
no answer yet? Or did miss them? I'm not a puppet professional but i may
provide some other approaches and an opinion.

There is the function defined()
https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/7/function.html#defined , but it's tricky
because you need to be 100% sure that in your example class fail2ban is
included before the function call.
Here is an example:

❯ cat profile/manifests/test.pp
class profile::test (
) {
  notify {"this is test.": }

❯ cat profile/manifests/test2.pp
class profile::test2 {
  if defined(Class["profile::test"]) {
    notify { "This ist test2. test is also here.": }
  } else {
    notify { "This ist test2. i'm alone. i'm cold.": }

❯ cat profile/manifests/wrapper1.pp
class profile::wrapper1 {
  include profile::test
  include profile::test2

❯ cat profile/manifests/wrapper2.pp
class profile::wrapper2 {
  include profile::test2
  include profile::test

Performing puppet runs with ('profile::wrapper1',)
Info: Using configured environment 'production'
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Retrieving locales
Info: Loading facts
Info: Caching catalog for bullseye.local
Info: Applying configuration version '1644913701'
Notice: this is test.
Notice: /Stage[main]/Profile::Test/Notify[this is test.]/message: defined
'message' as 'this is test.'
Notice: This ist test2. test is also here.
Notice: /Stage[main]/Profile::Test2/Notify[This ist test2. test is also
here.]/message: defined 'message' as 'This ist test2. test is also here.'
Notice: Applied catalog in 16.16 seconds

Performing puppet runs with ('profile::wrapper2',)
Reading package lists...
Info: Using configured environment 'production'
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Retrieving locales
Info: Loading facts
Info: Caching catalog for bullseye.local
Info: Applying configuration version '1644913738'
Notice: This ist test2. i'm alone. i'm cold.
Notice: /Stage[main]/Profile::Test2/Notify[This ist test2. i'm alone. i'm
cold.]/message: defined 'message' as 'This ist test2. i\'m alone. i\'m
Notice: this is test.
Notice: /Stage[main]/Profile::Test/Notify[this is test.]/message: defined
'message' as 'this is test.'
Notice: Applied catalog in 15.80 seconds

For me this wouldn't be reliable enough to use.

Another approach would be to create a fact.

❯ cat profile/facts.d/fail2ban.sh
[ -x ${FAIL2BAN} ] && echo fail2ban_version=$(/usr/bin/fail2ban-client

❯ cat profile/manifests/test3.pp
class profile::test3 {
  if $facts["fail2ban_version"] {
    notify {"The fail2ban version is ${facts['fail2ban_version']}":}

But this solution has the same drawbacks as yours, it adds to execution
time and it can only be true on the second puppetrun.

Imho you should find the point where you include fail2ban and do your stuff
there. Or you can wrap fail2ban.

I'm sure there are puppetnerds out there with way better advice.


Am Fr., 11. Feb. 2022 um 22:29 Uhr schrieb 'Matt Zagrabelny' via Puppet
Users <puppet-users@googlegroups.com>:

> Greetings,
> I have a puppetdb installation that I leverage by querying from my
> manifests.
> I'd like to have a boolean-like operation for puppetdb that pretty much
> tests if the current node has a given class as part of the catalog. Here is
> my current code:
>         $query = [
>             'resources[certname] {',
>             'type = "Class"',
>             'and',
>             "title = \"fail2ban\"",
>             'and',
>             "certname = \"${trusted['certname']}\"",
>             '}',
>         ]
>         $this_host_has_fail2ban = puppetdb_query(
>             $query.join(' ')
>         ).map |$entity| {
>             $entity["certname"]
>         }
>         if "${trusted['certname']}" in $this_host_has_fail2ban {
>             $shall_allow_from_internet = true
>         }
>         else {
>             $shall_allow_from_internet = false
>         }
> Is there a simpler mechanism to find out if a node has a given class in
> its catalog?
> Thanks for any help!
> -m
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