Hi All,

> Tomorrow morning (~9am Pacific) we'll be updating the rolling 'puppet'
> repos to point to the new 'puppet7' release from a couple of weeks ago.
> If you're already using the 'puppet' release packages (such
> asĀ http://yum.puppetlabs.com/puppet-release-el-7.noarch.rpm
> <http://yum.puppetlabs.com/puppet-release-el-7.noarch.rpm>), your repos
> will start pointing to puppet7 tomorrow.

Anybody having VMs / Baremetals / ... using VLANs: You will run into a
regression with Facter 4 that will stop puppet 7 from working on these


The fix is there, but there is no release yet containing the fix. So
it's worth holding these machines of from being updated on the rolling

Additionally, there are a couple of regressions regarding how networking
facts are being reported by Facter 4:


If you are depending on these facts in your manifests (e.g. in a
condition), it might be the case that puppet will do something
differently. I suggest checking your manifests for the usage of these facts.

I didn't check the bug tracker thoroughly for other regressions, but I
have seen a few more. So it might worth looking into it, as regressions
in fact reporting can have unintended side-effects.

And really only cosmetic wise, you get a bunch of warnings in puppet 7
for the user and exec types:


They are not really an issue, but might affect you if you are parsing
the output. E.g. filtering cron output -> cron emails are sent out with
these alerts.

Other than that: Puppet 7 runs smoothly, be sure to re-install your
gems, as it switches to Ruby 2.7



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