
I'm in the process of migrating from old to new DSC modules, and I'm running 
into an issue when installing Windows Features.

I need feature "NET-Framework-Core" installed (so, .NET Framework 3.5). I'm 
installing this feature from a CAB file because this doesn't work from 
"Install-WindowsFeature", and I'm coming from "dsc_windowsoptionalfeature", 
which had a "source" parameter which "dsc_xwindowsoptionalfeature" doesn't have.

The Puppet code reads:

dsc_xwindowspackagecab {'NET-Framework-Core':
  dsc_ensure     => 'Present',
  dsc_sourcepath => 'C:\Temp',
  dsc_name       => 
  dsc_logpath    => 

I keep getting:

 dsc_logpath changed  to 
 dsc_ensure changed 'Absent' to 'Present' (corrective)
Notice: dsc_xwindowspackagecab[{:name=>"NET-Framework-Core", 
 Creating: Finished in 8.88 seconds

Powershell shows the feature is installed, when it wasn't before:

PS C:\Windows\system32> (Get-WindowsFeature -Name 

So I checked DSC as derived from the Puppet Agent debug trace output:

$InvokeParams = @{
    Name = 'xWindowsPackageCab';
    Method = 'get';
    Property = @{
        ensure = 'Present';
        sourcepath = 'C:\Temp';
        name = 
    ModuleName = @{
        ModuleName = 
        RequiredVersion = '9.1.0'

Invoke-DscResource @InvokeParams

ConfigurationName    : 
DependsOn            : 
ModuleName           : 
ModuleVersion        : 9.1.0
PsDscRunAsCredential : 
ResourceId           : 
SourceInfo           : 
Ensure               : Absent
LogPath              : 
Name                 : 
SourcePath           : C:\Temp
PSComputerName       : localhost

DSC says that LogPath is empty, and that Ensure is Absent. Not what I expected.
The logfile as used in the code is written and contains lots of lines; lines 
are added with every Puppet Agent run.

I'm using Puppet Agent 6.26 with Puppet Server 6.17.1.

Can anyone hint me to what I'm missing?


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