and make the two options mutally exclusive as long
as they are specified on the same level (e.g. both
from the storage configuration). Otherwise prefer
option > storage config > default (only maxfiles has a default currently).

Defines the backup limit for prune-backups as the sum of all

There is no perfect way to determine whether a
new backup would trigger a removal with prune later:
1. we would need a way to include the not yet existing backup
   in a 'prune --dry-run' check.
2. even if we had that check, if it's executed right before
   a full hour, and the actual backup happens after the full
   hour, the information from the check is not correct.

So in some cases, we allow backup jobs with remove=0, that
will lead to a removal when the next prune is executed.
Still, the job with remove=0 does not execute a prune, so:
1. There is a well-defined limit.
2. A job with remove=0 never removes an old backup.

Signed-off-by: Fabian Ebner <>

Changes from v3:
    * allow prune-backups as a vzdump parameter
    * use log function for output when pruning
    * only make maxfiles and prune-backups conflict when they
      have the same preference level (e.g. both are passed as an option).

 PVE/API2/ |  4 +--
 PVE/      | 88 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 2 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PVE/API2/ b/PVE/API2/
index 2eda973e..19fa1e3b 100644
--- a/PVE/API2/
+++ b/PVE/API2/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
     method => 'POST',
     description => "Create backup.",
     permissions => {
-       description => "The user needs 'VM.Backup' permissions on any VM, and 
'Datastore.AllocateSpace' on the backup storage. The 'maxfiles', 'tmpdir', 
'dumpdir', 'script', 'bwlimit' and 'ionice' parameters are restricted to the 
'root\@pam' user.",
+       description => "The user needs 'VM.Backup' permissions on any VM, and 
'Datastore.AllocateSpace' on the backup storage. The 'maxfiles', 
'prune-backups', 'tmpdir', 'dumpdir', 'script', 'bwlimit' and 'ionice' 
parameters are restricted to the 'root\@pam' user.",
        user => 'all',
     protected => 1,
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
                if $param->{stdout};
-       foreach my $key (qw(maxfiles tmpdir dumpdir script bwlimit ionice)) {
+       foreach my $key (qw(maxfiles prune-backups tmpdir dumpdir script 
bwlimit ionice)) {
            raise_param_exc({ $key => "Only root may set this option."})
                if defined($param->{$key}) && ($user ne 'root@pam');
diff --git a/PVE/ b/PVE/
index 2f509555..17153fe4 100644
--- a/PVE/
+++ b/PVE/
@@ -89,6 +89,12 @@ sub storage_info {
        maxfiles => $scfg->{maxfiles},
+    $info->{'prune-backups'} = 
+       if defined($scfg->{'prune-backups'});
+    die "cannot have 'maxfiles' and 'prune-backups' configured at the same 
+       if defined($info->{'prune-backups'}) && defined($info->{maxfiles});
     if ($type eq 'pbs') {
        $info->{pbs} = 1;
     } else {
@@ -459,12 +465,18 @@ sub new {
     if ($opts->{storage}) {
        my $info = eval { storage_info ($opts->{storage}) };
-       $errors .= "could not get storage information for '$opts->{storage}': 
-           if ($@);
-       $opts->{dumpdir} = $info->{dumpdir};
-       $opts->{scfg} = $info->{scfg};
-       $opts->{pbs} = $info->{pbs};
-       $opts->{maxfiles} //= $info->{maxfiles};
+       if (my $err = $@) {
+           $errors .= "could not get storage information for 
'$opts->{storage}': $err";
+       } else {
+           $opts->{dumpdir} = $info->{dumpdir};
+           $opts->{scfg} = $info->{scfg};
+           $opts->{pbs} = $info->{pbs};
+           if (!defined($opts->{'prune-backups'}) && 
!defined($opts->{maxfiles})) {
+               $opts->{'prune-backups'} = $info->{'prune-backups'};
+               $opts->{maxfiles} = $info->{maxfiles};
+           }
+       }
     } elsif ($opts->{dumpdir}) {
        $errors .= "dumpdir '$opts->{dumpdir}' does not exist"
            if ! -d $opts->{dumpdir};
@@ -472,7 +484,9 @@ sub new {
        die "internal error";
-    $opts->{maxfiles} //= $defaults->{maxfiles};
+    if (!defined($opts->{'prune-backups'}) && !defined($opts->{maxfiles})) {
+       $opts->{maxfiles} = $defaults->{maxfiles};
+    }
     if ($opts->{tmpdir} && ! -d $opts->{tmpdir}) {
        $errors .= "\n" if $errors;
