Hi Raghuram,

yes you can! Simply call the function in the plan, just like you would if 
calling the function from a standard Puppet manifest.
For example, say you have a function module1::myfunction()
Calling that function in your plan looks like this:

plan module1::myplan(
  String $some_param
  $result = module1::myfunction($some_param)

Kind regards,
On Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 11:51:49 AM UTC+2 baisani...@gmail.com 

> Hi All,
> If we have a function inside 
> /etc/puppetlabs/code/environment/production/modules/<module>/lib/puppet/functions/<module>/<func.rb>
> Is it possible to call the func.rb in a plan residing inside 
> /etc/puppetlabs/code/environment/production/modules/<module>/  
> plans/<plan.pp>?
> In the mentioned case above both .pp file and .rb file are in *same* 
> module.
> If it is possible then how can we accommodate that.
> Thanks
> Raghuram 

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