_config($test_vmid);
+       return PVE::QemuConfig->get_replicatable_volumes(
+           $storage_config,
+           $test_vmid,
+           $vm_config,
+       );
+    },
+our $replication_config_module = 
+    cfs_read_file => $mocked_cfs_read_file,
+our $storage_module = Test::MockModule->new("PVE::Storage");
+    activate_volumes => sub {
+       return 1;
+    },
+    deactivate_volumes => sub {
+       return 1;
+    },
+    config => sub {
+       return $storage_config;
+    },
+    get_bandwitdth_limit => sub {
+       return 123456;
+    },
+our $systemd_module = Test::MockModule->new("PVE::Systemd");
+    wait_for_unit_removed => sub {
+       return;
+    },
+    enter_systemd_scope => sub {
+       return;
+    },
+my $migrate_port_counter = 60000;
+our $tools_module = Test::MockModule->new("PVE::Tools");
+    get_host_address_family => sub {
+       return AF_INET;
+    },
+    next_migrate_port => sub {
+       return $migrate_port_counter++;
+    },
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ab0531a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,1593 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use JSON;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::MockModule;
+use PVE::JSONSchema;
+use PVE::Tools qw(file_set_contents file_get_contents run_command);
+my $QM_LIB_PATH = '..';
+my $MIGRATE_LIB_PATH = '..';
+my $RUN_DIR_PATH = './MigrationTest/run/';
+# test configuration shared by all tests
+my $replication_config = {
+    'ids' => {
+       '105-0' => {
+           'guest' => '105',
+           'id' => '105-0',
+           'jobnum' => '0',
+           'source' => 'pve0',
+           'target' => 'pve2',
+           'type' => 'local'
+       },
+    },
+    'order' => {
+       '105-0' => 1,
+    }
+my $storage_config = {
+    ids => {
+       local => {
+           content => {
+               images => 1,
+           },
+           path => "/var/lib/vz",
+           type => "dir",
+           shared => 0,
+       },
+       "local-lvm" => {
+           content => {
+               images => 1,
+           },
+           nodes => {
+               pve0 => 1,
+               pve1 => 1,
+           },
+           type => "lvmthin",
+           thinpool => "data",
+           vgname => "pve",
+       },
+       "local-zfs" => {
+           content => {
+               images => 1,
+               rootdir => 1,
+           },
+           pool => "rpool/data",
+           sparse => 1,
+           type => "zfspool",
+       },
+       "rbd-store" => {
+           monhost => ",,::1",
+           content => {
+               images => 1,
+           },
+           type => "rbd",
+           pool => "cpool",
+           username => "admin",
+           shared => 1,
+       },
+       "local-dir" => {
+           content => {
+               images => 1,
+           },
+           path => "/some/dir/",
+           type => "dir",
+       },
+       "other-dir" => {
+           content => {
+               images => 1,
+           },
+           path => "/some/other/dir/",
+           type => "dir",
+       },
+    },
+my $vm_configs = {
+     105 => {
+       'bootdisk' => 'scsi0',
+       'cores' => 1,
+       'ide0' => 'local-zfs:vm-105-disk-1,size=103M',
+       'ide2' => 'none,media=cdrom',
+       'memory' => 512,
+       'name' => 'Copy-of-VM-newapache',
+       'net0' => 'virtio=4A:A3:E4:4C:CF:F0,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1',
+       'numa' => 0,
+       'ostype' => 'l26',
+       'parent' => 'ohsnap',
+       'pending' => {},
+       'scsi0' => 'local-zfs:vm-105-disk-0,size=4G',
+       'scsihw' => 'virtio-scsi-pci',
+       'smbios1' => 'uuid=1ddfe18b-77e0-47f6-a4bd-f1761bf6d763',
+       'snapshots' => {
+           'ohsnap' => {
+               'bootdisk' => 'scsi0',
+               'cores' => 1,
+               'ide2' => 'none,media=cdrom',
+               'memory' => 512,
+               'name' => 'Copy-of-VM-newapache',
+               'net0' => 'virtio=4A:A3:E4:4C:CF:F0,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1',
+               'numa' => 0,
+               'ostype' => 'l26',
+               'scsi0' => 'local-zfs:vm-105-disk-0,size=4G',
+               'scsihw' => 'virtio-scsi-pci',
+               'smbios1' => 'uuid=1ddfe18b-77e0-47f6-a4bd-f1761bf6d763',
+               'snaptime' => 1580976924,
+               'sockets' => 1,
+               'startup' => 'order=2',
