Hello Kamil,

Thanks, here is the list of the requested GitHub accounts.


On 7/21/20 3:11 PM, Kamil Trzciński wrote:
> Hi Proxmox Team,
> I got a message from Thomas Lamprecht that asked about
> the github proxmox org[0] that I'm owner of.
> Thomas indicated that this is confusing to Proxmox users
> the existence of this organisation as some users look
> for sources or help on this organisation, where all
> development happens over mailing list.
> Thomas proposed to use this organisation as a read-only mirror
> of `git.proxmox.com` and asked if I would like to hand off
> the ownership.
> I would love to!
> I propose the following process of transferring
> ownership:
> 1. I would like to use this public communication thread for
>    the transfer process to make it formal
> 2. I would ask Martin or Dietmar to provide a list of GitHub accounts
>    to which I should transfer ownership (feel free to send it privately)
> 3. I will add these member(s) to the GitHub org
> 4. I will ask to confirm that you got access
> 5. I will `Leave` myself from the Org
> Thanks for awesome work on this project for that
> many years.
> Kamil
> [0]: https://github.com/proxmox
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Best Regards,

Martin Maurer


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