
We have Puppet 6.14.0 in our infra. Below is the status of puppet agent on 
one of our Apache HTTPD servers:

*$ ps aux|grep puppetroot      1282  0.0  1.6 292500 63056 ?        Ssl   
2024   6:48 /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/ruby 
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/puppet agent --no-daemonize*

*$ systemctl status puppet● puppet.service - Puppet agent   Loaded: loaded 
(/lib/systemd/system/puppet.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)  
 Active: active (running) since Mon 2024-07-15 23:47:20 -05; 6 months 24 
days ago Main PID: 1282 (puppet)    Tasks: 2   Memory: 71.9M      CPU: 6min 
48.210s   CGroup: /system.slice/puppet.service           └─1282 
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/ruby /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/puppet agent 

*$ grep runinterval /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.confruninterval = 20m*

We do our config management locally via Git. When we need a change, we make 
changes locally, push it to remote Puppet master repo, raise a PR for 
approval, and merge it to 'master' branch. Once merged to the master, the 
config changes are then pulled by puppet agents on Apache HTTPD servers.

Due to an emergency, we had to disable Puppet (puppet agent --disable) on 
Apache servers and make changes directly by hand in to Apache's configs; 
quite a lot of changes went in.

Now, the config-management code in Git is out of sync with the live configs 
on servers. Because of this we can't enable puppet agent on the Apache 

We need to be able to enable Puppet agent on the Apache servers, but only 
after bringing our code in Git upto speed with changes that went into the 
servers manually. The plan of action:

1. Stop Puppet using `systemctl stop puppet`.
2. Run `puppet agent --test --noop --show_diff`, note the drift.
3. Commit code into Git to bridge the drift.
4. Repeat 2 > 3 until `puppet agent --test --noop --show_diff` shows 'no 
5. Start Puppet using `systemctl start puppet`.
6. Enable Puppet `puppet agent --enable`.


1. Because runinterval is set to 20m, will Puppet agent run in between even 
after `systemctl stop puppet`?


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