+               'vmgenid' => '4eb1d535-9381-4ddc-a8aa-af50c4d9177b'
+           },
+       },
+       'sockets' => 1,
+       'startup' => 'order=2',
+       'vmgenid' => '4eb1d535-9381-4ddc-a8aa-af50c4d9177b',
+    },
+    149 => {
+       'agent' => '0',
+       'bootdisk' => 'scsi0',
+       'cores' => 1,
+       'hotplug' => 'disk,network,usb,memory,cpu',
+       'ide2' => 'none,media=cdrom',
+       'memory' => 4096,
+       'name' => 'asdf',
+       'net0' => 'virtio=52:5D:7E:62:85:97,bridge=vmbr1',
+       'numa' => 1,
+       'ostype' => 'l26',
+       'scsi0' => 'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-0,format=raw,size=4G',
+       'scsi1' => 'local-dir:149/vm-149-disk-0.qcow2,format=qcow2,size=1G',
+       'scsihw' => 'virtio-scsi-pci',
+       'snapshots' => {},
+       'smbios1' => 'uuid=e980bd43-a405-42e2-b5f4-31efe6517460',
+       'sockets' => 1,
+       'startup' => 'order=2',
+       'vmgenid' => '36c6c50c-6ef5-4adc-9b6f-6ba9c8071db0',
+    },
+    341 => {
+       'arch' => 'aarch64',
+       'bootdisk' => 'scsi0',
+       'cores' => 1,
+       'efidisk0' => 'local-lvm:vm-341-disk-0',
+       'ide2' => 'none,media=cdrom',
+       'ipconfig0' => 'ip=,gw=',
+       'memory' => 4096,
+       'name' => 'VM1033',
+       'net0' => 'virtio=4E:F1:82:6D:D7:4B,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1,rate=10',
+       'numa' => 0,
+       'ostype' => 'l26',
+       'scsi0' => 'rbd-store:vm-341-disk-0,size=1G',
+       'scsihw' => 'virtio-scsi-pci',
+       'snapshots' => {},
+       'smbios1' => 'uuid=e01e4c73-46f1-47c8-af79-288fdf6b7462',
+       'sockets' => 2,
+       'vmgenid' => 'af47c000-eb0c-48e8-8991-ca4593cd6916',
+    },
+    1033 => {
+       'bootdisk' => 'scsi0',
+       'cores' => 1,
+       'ide0' => 'rbd-store:vm-1033-cloudinit,media=cdrom,size=4M',
+       'ide2' => 'none,media=cdrom',
+       'ipconfig0' => 'ip=,gw=',
+       'memory' => 4096,
+       'name' => 'VM1033',
+       'net0' => 'virtio=4E:F1:82:6D:D7:4B,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1,rate=10',
+       'numa' => 0,
+       'ostype' => 'l26',
+       'scsi0' => 'rbd-store:vm-1033-disk-1,size=1G',
+       'scsihw' => 'virtio-scsi-pci',
+       'snapshots' => {},
+       'smbios1' => 'uuid=e01e4c73-46f1-47c8-af79-288fdf6b7462',
+       'sockets' => 2,
+       'vmgenid' => 'af47c000-eb0c-48e8-8991-ca4593cd6916',
+    },
+    4567 => {
+       'bootdisk' => 'scsi0',
+       'cores' => 1,
+       'ide2' => 'none,media=cdrom',
+       'memory' => 512,
+       'name' => 'snapme',
+       'net0' => 'virtio=A6:D1:F1:EB:7B:C2,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1',
+       'numa' => 0,
+       'ostype' => 'l26',
+       'parent' => 'snap1',
+       'pending' => {},
+       'scsi0' => 'local-dir:4567/vm-4567-disk-0.qcow2,size=4G',
+       'scsihw' => 'virtio-scsi-pci',
+       'smbios1' => 'uuid=2925fdec-a066-4228-b46b-eef8662f5e74',
+       'snapshots' => {
+           'snap1' => {
+               'bootdisk' => 'scsi0',
+               'cores' => 1,
+               'ide2' => 'none,media=cdrom',
+               'memory' => 512,
+               'name' => 'snapme',
+               'net0' => 'virtio=A6:D1:F1:EB:7B:C2,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1',
+               'numa' => 0,
+               'ostype' => 'l26',
+               'runningcpu' => 
+               'runningmachine' => 'pc-i440fx-5.0+pve0',
+               'scsi0' => 'local-dir:4567/vm-4567-disk-0.qcow2,size=4G',
+               'scsihw' => 'virtio-scsi-pci',
+               'smbios1' => 'uuid=2925fdec-a066-4228-b46b-eef8662f5e74',
+               'snaptime' => 1595928799,
+               'sockets' => 1,
+               'startup' => 'order=2',
+               'vmgenid' => '932b227a-8a39-4ede-955a-dbd4bc4385ed',
+               'vmstate' => 'local-dir:4567/vm-4567-state-snap1.raw',
+           },
+           'snap2' => {
+               'bootdisk' => 'scsi0',
+               'cores' => 1,
+               'ide2' => 'none,media=cdrom',
+               'memory' => 512,
+               'name' => 'snapme',
+               'net0' => 'virtio=A6:D1:F1:EB:7B:C2,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1',
+               'numa' => 0,
+               'ostype' => 'l26',
+               'parent' => 'snap1',
+               'runningcpu' => 
+               'runningmachine' => 'pc-i440fx-5.0+pve0',
+               'scsi0' => 'local-dir:4567/vm-4567-disk-0.qcow2,size=4G',
