Hi Alex

Ubuntu 22.04 Agent support is planned for this quarter, we don't have a
specific timeline just yet as we have other priorities that we are working


On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 6:16 PM Alex Rodriguez <al...@puppet.com> wrote:

> My apologies, the question was related to Ubuntu 22.04 but my previous
> reply was in relation to Ubuntu 20.04.  So, in relation to Ubuntu 22.04, at
> this point in time, I know that for sure Open Source Puppet will have Agent
> support for Ubuntu 22.04 by the end of May.  But Puppet Enterprise will not
> have it until August, 2022.  One question, are you also looking for Ubuntu
> 22.04 support for Primary Platforms?
> Alex
> On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 9:24 AM Alex Rodriguez <al...@puppet.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Support for Ubuntu (General Availability kernels) 20.04 x86_64 is part of
>> Puppet Enterprise 2021.6 and 2019.8.11. These two are scheduled for release
>> later today.
>> Alex Rodriguez
>> Technical Program Manager
>> On Tue, May 10, 2022 at 5:54 PM grant....@webqem.com <
>> grant.dav...@webqem.com> wrote:
>>> Any update on this one from Puppet Labs please? The OS has been released
>>> for several weeks now, and nearly all other major third party repos (NGiNX,
>>> Percona, Icinga2) have added support for it by now. Thanks in advance.
>>> On Tuesday, 15 March 2022 at 19:17:58 UTC+11 dhei...@opentext.com wrote:
>>>> Am Sonntag, dem 13.03.2022 um 16:21 -0700 schrieb grant....@webqem.com:
>>>> Does anyone know when the apt repos will support Ubuntu 'jammy' 22.04?
>>>> Yeah, it would really be great if the support was available by the time
>>>> it is released.
>>>> Bye...
>>>> Dirk
>>>> --
>>>> *Dirk Heinrichs*
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