
The Facter team is happy to announce the release of Facter 4.0.36

Here's what changed:


   - (FACT-2747) Add missing legacy facts on all platforms #2034
   - (FACT-2721) Added Solaris virtual fact #2033
   - (FACT-2745) Add Linux xen fact #2040
   - (FACT-2740) Add Gce fact #2035
   - (FACT-2743) Added LDom fact for solaris #2041
   - (FACT-2296) Added fact group for legacy facts #2047
   - (FACT-2753) Resolve facts sequentially. #2050
   - (FACT-2728) Added hypervisors fact for Solaris #2045
   - (FACT-2752) Added serialnumber fact for AIX #2052
   - (FACT-2729) Add Solaris is_virtual fact #2056
   - (FACT-2773) Added board_asset_tag fact for linux #2059


   - (FACT-2454) fix how used memory is calculated #2038
   - (FACT-2747-scope6) Allow scope6 to be blocked on all platforms #2037
   - (maint) Add nil check for ec2 facts. #2042
   - (maint) Correctly initialise logger. #2043
   - (FACT-2747) Add ssh legacy facts. #2044
   - (FACT-2561) Fix blocking mechanism #2046
   - (FACT-2741) Fix double quotes for numbers in yaml formatter #2053
   - (FACT-2754) Add os.distro release legacy facts #2055
   - (FACT-2771) Fix Solaris kernelmajversion fact #2057
   - (FACT-2457) Display newlines in values #2058

Feel free to reach out on slack
<https://puppetcommunity.slack.com/archives/C0W1X7ZAL> or open a ticket on
https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/projects/FACT with facter-ng label. Or, even
better, open a PR on the facter <https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter>
repository, targeting the 4.x branch.

Best regards,
Andrei Filipovici

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