+               'scsi1' => 'local-zfs:vm-4567-disk-0,size=1G',
+               'scsihw' => 'virtio-scsi-pci',
+               'smbios1' => 'uuid=2925fdec-a066-4228-b46b-eef8662f5e74',
+               'snaptime' => 1595928871,
+               'sockets' => 1,
+               'startup' => 'order=2',
+               'vmgenid' => '932b227a-8a39-4ede-955a-dbd4bc4385ed',
+               'vmstate' => 'local-dir:4567/vm-4567-state-snap2.raw',
+           },
+       },
+       'sockets' => 1,
+       'startup' => 'order=2',
+       'unused0' => 'local-zfs:vm-4567-disk-0',
+       'vmgenid' => 'e698e60c-9278-4dd9-941f-416075383f2a',
+       },
+my $source_vdisks = {
+    'local-dir' => [
+       {
+           'ctime' => 1589439681,
+           'format' => 'qcow2',
+           'parent' => undef,
+           'size' => 1073741824,
+           'used' => 335872,
+           'vmid' => '149',
+           'volid' => 'local-dir:149/vm-149-disk-0.qcow2',
+       },
+       {
+           'ctime' => 1595928898,
+           'format' => 'qcow2',
+           'parent' => undef,
+           'size' => 4294967296,
+           'used' => 1811664896,
+           'vmid' => '4567',
+           'volid' => 'local-dir:4567/vm-4567-disk-0.qcow2',
+       },
+       {
+           'ctime' => 1595928800,
+           'format' => 'raw',
+           'parent' => undef,
+           'size' => 274666496,
+           'used' => 274669568,
+           'vmid' => '4567',
+           'volid' => 'local-dir:4567/vm-4567-state-snap1.raw',
+       },
+       {
+           'ctime' => 1595928872,
+           'format' => 'raw',
+           'parent' => undef,
+           'size' => 273258496,
+           'used' => 273260544,
+           'vmid' => '4567',
+           'volid' => 'local-dir:4567/vm-4567-state-snap2.raw',
+       },
+    ],
+    'local-lvm' => [
+       {
+           'ctime' => '1589277334',
+           'format' => 'raw',
+           'size' => 4294967296,
+           'vmid' => '149',
+           'volid' => 'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-0',
+       },
+       {
+           'ctime' => '1589277334',
+           'format' => 'raw',
+           'size' => 4194304,
+           'vmid' => '341',
+           'volid' => 'local-lvm:vm-341-disk-0',
+       },
+    ],
+    'local-zfs' => [
+       {
+           'ctime' => '1589277334',
+           'format' => 'raw',
+           'size' => 4294967296,
+           'vmid' => '105',
+           'volid' => 'local-zfs:vm-105-disk-0',
+       },
+       {
+           'ctime' => '1589277334',
+           'format' => 'raw',
+           'size' => 108003328,
+           'vmid' => '105',
+           'volid' => 'local-zfs:vm-105-disk-1',
+       },
+       {
+           'format' => 'raw',
+           'name' => 'vm-4567-disk-0',
+           'parent' => undef,
+           'size' => 1073741824,
+           'vmid' => '4567',
+           'volid' => 'local-zfs:vm-4567-disk-0',
+       },
+    ],
+    'rbd-store' => [
+       {
+           'ctime' => '1589277334',
+           'format' => 'raw',
+           'size' => 1073741824,
+           'vmid' => '1033',
+           'volid' => 'rbd-store:vm-1033-disk-1',
+       },
+       {
+           'ctime' => '1589277334',
+           'format' => 'raw',
+           'size' => 1073741824,
+           'vmid' => '1033',
+           'volid' => 'rbd-store:vm-1033-cloudinit',
+       },
+    ],
+my $default_expected_calls_online = {
+    move_config_to_node => 1,
+    ssh_qm_start => 1,
+    vm_stop => 1,
+my $default_expected_calls_offline = {
+    move_config_to_node => 1,
+my $replicated_expected_calls_online = {
+    %{$default_expected_calls_online},
+    transfer_replication_state => 1,
+    switch_replication_job_target => 1,
+my $replicated_expected_calls_offline = {
+    %{$default_expected_calls_offline},
+    transfer_replication_state => 1,
+    switch_replication_job_target => 1,
+# helpers
+sub get_patched_config {
+    my ($vmid, $patch) = @_;
+    my $new_config = { %{$vm_configs->{$vmid}} };
+    patch_config($new_config, $patch) if defined($patch);
+    return $new_config;
+sub patch_config {
+    my ($config, $patch) = @_;
+    foreach my $key (keys %{$patch}) {
+       if ($key eq 'snapshots' && defined($patch->{$key})) {
+           my $new_snapshot_configs = {};
+           foreach my $snap (keys %{$patch->{snapshots}}) {
+               my $new_snapshot_config = { %{$config->{snapshots}->{$snap}} };
+               patch_config($new_snapshot_config, 