@@ -651,6 +665,7 @@ sub exec_backup_task {
     my $opts = $self->{opts};
+    my $cfg = PVE::Storage::config();
     my $vmid = $task->{vmid};
     my $plugin = $task->{plugin};
     my $vmtype = $plugin->type();
@@ -703,8 +718,18 @@ sub exec_backup_task {
        my $basename = $bkname . strftime("-%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S", 
        my $maxfiles = $opts->{maxfiles};
+       my $prune_options = $opts->{'prune-backups'};
+       my $backup_limit = 0;
+       if (defined($maxfiles)) {
+           $backup_limit = $maxfiles;
+       } elsif (defined($prune_options)) {
+           foreach my $keep (values %{$prune_options}) {
+               $backup_limit += $keep;
+           }
+       }
-       if ($maxfiles && !$opts->{remove}) {
+       if ($backup_limit && !$opts->{remove}) {
            my $count;
            if ($self->{opts}->{pbs}) {
                my $res = 
PVE::Storage::PBSPlugin::run_client_cmd($opts->{scfg}, $opts->{storage}, 
'snapshots', $pbs_group_name);
@@ -713,10 +738,10 @@ sub exec_backup_task {
                my $bklist = get_backup_file_list($opts->{dumpdir}, $bkname);
                $count = scalar(@$bklist);
-           die "There is a max backup limit of ($maxfiles) enforced by the".
+           die "There is a max backup limit of $backup_limit enforced by the".
                " target storage or the vzdump parameters.".
                " Either increase the limit or delete old backup(s).\n"
-               if $count >= $maxfiles;
+               if $count >= $backup_limit;
        if (!$self->{opts}->{pbs}) {
@@ -923,23 +948,28 @@ sub exec_backup_task {
        # purge older backup
-       if ($maxfiles && $opts->{remove}) {
-           if ($self->{opts}->{pbs}) {
-               my $args = [$pbs_group_name, '--quiet', '1', '--keep-last', 
-               my $logfunc = sub { my $line = shift; debugmsg ('info', $line, 
$logfd); };
-               PVE::Storage::PBSPlugin::run_raw_client_cmd(
-                   $opts->{scfg}, $opts->{storage}, 'prune', $args, logfunc => 
-           } else {
-               my $bklist = get_backup_file_list($opts->{dumpdir}, $bkname, 
-               $bklist = [ sort { $b->{ctime} <=> $a->{ctime} } @$bklist ];
-               while (scalar (@$bklist) >= $maxfiles) {
-                   my $d = pop @$bklist;
-                   my $archive_path = $d->{path};
-                   debugmsg ('info', "delete old backup '$archive_path'", 
-                   PVE::Storage::archive_remove($archive_path);
+       if ($opts->{remove}) {
+           if ($maxfiles) {
+               if ($self->{opts}->{pbs}) {
+                   my $args = [$pbs_group_name, '--quiet', '1', '--keep-last', 
+                   my $logfunc = sub { my $line = shift; debugmsg ('info', 
$line, $logfd); };
+                   PVE::Storage::PBSPlugin::run_raw_client_cmd(
+                       $opts->{scfg}, $opts->{storage}, 'prune', $args, 
logfunc => $logfunc);
+               } else {
+                   my $bklist = get_backup_file_list($opts->{dumpdir}, 
$bkname, $task->{target});
+                   $bklist = [ sort { $b->{ctime} <=> $a->{ctime} } @$bklist ];
+                   while (scalar (@$bklist) >= $maxfiles) {
+                       my $d = pop @$bklist;
+                       my $archive_path = $d->{path};
+                       debugmsg ('info', "delete old backup '$archive_path'", 
+                       PVE::Storage::archive_remove($archive_path);
+                   }
+           } elsif (defined($prune_options)) {
+               my $logfunc = sub { debugmsg($_[0], $_[1], $logfd) };
+               PVE::Storage::prune_backups($cfg, $opts->{storage}, 
$prune_options, $vmid, $vmtype, 0, $logfunc);
@@ -1126,6 +1156,12 @@ sub verify_vzdump_parameters {
     raise_param_exc({ pool => "option conflicts with option 'vmid'"})
        if $param->{pool} && $param->{vmid};
+    raise_param_exc({ 'prune-backups' => "option conflicts with option 
+       if defined($param->{'prune-backups'}) && defined($param->{maxfiles});
+    $param->{'prune-backups'} = 
+       if defined($param->{'prune-backups'});
     $param->{all} = 1 if (defined($param->{exclude}) && !$param->{pool});
     warn "option 'size' is deprecated and will be removed in a future " .

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