>>great! I'll see if I can look at this soon - if something has priority or 
>>if it stops you from continuing just ping me, I can try to give it some 
>>priority then, thanks! 

thanks thomas, nothing blocking for now, as I'm still working on the 
foundations in pve-network.

Maybe later I'll try to plug it in differents part (qemu/lxc config, 

But I'm going on holiday next week for 3 weeks, so you have time, no hurry

I'll send the pve-docs tomorrow for subnets && ipam.

----- Mail original -----
De: "Thomas Lamprecht" <t.lampre...@proxmox.com>
À: "Proxmox VE development discussion" <pve-devel@lists.proxmox.com>, 
"aderumier" <aderum...@odiso.com>, "pve-devel" <pve-de...@pve.proxmox.com>
Envoyé: Mardi 14 Juillet 2020 09:34:04
Objet: Re: [pve-devel] [PATCH pve-network 0/9] sdn : add subnets management

On 14.07.20 07:47, Alexandre Derumier wrote: 
> This patch series add basic subnets managements. 
> Subnets will be use for multiple things: 
> - defined gateway ip on vnets 
> - enable snat on a subnet 
> - add cloudnit|dhcp default network configs (gateway, static routes, 
> nameservers,searchdomain,....) 
> - add ipam management. (ip registrations to external ipam, for vm|ct ip 
> management) 
> - add dns registration. (reverse dns for subnet, and searchdomain regisration 
> in external dns like powerdns ) 
> - ... 
> Currently, only gateway option is implemented: 
> It's currently replace ip management on vnets for layer3 plugins, 
> through the option "gateway". 
> If the option gateway is defined, for layer3 plugins (evpn && simple), 
> the ip will be used for the vnet. 
> A vnet can have multiple subnets, with multiples ipv4/ipv6. 
> (I'm currently working on ipam) 

great! I'll see if I can look at this soon - if something has priority or 
if it stops you from continuing just ping me, I can try to give it some 
priority then, thanks! 

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