+               $new_snapshot_configs->{$snap} = $new_snapshot_config;
+           }
+           $config->{snapshots} = $new_snapshot_configs;
+       } elsif (defined($patch->{$key})) {
+           $config->{$key} = $patch->{$key};
+       } else { # use undef value for deletion
+           delete $config->{$key};
+       }
+    }
+sub local_volids_for_vm {
+    my ($vmid) = @_;
+    my $res = {};
+    foreach my $storeid (keys %{$source_vdisks}) {
+       next if $storage_config->{ids}->{$storeid}->{shared};
+       $res = {
+           %{$res},
+           map { $_->{vmid} eq $vmid ? ($_->{volid} => 1) : () } 
+       };
+    }
+    return $res;
+my $tests = [
+# each test consists of the following:
+# name           - unique name for the test
+# target         - hostname of target node
+# vmid           - ID of the VM to migrate
+# opts           - options for the migrate() call
+# target_volids  - hash of volids on the target at the beginning
+# vm_status      - hash with running, runningmachine and optionally runningcpu
+# expected_calls - hash whose keys are calls which are required
+#                  to be made if the migration gets far enough
+# expect_die     - expect the migration call to fail, and an error message
+#                  matching the specified text in the log
+# expected       - hash consisting of:
+#                  source_volids    - hash of volids expected on the source
+#                  target_volids    - hash of volids expected on the target
+#                  vm_config        - vm configuration hash
+#                  vm_status        - hash with running, runningmachine and 
optionally runningcpu
+    {
+       # NOTE get_efivars_size is mocked and returns 128K
+       name => '341_running_efidisk_targetstorage_dir',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 341,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+           targetstorage => 'local-dir',
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_online,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => {
+               'local-dir:341/vm-341-disk-10.raw' => 1,
+           },
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(341, {
+               efidisk0 => 
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       # NOTE get_efivars_size is mocked and returns 128K
+       name => '341_running_efidisk',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 341,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_online,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => {
+               'local-lvm:vm-341-disk-10' => 1,
+           },
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(341, {
+               efidisk0 => 'local-lvm:vm-341-disk-10,format=raw,size=128K',
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '149_running_vdisk_alloc_and_pvesm_free_fail',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+       },
+       fail_config => {
+           vdisk_alloc => 'local-dir:149/vm-149-disk-11.qcow2',
+           pvesm_free => 'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-10',
+       },
+       expected_calls => {},
+       expect_die => "remote command failed with exit code",
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(149),
+           target_volids => {
+               'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-10' => 1,
+           },
+           vm_config => $vm_configs->{149},
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '149_running_vdisk_alloc_fail',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+       },
+       fail_config => {
+           vdisk_alloc => 'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-10',
+       },
+       expected_calls => {},
+       expect_die => "remote command failed with exit code",
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(149),
+           target_volids => {},
+           vm_config => $vm_configs->{149},
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '149_vdisk_free_fail',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       opts => {
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+       },
+       fail_config => {
+           'vdisk_free' => 'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-0',
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_offline,
+       expect_die => "vdisk_free 'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-0' error",
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {
+               'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-0' => 1,
+           },
+           target_volids => local_volids_for_vm(149),
+           vm_config => $vm_configs->{149},
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '105_replicated_run_replication_fail',
+       target => 'pve2',
+       vmid => 105,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       target_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+       fail_config => {
+           run_replication => 1,
+       },
+       expected_calls => {},
+       expect_die => 'run_replication error',
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+           target_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+           vm_config => $vm_configs->{105},
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '1033_running_query_migrate_fail',
+       target => 'pve2',
+       vmid => 1033,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+       },
+       fail_config => {
+           'query-migrate' => 1,
+       },
+       expected_calls => {},
+       expect_die => 'online migrate failure - aborting',
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => {},
+           vm_config => $vm_configs->{1033},
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '4567_targetstorage_dirotherdir',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 4567,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       opts => {
+           targetstorage => 'local-dir:other-dir,local-zfs:local-zfs',
+       },
+       storage_migrate_map => {
+           'local-dir:4567/vm-4567-disk-0.qcow2' => 
+           'local-dir:4567/vm-4567-state-snap1.raw' => 
+           'local-dir:4567/vm-4567-state-snap2.raw' => 
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_offline,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => {
+               'other-dir:4567/vm-4567-disk-0.qcow2' => 1,
+               'other-dir:4567/vm-4567-state-snap1.raw' => 1,
+               'other-dir:4567/vm-4567-state-snap2.raw' => 1,
+               'local-zfs:vm-4567-disk-0' => 1,
+           },
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(4567, {
+               'scsi0' => 'other-dir:4567/vm-4567-disk-0.qcow2,size=4G',
+               snapshots => {
+                   snap1 => {
+                       'scsi0' => 
+                       'vmstate' => 'other-dir:4567/vm-4567-state-snap1.raw',
+                   },
+                   snap2 => {
+                       'scsi0' => 
+                       'scsi1' => 'local-zfs:vm-4567-disk-0,size=1G',
+                       'vmstate' => 'other-dir:4567/vm-4567-state-snap2.raw',
+                   },
+               },
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '4567_running',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 4567,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-i440fx-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+       },
+       expected_calls => {},
+       expect_die => 'online storage migration not possible if snapshot 
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(4567),
+           target_volids => {},
+           vm_config => $vm_configs->{4567},
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-i440fx-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '4567_offline',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 4567,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_offline,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => local_volids_for_vm(4567),
+           vm_config => $vm_configs->{4567},
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       # FIXME: Maybe add orphaned drives as unused?
+       name => '149_running_orphaned_disk_targetstorage_zfs',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+           targetstorage => 'local-zfs',
+       },
+       config_patch => {
+           scsi1 => undef,
+       },
+       storage_migrate_map => {
+           'local-dir:149/vm-149-disk-0.qcow2' => 'vm-149-disk-0',
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_online,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => {
+               'local-zfs:vm-149-disk-10' => 1,
+               'local-zfs:vm-149-disk-0' => 1,
+           },
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(149, {
+               scsi0 => 'local-zfs:vm-149-disk-10,format=raw,size=4G',
+               scsi1 => undef,
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       # FIXME: Maybe add orphaned drives as unused?
+       name => '149_running_orphaned_disk',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+       },
+       config_patch => {
+           scsi1 => undef,
+       },
+       storage_migrate_map => {
+           'local-dir:149/vm-149-disk-0.qcow2' => '149/vm-149-disk-0.qcow2',
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_online,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => {
+               'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-10' => 1,
+               'local-dir:149/vm-149-disk-0.qcow2' => 1,
+           },
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(149, {
+               scsi0 => 'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-10,format=raw,size=4G',
+               scsi1 => undef,
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       # FIXME: This test is not (yet) a realistic situation, because
+       # storage_migrate currently never changes the format (AFAICT)
+       # But if such migrations become possible, we need to either update
+       # the 'format' property or simply remove it for drives migrated
+       # with storage_migrate (the property is optional, so it shouldn't be a 
+       name => '149_targetstorage_map_lvmzfs_defaultlvm',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       opts => {
+           targetstorage => 'local-lvm:local-zfs,local-lvm',
+       },
+       storage_migrate_map => {
+           'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-0' => 'vm-149-disk-0',
+           'local-dir:149/vm-149-disk-0.qcow2' => 'vm-149-disk-0',
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_offline,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => {
+               'local-zfs:vm-149-disk-0' => 1,
+               'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-0' => 1,
+           },
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(149, {
+               scsi0 => 'local-zfs:vm-149-disk-0,format=raw,size=4G',
+               scsi1 => 'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-0,format=qcow2,size=1G',
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       # FIXME same as for the previous test
+       name => '149_targetstorage_map_dirzfs_lvmdir',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+           targetstorage => 'local-dir:local-zfs,local-lvm:local-dir',
+       },
+       storage_migrate_map => {
+           'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-0' => '149/vm-149-disk-0.raw',
+           'local-dir:149/vm-149-disk-0.qcow2' => 'vm-149-disk-0',
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_offline,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => {
+               'local-dir:149/vm-149-disk-0.raw' => 1,
+               'local-zfs:vm-149-disk-0' => 1,
+           },
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(149, {
+               scsi0 => 'local-dir:149/vm-149-disk-0.raw,format=raw,size=4G',
+               scsi1 => 'local-zfs:vm-149-disk-0,format=qcow2,size=1G',
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '149_running_targetstorage_map_lvmzfs_defaultlvm',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+           targetstorage => 'local-lvm:local-zfs,local-lvm',
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_online,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => {
+               'local-zfs:vm-149-disk-10' => 1,
+               'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-11' => 1,
+           },
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(149, {
+               scsi0 => 'local-zfs:vm-149-disk-10,format=raw,size=4G',
+               scsi1 => 'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-11,format=raw,size=1G',
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '149_running_targetstorage_map_lvmzfs_dirdir',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+           targetstorage => 'local-lvm:local-zfs,local-dir:local-dir',
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_online,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => {
+               'local-zfs:vm-149-disk-10' => 1,
+               'local-dir:149/vm-149-disk-11.qcow2' => 1,
+           },
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(149, {
+               scsi0 => 'local-zfs:vm-149-disk-10,format=raw,size=4G',
+               scsi1 => 
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '149_running_targetstorage_zfs',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+           targetstorage => 'local-zfs',
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_online,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => {
+               'local-zfs:vm-149-disk-10' => 1,
+               'local-zfs:vm-149-disk-11' => 1,
+           },
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(149, {
+               scsi0 => 'local-zfs:vm-149-disk-10,format=raw,size=4G',
+               scsi1 => 'local-zfs:vm-149-disk-11,format=raw,size=1G',
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '149_running_wrong_size',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+       },
+       config_patch => {
+           scsi0 => 'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-0,size=123T',
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_online,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => {
+               'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-10' => 1,
+               'local-dir:149/vm-149-disk-11.qcow2' => 1,
+           },
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(149, {
+               scsi0 => 'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-10,format=raw,size=4G',
+               scsi1 => 
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '149_running_missing_size',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+       },
+       config_patch => {
+           scsi0 => 'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-0',
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_online,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => {
+               'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-10' => 1,
+               'local-dir:149/vm-149-disk-11.qcow2' => 1,
+           },
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(149, {
+               scsi0 => 'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-10,format=raw,size=4G',
+               scsi1 => 
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '105_local_device_shared',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 105,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       config_patch => {
+           ide2 => '/dev/sde,shared=1',
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_offline,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(105, {
+               ide2 => '/dev/sde,shared=1',
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '105_local_device_in_snapshot',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 105,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       config_patch => {
+           snapshots => {
+               ohsnap => {
+                   ide2 => '/dev/sde',
+               },
+           },
+       },
+       expected_calls => {},
+       expect_die => "can't migrate local disk '/dev/sde': local file/device",
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+           target_volids => {},
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(105, {
+               snapshots => {
+                   ohsnap => {
+                       ide2 => '/dev/sde',
+                   },
+               },
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '105_local_device',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 105,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       config_patch => {
+           ide2 => '/dev/sde',
+       },
+       expected_calls => {},
+       expect_die => "can't migrate local disk '/dev/sde': local file/device",
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+           target_volids => {},
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(105, {
+               ide2 => '/dev/sde',
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '105_cdrom_in_snapshot',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 105,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       config_patch => {
+           snapshots => {
+               ohsnap => {
+                   ide2 => 'cdrom,media=cdrom',
+               },
+           },
+       },
+       expected_calls => {},
+       expect_die => "can't migrate local cdrom drive (referenced in snapshot 
- ohsnap",
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+           target_volids => {},
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(105, {
+               snapshots => {
+                   ohsnap => {
+                       ide2 => 'cdrom,media=cdrom',
+                   },
+               },
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '105_cdrom',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 105,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       config_patch => {
+           ide2 => 'cdrom,media=cdrom',
+       },
+       expected_calls => {},
+       expect_die => "can't migrate local cdrom drive",
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+           target_volids => {},
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(105, {
+               ide2 => 'cdrom,media=cdrom',
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '149_running_missing_option_withlocaldisks',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+       },
+       expected_calls => {},
+       expect_die => "can't live migrate attached local disks without 
with-local-disks option",
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(149),
+           target_volids => {},
+           vm_config => $vm_configs->{149},
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '149_running_missing_option_online',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+       },
+       expected_calls => {},
+       expect_die => "can't migrate running VM without --online",
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(149),
+           target_volids => {},
+           vm_config => $vm_configs->{149},
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '1033_running_customcpu',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 1033,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           runningcpu => 'host,+kvm_pv_eoi,+kvm_pv_unhalt',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+       },
+       config_patch => {
+           cpu => 'custom-mycpu',
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_online,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => {},
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(1033, {
+               cpu => 'custom-mycpu',
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+               runningcpu => 'host,+kvm_pv_eoi,+kvm_pv_unhalt',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '105_replicated_to_non_replication_target',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 105,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       target_volids => {},
+       expected_calls => $replicated_expected_calls_offline,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+           vm_config => $vm_configs->{105},
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '105_running_replicated',
+       target => 'pve2',
+       vmid => 105,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-i440fx-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+       },
+       target_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+       expected_calls => {},
+       expect_die => "online storage migration not possible if snapshot 
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+           target_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+           vm_config => $vm_configs->{105},
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-i440fx-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '105_replicated',
+       target => 'pve2',
+       vmid => 105,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       target_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+       expected_calls => $replicated_expected_calls_offline,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+           target_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+           vm_config => $vm_configs->{105},
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '105_running_replicated_without_snapshot',
+       target => 'pve2',
+       vmid => 105,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-i440fx-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       config_patch => {
+           snapshots => undef,
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+       },
+       target_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+       expected_calls => {
+           %{$replicated_expected_calls_online},
+           'block-dirty-bitmap-add-drive-scsi0' => 1,
+           'block-dirty-bitmap-add-drive-ide0' => 1,
+       },
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+           target_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(105, {
+               snapshots => {},
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-i440fx-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '105_replicated_without_snapshot',
+       target => 'pve2',
+       vmid => 105,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       config_patch => {
+           snapshots => undef,
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+       },
+       target_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+       expected_calls => $replicated_expected_calls_offline,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+           target_volids => local_volids_for_vm(105),
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(105, {
+               snapshots => {},
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '1033_running',
+       target => 'pve2',
+       vmid => 1033,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_online,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => {},
+           vm_config => $vm_configs->{1033},
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '149_locked',
+       target => 'pve2',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       config_patch => {
+           lock => 'locked',
+       },
+       expected_calls => {},
+       expect_die => "VM is locked",
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(149),
+           target_volids => {},
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(149, {
+               lock => 'locked',
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '149_storage_not_available',
+       target => 'pve2',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       expected_calls => {},
+       expect_die => "storage 'local-lvm' is not available on node 'pve2'",
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(149),
+           target_volids => {},
+           vm_config => $vm_configs->{149},
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '149_running',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_online,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => {
+               'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-10' => 1,
+               'local-dir:149/vm-149-disk-11.qcow2' => 1,
+           },
+           vm_config => get_patched_config(149, {
+               scsi0 => 'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-10,format=raw,size=4G',
+               scsi1 => 
+           }),
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '149_running_drive_mirror_fail',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 1,
+           runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+       },
+       opts => {
+           online => 1,
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+       },
+       expected_calls => {},
+       expect_die => "qemu_drive_mirror 'scsi1' error",
+       fail_config => {
+           'qemu_drive_mirror' => 'scsi1',
+       },
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(149),
+           target_volids => {},
+           vm_config => $vm_configs->{149},
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 1,
+               runningmachine => 'pc-q35-5.0+pve0',
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       name => '149_offline',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       opts => {
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+       },
+       expected_calls => $default_expected_calls_offline,
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => {},
+           target_volids => local_volids_for_vm(149),
+           vm_config => $vm_configs->{149},
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+    {
+       # FIXME test is not deterministic, because sometimes the second volume 
is migrated
+       #       first and there is no cleanup of remotedisks yet, when failing 
this early
+       name => '149_storage_migrate_fail',
+       target => 'pve1',
+       vmid => 149,
+       vm_status => {
+           running => 0,
+       },
+       opts => {
+           'with-local-disks' => 1,
+       },
+       fail_config => {
+           'storage_migrate' => 'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-0',
+       },
+       expected_calls => {},
+       expect_die => "storage_migrate 'local-lvm:vm-149-disk-0' error",
+       expected => {
+           source_volids => local_volids_for_vm(149),
+           target_volids => {},
+           vm_config => $vm_configs->{149},
+           vm_status => {
+               running => 0,
+           },
+       },
+    },
+mkdir $RUN_DIR_PATH;
+file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/storage_config", to_json($storage_config));
+file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/source_vdisks", to_json($source_vdisks));
+my $single_test_name = shift;
+foreach my $test (@{$tests}) {
+    my $name = $test->{name};
+    next if defined($single_test_name) && $name ne $single_test_name;
+    my $expect_die = $test->{expect_die};
+    my $expected = $test->{expected};
+    my $source_volids = local_volids_for_vm($test->{vmid});
+    my $target_volids = $test->{target_volids} // {};
+    my $config_patch = $test->{config_patch};
+    my $vm_config = get_patched_config($test->{vmid}, $test->{config_patch});
+    my $fail_config = $test->{fail_config} // {};
+    my $storage_migrate_map = $test->{storage_migrate_map} // {};
+    if (my $targetstorage = $test->{opts}->{targetstorage}) {
+       $test->{opts}->{storagemap} = 
PVE::JSONSchema::parse_idmap($targetstorage, 'pve-storage-id');
+    }
+    my $migrate_params = {
+       target => $test->{target},
+       vmid => $test->{vmid},
+       opts => $test->{opts},
+    };
+    file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/nbd_info", to_json({}));
+    file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/source_volids", 
+    file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/target_volids", 
+    file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/vm_config", to_json($vm_config));
+    file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/vm_status", 
+    file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/expected_calls", 
+    file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/fail_config", to_json($fail_config));
+    file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/storage_migrate_map", 
+    file_set_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/migrate_params", 
+    my $exitcode = run_command([
+       '/usr/bin/perl',
+       "-I${MIGRATE_LIB_PATH}",
+       "-I${MIGRATE_LIB_PATH}/test",
+       "${MIGRATE_LIB_PATH}/test/MigrationTest/",
+    ], noerr => 1, errfunc => sub {print "#$name - $_[0]\n"} );
+    if (defined($expect_die) && $exitcode) {
+       my $log = file_get_contents("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/log");
+       my @lines = split /\n/, $log;
+       my $matched = 0;
+       foreach my $line (@lines) {
+           $matched = 1 if $line =~ m/^err:.*\Q${expect_die}\E/;
+           $matched = 1 if $line =~ m/^warn:.*\Q${expect_die}\E/;
+       }
+       if (!$matched) {
+           fail($name);
+           note("expected error message is not present in log");
+       }
+    } elsif (defined($expect_die) && !$exitcode) {
+       fail($name);
+       note("mocked migrate call didn't fail, but it was expected to - check 
+    } elsif (!defined($expect_die) && $exitcode) {
+       fail($name);
+       note("mocked migrate call failed, but it was not expected - check log");
+    }
+    my $expected_calls = 
+    foreach my $call (keys %{$expected_calls}) {
+       fail($name);
+       note("expected call '$call' was not made");
+    }
+    if (!defined($expect_die)) {
+       my $nbd_info = 
+       foreach my $drive (keys %{$nbd_info}) {
+           fail($name);
+           note("drive '$drive' was not mirrored");
+       }
+    }
+    my $actual = {
+       source_volids => 
+       target_volids => 
+       vm_config => 
+       vm_status => 
+    };
+    is_deeply($actual, $expected, $name);
+    rename("${RUN_DIR_PATH}/log", "${RUN_DIR_PATH}/log-$name") or die "rename 
log failed\n";

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